You know you are a hobbyiest when...

proper's Avatar
when you all of sudden change lanes/make a u-turn or break all traffic rules because the most sought after provider just confirmed the appointment you have been waiting for while you were driving to your plan B or Plan C appointments.
proper's Avatar
when you are out of town in a rental car and your laptop is on the passenger seat connected to you cell phone and you are surfing the boards to look for a provider - while driving!
When you go to a Chinese / Vietnames resteraunt with the SO and you can not only understand the wait staff but you can order dinner and know all of the words to all of the songs to the Oriental music in the background
TexasGator's Avatar
When half the providers in town either know your gate code or the security guard recognizes them and waves them in.
When half the providers in town either know your gate code or the security guard recognizes them and waves them in. Originally Posted by TexasGator
Tee hee
When half the providers in town either know your gate code or the security guard recognizes them and waves them in. Originally Posted by TexasGator
I'm sure this is just a funny thought and not reality...right? Correct? TG, you're not denying it...damn him.
TexasGator's Avatar
When half the providers in town either know your gate code or the security guard recognizes them and waves them in. Originally Posted by TexasGator
I'm sure this is just a funny thought and not reality...right? Correct? TG, you're not denying it...damn him. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Purely hypothetical. I assure you there's no security guard where I live.
  • Benny
  • 09-22-2010, 04:16 PM
When the first thing you do in the morning is check your hobby mail or log on to a hobby site.

When you get lucky on a civilian date but feel something is missing: your date does not ask you to leave a donation on the table.

Or when you pull her jeans down and you can't figure out why there is a triangle of hair over her pussy.

And when you get back to your wife and she wants to get on you and you push her back and say: "you crazy bitch never go bareback."
You frantically search for some App for your smart phone that allows you to list ATF's and their area (if they are static) and your phone will show what "friends" are in the area and how far away.

Your smart phone has more information about your ATF's in the contact listings than any other numbers in there (name, number, pricing, activities, area of town, website, photos etc)
Killersalt's Avatar
When you carry around an extra $300 in cash, just in case....
Eccie Addict's Avatar
When you go through a box of Trojans in 4 days lol not talking bout just a box of 3 either
Htowner's Avatar
Purely hypothetical. I assure you there's no security guard where I live. Originally Posted by TexasGator
Yeah on that note, when you lose power in the middle of summer and you call your fello hobbyist and ask if you can post from his house and keep up .
-When you bake a turkey and take it to your favorite AMP on -Thanksgiving.
-You run to your ATF to let her know of your promotion.
-When you call your studio owner to let him know your flight is delayed.
-When you intentially book a session before bad weather on the chance of staying over with all those who couldn't leave.
-When you divide your tax return into donations and see how many you get.
-When you devide your repair estimates for your house or your car just to see what the setback is.
-When you don't want to count the ladies or the Benjis you have spent since you started.
-When your 4HO1k is much larger than 401k.
and of course:
When your disposable income has been replaced by disposable furniture(those with upcoming garage sales do not take this personal).
Sisyphus's Avatar
....I'm amazed that I can make AND meet a date off just ONE phone call...

....I can "get lucky" with said date & leave disappointed at the "limited menu"...

....I won't see said date again because I didn't care for her TCB skills....

....I can't drive past a Scottish or Palace Inn w/o grinning/giggling...

....I know instantly that some nutty news story is obviously a provider/hobbyist tale gone awry....

...I won't go to a party because I'm concerned it will be raided...

....I become the little kid in the Sixth Sense in that, "I see providers...everywhere...just walking around. And, they don't even KNOW they're providers"....
Your pre-paid "hobby" phone costs more per month than your "regular" phone. Originally Posted by bbkid
that is or mobile....something cheap and $30 bucks a month.... lets face it...your only making fone calls and booking notels.
Raphael's Avatar
I knew I needed help when I saw a big guy in a mall and asked myself: "is this RatBoy Jam?"

I knew I was past helping when I saw a big old slob woman and I asked myself is this Ratina.