Did you see Hazeldoll's Showcase

Eh, you're fine. I'm just generally baffled by this topic when it comes up. My point is, degrading a new provider, or any provider, because her rate isn't the typical market rate is weird. Really weird. Even schooling her gently when she didn't ask you to teach is weird.

There are men on this site who like my rate and I see some of them. There are men who like me a whole bunch, hate my rates, and throw extra money or magic my way to let me know. And hell, there are men here that wouldn't fuck me for free. Not every guy here, or in the greater goddamn world, is interested in me, especially because I'm chubby and getting older everyday. Luckily, I'm rad how I am and therefore attract enough attention/the attention I like to keep me sane/paid. I have no reason to let the majority who aren't interested in me dictate how I treat myself, place my standards, or run my side business. This lady shouldn't either. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Wait a second here.......where do I sign up for fucking you for FREE!!??? PM me anytime you feel like running that special.
Wait a second here.......where do I sign up for fucking you for FREE!!??? PM me anytime you feel like running that special. Originally Posted by stevejones1969
You have to play to win...then hope for a golden ticket.
I don't know about the rest of you hooligans but I have immensely enjoyed every time I have had the pleasure of spending time with JennsLolli. Hell, she was wonderful enough to get me started. Hazelldoll can charge whatever she wants - some will find value and others will not. A public scolding seems foolish.

Eh, you're fine. I'm just generally baffled by this topic when it comes up. My point is, degrading a new provider, or any provider, because her rate isn't the typical market rate is weird. Really weird. Even schooling her gently when she didn't ask you to teach is weird.

There are men on this site who like my rate and I see some of them. There are men who like me a whole bunch, hate my rates, and throw extra money or magic my way to let me know. And hell, there are men here that wouldn't fuck me for free. Not every guy here, or in the greater goddamn world, is interested in me, especially because I'm chubby and getting older everyday. Luckily, I'm rad how I am and therefore attract enough attention/the attention I like to keep me sane/paid. I have no reason to let the majority who aren't interested in me dictate how I treat myself, place my standards, or run my side business. This lady shouldn't either. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Tha only reason ennybuddy is a-gittin' a public scolding in this h'yar forum is onna 'count thet this is an a-nonny-mouse cormmunnity so we cain't drag tha l'il filly out inta tha town square an' put her in one o' them ol' fashun pillories, shave 'er haid an' whip 'er back raw wif a cat o' nine tails an' then pin a scarlet lett'r ta her clothes (like a big P fer "platinum pussy"). Well, we'uns culdn't dew thet nowadays ennyways thanks ta all them damned politically currect lib'rls, but sometimes it's jus' nice ta thinck whut tha Foundin' Fathers Wilda done.

FloridaShark's Avatar
I'll turn Jenn's point on its head. If you got dolled up in your finest and walked into the scum-fuckiest dive bar on the face of the earth and asked "hey fellas, whatdya think?" would you expect a courteous, logical response?

It's like "whoa, Chuck Manson was not cool!". I have the same reaction to dudes that are all "man, that hooker tricked me. I LURVED HER!".
Men at scum-fucky dive bars want to fuck me. If I were to be so vocal, I'd probably wind up getting gangbanged on the pool table. No, really. I give off a slutty Pollyanna vibe. Hard men dig it the most.

(A weak rebuttal, sure.)
FloridaShark's Avatar
Now I understand the high Yelp rating of dive bars.
Can I just +1 all of JennsLolli's posts? And Purpletree's post, too?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
It's not about worth or her rates relative to substitute twat, it's about how often she wants to suck y'all off (and how she values dick sucking time relative to other time, risk assessment, financial needs, etc. etc). Telling a lady she's worth more than her rate while slipping her a tip is sweet. Telling a lady to lower her rate is cool...if and only if she says to you "man, I don't get it. I can't make any money doing this, do you have any tips for me?"

Seriously. Do y'all walk into Saks, loudly scoff at high priced shoes you wouldn't even buy for $4? Groan about the price of strip steaks at Luby's? There's plenty of shit I could buy but can't afford. Luckily, I don't want most of it nor feel entitled to have it at a price point that suits my budget.

Sure, it's one less set of fuck holes for y'all to plow in these parts, but why get all huffy about it? Originally Posted by JennsLolli
I love this post. All of it.
Deznuttz's Avatar
Holy thread bumping Batman.
inspector farquar's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar
Batman? Originally Posted by inspector farquar