Draw the prophet shootings in Texas

  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 05:08 PM
Did you whine and complain as much about the travelling "Piss Christ" exhibit being "hate speech"??? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Because a "Piss Christ exhibit" isn't what it was, you bumbling cunt-nugget.

It was an event to combat the negative perception of Islam that is being created by the terrorists and Jihadi's who disrespect their religion.

Here's an excerpt from one of their speakers:

"It is extremely important for the Muslim community to connect with our message. We cannot allow terrorists to run away with the merciful personality of Prophet Muhammad, that they are standing on his name. No. We Muslims in the world, 1.7 billion people, we don’t agree with that. ... At the same time, we’re wondering whether there are good neighbors in America who will stand up with people of other faiths for their right to practice their faith."

What they did was a noble thing. We need more muslims who stand up and advocate the peaceful face of their religion instead of the hateful ignorant one promoted by you and your half-wit brethren.

You've consistently proving yourself to be the biggest equivocating jack-ass on this entire forum. You make up bullshit and hope no one calls you out on it. It would work, except that everyone can see right through to the fucking idiot that you really are.
I B Hankering's Avatar
i B let me ask you a question- the Mexican Cartel- choose any of are a very violent organization that don't play games with anyone- someone in Mexico or even a border town in the U.S would be a fool to hold a rally poking fun of the cartel. We all know at least the in tune educated people know that in Islam defacing the Koran or defaming the prophet means instant death- again that's just what it is- they have enough radicals who buy into that shit that they will kill you and think nothing of it. It's sad that those radicals don't even know their own Koran because the Koran itself does not instruct muslims to kill anyone who defames muhammad- most radical muslims get their teachings and support their terrorism from the Hadiths which are supposed to be the "spoken words of Muhammad, but many scholars question their authenticity.

Islam enjoins fair treatment of all, including one’s enemies:

…Let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness… (Ch.5:V.9)

But Islam does not only condemn the blaspheming of God. It also protects the feelings of polytheists, by forbidding Muslims from attacking their idols. On this point, the Holy Qur’an states:

And revile not those whom they call upon beside Allah, lest they, out of spite, revile Allah in their ignorance.… (Ch.6:V.109)

One criticism against the concept of blasphemy is that, when enforced, it curtails freedom of expression. The freedom to speak freely, without censure, is a fundamental human right that should be guaranteed to citizens of every just state. While freedom of speech is necessary for the progress and development of a society, however, this freedom, like all other freedoms, is not limitless. - do you agree I B?

here has been no prophet upon whom derogatory words were not used. The Holy Qur’an confirms that God sent a Warner to every people, and that each and every one of the prophets has been the subject of mockery:

Then We sent Our Messengers one after another. Every time there came to a people their Messenger, they treated him as a liar.… (Ch.23:V.45)

Another verse of the Holy Qur’an also emphasises this:

Alas for My servants! There comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him. (Ch.36:V.31)

The Koran also points out that blasphemous speech was uttered against Mary(ra) and Jesus(as): For their disbelief and for their uttering against Mary a grievous calumny (Ch.4:V.157). According to this verse, the Jews during the time of Jesus(as) committed a grave blasphemy by declaring Mary(ra) to be unchaste and alleging that Jesus(as) was a child of questionable birth.

Yet despite the fact that the Koran confirms that all prophets have been subject to attacks by others, there is no evidence that any of the offenders were ever ordered to be punished.

Extremist Interpretations of Islam

Clearly the Holy Qur’an does not even remotely hint at the death sentence for those blaspheming against it or Islam. Unfortunately, the behaviour of extremists groups claiming to be Muslims, and the introduction of so-called Shariah law in Muslim countries, has led the media to pointing fingers at the religion of Islam in general. However, neither those extremist groups nor those Muslim governments practise the true and real Islamic teachings. In Pakistan, for example, several sections of its Criminal Code comprise its blasphemy laws. Blasphemy merits the death penalty under Section 295C of the Pakistan Penal Code:

‘Use of derogatory remarks etc. in respect of the Holy Prophet[saw]: Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.’

So a lot of muslims need to educate themselves because many of them are doing exact opposite of what the Koran states.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Your analogy comparing these two Mussulmen to members of violent drug cartel is appropriate, WE. They traveled 1,000 miles to execute their attack, WE. They went way the fuck out of their way to be "offended".

FYI, WE, Chief Justice Holmes' famous ruling on free speech defines protected free speech as anything that does not cause physical harm to another person or actively incite lawless behavior. Hence, Geller's actions are protected under the provisions of the First Amendment, WE.
  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 05:20 PM
FYI, WE, Chief Justice Holmes' famous ruling on free speech defines protected free speech as anything that does not cause physical harm to another person or actively incite lawless behavior. Hence, Geller's actions are protected under the provisions of the First Amendment, WE. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Oh is that why you drop Ni**er on the daily?

My guess was that it's because you're a racist, xenophobic and bigoted chicken-shit.

Can't always be right, I guess.
Who traveled where has everything to do with it, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. And the fact that the two shooters never entered the gallery to see what was in the gallery before they started shooting is public knowledge, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It has nothing to do with it. Prove it.
Your analogy comparing these two Mussulmen to members of violent drug cartel is appropriate, WE. The traveled 1,000 miles to execute their attack, WE. They went way the fuck out of their way to be "offended".

