Alert/Review protocol question

Actually, I will disagree with Olivia here. (Actually, just her earlier post...she's updated since I was typing this) I think this site is about information exchange. It's about informing and protecting our community. If there is a threat, on either side, I think this is an appropriate place to share it.

In the most extreme examples, if a lady was a attacked or harassed by a john who contacted her outside of ECCIE, she should alert others here If a hobbyist is outed by a hooker from BP or another site, he should alert people here.

If you choose to avail yourself of he Internet as your means of advertising, then you must, in my opinion, accept that according to the rules of this site, you may be reviewed on the Internet.

I actually think the board owners have been quite nice in giving the ladies here the opportunity to have a No Review Policy under proper circumstances.

I do understand that there is a possibility for abuse and libel here, as Olivia stated. Though I would give anyone, male or female, in that situation, the same advice. If someone is defaming your character anywhere, send a note to the administrator explaining the situation and how the information is false and ask for the offending item to be removed. I've helping people do this on The Dirty (shout out to Nik Richie!) and when handled properly, it works. However, truth is an absolute defense to libel and slander. So if it's just unflattering information, but will usually stand. Another option is to have it be considered outing if it gives real world info. Then I'm sure they would edit or remove it from ECCIE.

With the advent of Mocospace, we will probably see more of this situation. So, I think it's great that we deal with it now.
Wakeup's Avatar
So no reviews of anyone not a member here...good luck making "progress" with that...
I would like to add, it maybe better to handle this situation as an alert rather than a review.
altoidmaster's Avatar
wow so there goes 15 min of my life I'll never get back.
SpiceItUp's Avatar

I've never agreed with those sections. Really, the only people those reviews benefit are the owners of the spas and to a lesser extent the clubs. I know several former strippers and spa girls that wished they'd known about this place (or ASPD). They'd have left the club or spa and stopped splitting their hard earned money with the spa or club owners.

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I believe you're neglecting to mention the group who benefits the most, indeed this group is arguably the entire reason for the existence of this site.


It benefits the clients plain and simple, some guys prefer going to spas and SC's for whatever reason. The reviews help them make their decisions.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Actually, I will disagree with Olivia here. (Actually, just her earlier post...she's updated since I was typing this) I think this site is about information exchange. It's about informing and protecting our community. If there is a threat, on either side, I think this is an appropriate place to share it. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Agreed, it seems though that some would prefer to forgo the "informing" and focus on the "protecting". I'm personally in favor of a free exchange of information. The more perfect information becomes the more efficient the market can be.

If you choose to avail yourself of he Internet as your means of advertising, then you must, in my opinion, accept that according to the rules of this site, you may be reviewed on the Internet. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
Actually I think we've established that according to the rules of this site, anyone can be reviewed regardless of whether or not they advertise or not or whether they have their own personal policy prohibiting reviews. Unless of course they are a member here and request a NRP.

The UTR review issue is interesting to me because on one hand I favor free information exchange but on the other I respect a girl's desire to keep her activities hidden especially if she has a professional job or other real life scenario which makes potential exposure very risky for her.

As I said before I personally agree with keeping UTR's private and I would never review a UTR against her wishes. But I'm also glad that it's at the client's prerogative not the provider because I do favor a more libertarian approach to rules. As long as it doesn't out the person obviously.

I would like to add, it maybe better to handle this situation as an alert rather than a review. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
I don't think we have enough information to determine that definitively. All he said was that it was, to paraphrase, a "total bust upsell type situation" and that he'd have to spend way more money than he bargained for to get the services he was expecting.

It doesn't sound like an alert to me though. His safety wasn't at risk it doesn't sound like, it wasn't a cash and dash, it wasn't a bait and switch, it wasn't even a NCNS.

The review forums are filled with reviews of upsell situations from BP that didn't go as planned.
I would like to add, it maybe better to handle this situation as an alert rather than a review. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
THAT's what I was saying. One, she's not a member here. Two, if it's not true or even if it's true, she has a chance to refute the claims if it's an alert. And three, provided it's true, she's a scammer. That is an alert. Just as it's an alert for ladies to put alerts out on men that are dangerous be they members or not. The priority is to the community then to a ladies reputation / income. Reviews address services, looks, etc. Alerts are for dangerous behaviors and / or cons.
Yes, while it's not all that alert should be posted in a way the lady can read it. I guess a complaint in the CoEd section would work.
Yes, while it's not all that alert should be posted in a way the lady can read it. I guess a complaint in the CoEd section would work. Originally Posted by LilMynx69

I totally think it is. If she's a scammer that uses a combo of loss leading and can't manage to have the product the guy's looking for - sex for $220 an hour - then she's scamming but he can have it for $350, then that is an alert.

Yes, while it's not all that alert should be posted in a way the lady can read it. I guess a complaint in the CoEd section would work. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
And not tied to her name in the future should she decide to join if it's not true.

I believe you're neglecting to mention the group who benefits the most, indeed this group is arguably the entire reason for the existence of this site.

THE CLIENTS Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

The site would be a vast wasteland with no women here. Just like my business wouldn't have been much of a business if I didn't have a places to advertise. ECCIE stands for ESCORT CLIENT COMMUNITY EXCHANGE.

I’m not saying do exchange the information. I’m saying it’s an alert. And in the alert section, she can counter the information if she ever sees it.

It benefits the clients plain and simple, some guys prefer going to spas and SC's for whatever reason. The reviews help them make their decisions. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

It benefits pimps and club owners that charge the girls to work there, then the clients then the actual provider of said services. In that order, and personally, I have no interest in benefiting pimps. If I had a spa, I’d discourage reviews. In fact many owners do. It’s written testimony of their felony/ies.
TexasGator's Avatar
...if a lady was a attacked or harassed by a john ... Originally Posted by LilMynx69

Does anyone find this use of the word "john" ... you know, pejorative? ija

Dorian Gray's Avatar
I take offense to the word "john." I prefer "trick" "mark" "tard" "asshole" & the like.
Does anyone find this use of the word "john" ... you know, pejorative? ija

Originally Posted by TexasGator
Perhaps you should start a thread about it and we can spend the next three months discussing it, Al E. Gator.
Wakeup's Avatar

Post the review, just like you're allowed to do, and move on...whores be crazy...
dearhunter's Avatar
Fuck the the review/don't post the review.......just don't let the whore play you for a fool.........too late.
Fuck the the review/don't post the review.......just don't let the whore play you for a fool.........too late. Originally Posted by dearhunter
And she did either way. She either upsold him or got under his skin.