Abusive/Troublesome Hobbyists

I always find it extremely refreshing when a gentleman is aware of the importance of screening.

Some guys choose to trash a lady when she decides not to see him.

I remember reading an Anthropologist, Collin Turmbull, I believe. He wrote several books on his studies of societies that had behaviors outside the norm, In the Mountain People he studied an African hill tribe where they constantly robbed, tricked each other, lied constantly and that was the normal behavior. He found that as a people they were slowly starving to death.

His unifing theory was that when societies go outside of the universals, mistreating women, stealing from clients, the society is under stress. The economy has stresed this little micro society. Girls are in need so they get casual about screening, they end up beaten, or drugged and beaten, perhaps a trip to the ER with a bruised cervix from some Viagra abusing 300 lb Lothario. A snatch and grab which might have been unthinkable a few months ago might seem different if you can't feed your kids.

So, ladies please screen, TALK to references, if your Spiddy senses are on, respect it don't go there. Me, I am sticking with mature providers that I know. Leave the drama for Grand Opera. Originally Posted by LuckJack
We get to rate the providers, how about you gals having a section where you can rate us by our "handles" here on ECCIE?

Just a thought...
hunterbob's Avatar
I know that we are not all perfect by any means, or extension of the imagination, but I believe everone should just treat others as they would want to be treated, I have had my fair share of bad experiences and amazing ones in my short time hobbing* (I think thats how its spelled.) from having my ipod stolen to being robbed blind being left naked on the bed, to having a session and me walking away about to fall down with week knees. I can see how some of the experiences may make them feel like they need to take it out on someone else, but that is NNNOOOOO excuse!!!! and I will admit I have done things I am not proud of the worst of which having to cancel on a provider 3 times in a row (and if your reading this I am terribly sorry.) it sounds cliche but why can't we all just get along, and treat others the way we would want to be treated, and stop fighting amongst ourselves. btw I probally have only been doing this for a year. |:
hunterbob's Avatar
I like hillbilly's idea that would actually be good it might help all of us be a little or even alot more honest about this whole thing.