White supremacist providers?

Yous might be the dumbest mofo on the whole of ECCIE, Clay. A true son of the Great White South.

Why dont yous hook up with Austin Allen? Yous are both in the same part of Texas, eh?

How’s your uncle Sid Phyllis?

And what Pedsy said. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Was he at yous cave warming party in Austin...ASSWIPE??
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yssup Rider likes being buttfucked. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Funny how you skipped over my question. Let's not do that this time. Answer the question. Why the fuck did you have the most posts bad mouthing black people in that NBA thread under the handle you ran from? Don't be a pussy. Own it and be honest. Don't act like a scared bitch. You typed all of that hateful shit so own it and be honest.

I don't know whether Yssup Rider is posting under another handle, but who the fuck are you to give him shit if he actually is after all of the handles you ran from? I understand other dudes giving him shit, but they are stand up enough guys who at least didn't run from any handles like a pussy like you did.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Was he at yous cave warming party in Austin...ASSWIPE?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Yous sure are all over a white supremacist thread, Mr. Dime Store Blowjob!

Your pure ignorance cracks me up. You're a Jew and you are giving a self proclaimed white supremacist tips about finding a white supremacist hooker. If the idiot OP is actually a white supremacist, HE FUCKING HATES YOU!!! Are you really this stupid?

You claim to not be racist. If they did not remove that NBA thread that included one of your old handles that you ran from, I could show that your stupid old Jew ass was the top poster in that thread. Why were you all over that thread spewing your disdain for black people?

Don't run from a handle and try to change your persona and try to act tolerant and then tell on yourself like the fool you are. Be a man and own it. Saying you are not racist because you have fucked black hookers means nothing, dipshit. I didn't need to take a black history class and sociology class in undergrad to realize how fucking stupid that sounds. You really are quite the old stupid Jew. LOL

The only thing you have in common with the OP is that you both hate black people. You're too stupid to know that he also hates your people if he is who he says he is. Stop being stupid and use some common sense. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I think your premise is based upon some outdated thoughts on the subject of "white"-Jewish relations. While some bad actors in the past felt anger towards the Jewish people in America because a few dumbfucks who happened to be Jewish helped destroy American society by overcompensating for the injustice of slavery against blacks, they were really just using black people for their own political agenda in a fashion similar to the current political left.

Knowing how easy it is to coast through a typical Ivy League college with the 98% graduation rate I can see how the nuance escapes you, you anti-Semite little cowardly bitch!

Stop acting tough when everyone has seen by your own statements you were too scared to show up for your beating!
Funny how you skipped over my question. Let's not do that this time. Answer the question. Why the fuck did you have the most posts bad mouthing black people in that NBA thread under the handle you ran from? Don't be a pussy. Own it and be honest. Don't act like a scared bitch. You typed that hateful shit so own it and be honest.

I don't know whether Yssup Rider is under another handle, but who the fuck are you to give him shit if he actually is? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Please link the thread in question you ignorant little pussy!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I can't link the thread in question and you know that fact, dipshit. If it was not removed, I would have already done so to laugh about what a complete racist fool you are.

You know the terms. You show me proof of concept about money. I'm, not showing you proof of my Ivy League degrees and beating your old ass up for free. You so couldn't have picked a worst guy than me. I prove I have an Ivy League degree for $100K and I'll show you that I am every inch of 6'4" and I would beat the shit out of your pathetic old Jew ass. I'm not doing this shit for free. I've got better shit to do with my time so we put big money on this shit. Just FYI, your stupid old Jew ass would be out of $200K and hospital bills for yourself in no time if you are good for it

Don't give me the fucking address on Super Bowl Sunday to a police station clown if you are serious about anything. That's not how it works to any sane human being who actually watches NFL games. That's about the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. Your stupid old Jew ass knows that I am the last guy who you should meet. Stop talking tough, you old bitch. I'm so not the one. I'm doing you a huge favor. Or bet me that $200K and lose it to see whether I am full of shit. Bring my cash. I'm not meeting a fucking old Jew loser like you for free to show what I am about.

Edit: You still skipped over my question about all of the racist shit you posted in that NBA thread that was removed, bitch.
LexusLover's Avatar
.. I'm, not showing you proof of my Ivy League degrees ... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You do with every ignorant post of yours. No wonder Bernie et al believe education should be "free"!
I can't link the thread in question and you know that fact, dipshit. If it was not removed, I would have already done so to laugh about what a complete racist fool you are.

