The Whole Statue Issue.....

Hotrod511's Avatar
You are right. There are some who do not want these statues removed and they aren't racist. However, it would seem they are a minority. Free speech, and majority rules. The majority of folks don't care or want them removed.

I'm okay with anything that fucks with racists. That's my narrative. Racists are idiotic, illogical cowards. They waste their lives with hate. Originally Posted by grean
The last paragraph of your post fits you to a T
is very much different than statue removal by demonstration / antifa bullshit.

It is still anti-intellectual and still erases history. Politically - I would be against it for those reasons, but if that is what a legislative body voted to do then - so be it. The politicians voting on it should be careful, because their political seat would be in danger - either way even.
bamscram's Avatar
  • grean
  • 08-18-2017, 10:47 AM
They are not a minority. 62% of Americans want them to stay. Originally Posted by bambino
I believe the majority of Americans didn't vote for Trump. However, they did where it mattered, so now he is in office.

If the majority of peopeople in Charlottesville want it gone, even if they are a minority compared to the whole, which I doubt, but for arguments sake, fine, then they still control what happens in their town regarding the statues.

Could you link your source for that stat, please?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Move them to Pissburg, EATLER.

Add that information, add more historical information, tell the story, educate the population about the progress of rights in the US.

Stand up, be accountable for the problems, don't forget, be honest and accurate.

This "take them down because it hurts my feelings" is bullshit. And, yes - as I said earlier - a vote from a govt entity can take them down. That is how it works here.
lustylad's Avatar
Look you fucking loon... a local municipality can do what the f*** it wants not what the majority of America thinks as long as it's legal Originally Posted by WTF
Nobody is saying they can't do what they want, you loony ape. If the polls are correct, then a lot of municipalities will leave the statues up. Even most African Americans aren't in favor of removing them, according to the Marist poll.
bambino's Avatar
I believe the majority of Americans didn't vote for Trump. However, they did where it mattered, so now he is in office.

If the majority of peopeople in Charlottesville want it gone, even if they are a minority compared to the whole, which I doubt, but for arguments sake, fine, then they still control what happens in their town regarding the statues.

Could you link your source for that stat, please? Originally Posted by grean
Here you go:
LexusLover's Avatar
These should not be in a museum. Originally Posted by johnjay
Then call it an "Art Galleria" .. because that's what it is: ART.

There are many museums in this country and outside of this country that contain relics and art objects (including statues) from countries and eras that many would find "offensive" but they are preserved for a variety of reasons.

If some narrow minded, hysterical, little oversensitive titty baby doesn't want to go look at the items because it would make them scared and cry ... then they don't have to go look at them.

And I'm all for getting rid of the "division" and "anger" in this country so we all can concentrate on something productive.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nobody is saying they can't do what they want, you loony ape. If the polls are correct, ... Originally Posted by lustylad
You people who want to "take polls" and "vote" on free speech are really making a HUGE mistake with that "precedence" .... which is directly in violation of the 250 years or so of the interpretation of the First Amendment as it relates to "protected speech"!

If you start letting these whiney cry-babies run your life and our society, we really are fucked! The whole country is fucked ....

because tomorrow "the shoe is on the other foot soon enough"!!!

That's what's wrong with the titty-babies right now ...

... their candidate didn't win ... so they are going to dismantle the house .... and burn it to the ground ... in their tantrum.
  • grean
  • 08-18-2017, 11:25 AM
Here you go: Originally Posted by bambino
Thanks. That's an interesting survey. I'm glad to see a majority of us, according to the survey, thought Trumps response was bs.

Can't argue the numbers. I just have to stick to the perhaps the majority in that town wanted it gone.
bambino's Avatar
Thanks. That's an interesting survey. I'm glad to see a majority of us, according to the survey, thought Trumps response was bs.

Can't argue the numbers. I just have to stick to the perhaps the majority in that town wanted it gone. Originally Posted by grean
Ive said this in another thread. I've been to Charlottesville, Richmond, and Williamsburg many times over the past 30yrs. It's a beautiful and historic part of the country. Those statues have coexisted peacefully among the locals and visitors.
It's a part of their fabric and culture. The locals are cordial and educated. It's a slippery slope. Jefferson will be next. That would be a huge problem in Charlottesville. Jefferson IS UVA and Charlottesville.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks. That's an interesting survey. I'm glad to see a majority of us, according to the survey, thought Trumps response was bs. Originally Posted by grean
You're probably also "glad" that a "survey" this time last year showed Trump was going to get his ass kicked in November, too! How'd that work out for you?

So far "my survey" shows 100% don't give a shit about the statues!

(And before you get all racist and hysterical ... it ain't all White people in "my survey"!!!!)
LexusLover's Avatar
Ive said this in another thread. I've been to Charlottesville, Richmond, and Williamsburg many times over the past 30yrs. It's a beautiful and historic part of the country. Those statues have coexisted peacefully among the locals and visitors.
It's a part of their fabric and culture. The locals are cordial and educated. It's a slippery slope. Jefferson will be next. That would be a huge problem in Charlottesville. Jefferson IS UVA and Charlottesville. Originally Posted by bambino
"We" have an example on how "this plays out" ... the quotes of HillariousNoMore raising hell with Trump when he called the elections rigged and all these same whiney punks were raising hell because he wasn't going to accept the results of the election!!!! So, when the shit don't go their way ... it's a 180! Little, narrow minded, immature, spoiled brats do that!

The really sad part is anyone pays attention to them!

If you never give them candy at the check out they never throw a tantrum because they didn't get a candy at the check out ...... baby raising 101!

Looking at the little twerp in North Korea!!!! They're no better than he is.
bambino's Avatar
Thanks. That's an interesting survey. I'm glad to see a majority of us, according to the survey, thought Trumps response was bs.

Can't argue the numbers. I just have to stick to the perhaps the majority in that town wanted it gone. Originally Posted by grean
Read the rest of the numbers. You might not be so glad.