You know the terms. You show me proof of concept about money. I'm, not showing you proof of my Ivy League degrees and beating your old ass up for free. You so couldn't have picked a worst guy than me. I prove I have an Ivy League degree for $100K and I'll show you that I am every inch of 6'4" and I would beat the shit out of your pathetic old Jew ass. I'm not doing this shit for free. I've got better shit to do with my time so we put big money on this shit. Just FYI, your stupid old Jew ass would be out of $200K and hospital bills for yourself in no time if you are good for it

Don't give me the fucking address on Super Bowl Sunday to a police station clown if you are serious about anything. That's not how it works to any sane human being who actually watches NFL games. That's about the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. Your stupid old Jew ass knows that I am the last guy who you should meet. Stop talking tough, you old bitch. I'm so not the one. I'm doing you a huge favor. Or bet me that $200K and lose it to see whether I am full of shit. Bring my cash. I'm not meeting a fucking old Jew loser like you for free to show what I am about.

Edit: You still skipped over my question about all of the racist shit you posted in that NBA thread that was removed, bitch. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You are a pathetic anti-Semitic loser.

I was there you little punk - I wasn't scared to show up so fuck you, faggot! Our meet time was noon - the Super Bowl wasn't until hours later. How many chips and beer do you have to consume to withstand the boring pregame conversation for 4-5 hours!

Without a link to the thread we have no evidence to debate. How am I supposed to know what was in some thread you are referencing that was deleted? I don't remember anything specific about the NBA being discussed on this board on some super thread - who would?

Fuck - you are a stupid blow hard!
It seems that it is, from what I see on TV, difficult to figure out what “White Supremacists” think are superior over, since their IQ’s seem to be on the lower end of the scale.
LexusLover's Avatar
It seems that it is, from what I see on TV, difficult to figure out what “White Supremacists” think are superior over, since their IQ’s seem to be on the lower end of the scale. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How do you know Biden's IQ?

His boss taught him right!

Lucas McCain's Avatar
You are a pathetic anti-Semitic loser. Originally Posted by friendly fred
You get what you get from me only because you know the vitriol shit you said about black people with your other handles. You can play stupid about that all you want, but you know what you posted.

You said in a previous post that some black people were "decent" and "reasonable". You know who else was? His name was Ted Bundy before he became a serial killer. That's hardly a glowing endorsement of anyone and especially any race you racist jackass.

I went to school with a lot of Jewish people and I am still friends with many of them today. The thing is, when you bad mouth black people you are bad mouthing my friends. If someone bad mouthed Jewish people, they would be getting the same shit from me for being a piece of shit like you.

As far as meeting you to fight, that was even more stupid than your love letter thread to hookers, dipshit. Both made absolutely no sense to anyone with half a brain.

And Lexus Lover, have your nursing home feed you some jello and teach your senile old ass how to multi quote on a whore board. It's not that hard to figure out, dummy.
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And Lexus Lover, have your nursing home feed you some jello and teach your senile old ass how to multi quote on a whore board. It's not that hard to figure out, dummy. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
LexusLover is going to put a dress and make-up on so Clay can fuck a old white racist!
lustylad's Avatar
I'm not showing you proof of my Ivy League degrees and beating your old ass up for free. You so couldn't have picked a worst (sic) guy than me. I prove I have an Ivy League degree for $100K and I'll show you that I am every inch of 6'4" and I would beat the shit out of your pathetic old Jew ass. I'm not doing this shit for free. I've got better shit to do with my time so we put big money on this shit. Just FYI, your stupid old Jew ass would be out of $200K and hospital bills for yourself in no time if you are good for it Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

You said in a previous post that some black people were "decent" and "reasonable". You know who else was? His name was Ted Bundy before he became a serial killer. That's hardly a glowing endorsement of anyone and especially any race you racist jackass.

I went to school with a lot of Jewish people and I am still friends with many of them today. The thing is, when you bad mouth black people you are bad mouthing my friends. If someone bad mouthed Jewish people, they would be getting the same shit from me for being a piece of shit like you. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

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  • 03-08-2020, 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by lustylad
I see out hall monitor is back.

Where you been? A Trump economic summit to parrot 3 plus % growth!
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