FYI, WE, Chief Justice Holmes' famous ruling on free speech defines protected free speech as anything that does not cause physical harm to another person or actively incite lawless behavior. Hence, Geller's actions are protected under the provisions of the First Amendment, WE.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You don't think that doing something you KNOW will offend others and yet you still do it isn't inciting lawless behavior?
Your analogy comparing these two Mussulmen to members of violent drug cartel is appropriate, WE. The traveled 1,000 miles to execute their attack, WE. They went way the fuck out of their way to be "offended".

FYI, WE, Chief Justice Holmes' famous ruling on free speech defines protected free speech as anything that does not cause physical harm to another person or actively incite lawless behavior. Hence, Geller's actions are protected under the provisions of the First Amendment, WE.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That 'the' must be tired after walking all that way. You sure are slipping you inglorious cunt fart.
Because a "Piss Christ exhibit" isn't what it was, you bumbling cunt-nugget.

It was an event to combat the negative perception of Islam that is being created by the terrorists and Jihadi's who disrespect their religion.

Here's an excerpt from one of their speakers:

"It is extremely important for the Muslim community to connect with our message. We cannot allow terrorists to run away with the merciful personality of Prophet Muhammad, that they are standing on his name. No. We Muslims in the world, 1.7 billion people, we don’t agree with that. ... At the same time, we’re wondering whether there are good neighbors in America who will stand up with people of other faiths for their right to practice their faith."

What they did was a noble thing. We need more muslims who stand up and advocate the peaceful face of their religion instead of the hateful ignorant one promoted by you and your half-wit brethren.

You've consistently proving yourself to be the biggest equivocating jack-ass on this entire forum. You make up bullshit and hope no one calls you out on it. It would work, except that everyone can see right through to the fucking idiot that you really are. Originally Posted by shanm
He is quickly beginning to challenge LL as the biggest dumdum on the board. He's gone an entire thread before, basically arguing with himself by putting words in my mouth(not the only thing he's probably wishing he could put in my mouth). He's like one of those wind-up toys. Just get him going and you don't even need to come back till much later.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh is that why you drop Ni**er on the daily?

My guess was that it's because you're a racist, xenophobic and bigoted chicken-shit.

Can't always be right, I guess.
Originally Posted by shanm
You're never right, shamman: keep dreaming.

It has nothing to do with it. Prove it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're the one who has to prove Geller's act wasn't in accordance with Holmes' definition of protected speech, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

You don't think that doing something you KNOW will offend others, and yet you still do it isn't inciting lawless behavior? Originally Posted by WombRaider
You remain the one who has to prove Geller's act wasn't in accordance with Holmes' definition of protected speech, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

That 'the' must be tired after walking all that way. You sure are slipping, you inglorious cunt fart. Originally Posted by WombRaider
They didn't walk, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, they drove, or haven't you heard the news, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas?

He is quickly beginning to challenge LL as the biggest dumdum on the board. He's gone an entire thread before, basically arguing with himself by putting words in my mouth(not the only thing he's probably wishing he could put in my mouth). He's like one of those wind-up toys. Just get him going, and you don't even need to come back till much later. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And you're the flaming faggot who claimed you are a professional writer, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
I don't have to prove shit, you made the assertion. Go look up the burden of proof, piss brains.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't have to prove shit, you made the assertion. Go look up the burden of proof, piss brains. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're the genuine jackass arguing that Geller's decision to host an exhibit isn't protected under the free speech provisions of the 1st Amendment, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. So the burden of proof is on you to prove her show didn't meet the legal definition of protected free speech, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Looks like maybe we DO have a jihadist element here in the US.

Check out the gear on the police. They look like SEALS. Originally Posted by ExNYer
As I've written in many other threads, some of the mosques here in the US are radicalizing their flock. Not all but a significant number. It's the nature of Islam.

This time the SEAL gear was on the police. Next time it will be on the terrorists.

Were the perps born here...are they homegrown lone wolves? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The whole "lone wolf" narrative is played out. So is "self radicalized." Again, they are being radicalized here in some Mosques.

I believe in freedom of speech 100%.

With that being said, I can't help but side with the muslims on this one.... Originally Posted by shanm
No you don't believe in freedom of speech 100%. You're the type who believes in diversity as long it is the other person who budges. You don't really believe in America.
Here is your "moderate" islamojihady... wewee

‘Moderate’ Muslim businessman identified as second gunman in terrorist attack on ‘Draw the prophet Mohammed’ free speech event in Texas


  • shanm
  • 05-04-2015, 06:24 PM

No you don't believe in freedom of speech 100%. You're the type who believes in diversity as long it is the other person who budges. You don't really believe in America. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Huh? Were you off your meds when you wrote that nonsensical bullshit?

I consider this "contest" as not much different than a Klan gathering lobbying for their right to say "Ni**er".
You expect me to feel sorry for these idiots? Well sorry to disappoint. Go picket your neighborhood mosque you fucking idiot.

The only one I feel sorry for is the unarmed security guard who was gunned down.
Huh? Were you off your meds when you wrote that nonsensical bullshit?

I consider this "contest" as not much different than a Klan gathering lobbying for their right to say "Ni**er".
You expect me to feel sorry for these idiots? Well sorry to disappoint. Go picket your neighborhood mosque you fucking idiot.

The only one I feel sorry for is the unarmed security guard who was gunned down. Originally Posted by shanm
Huh, were you on your meds when you wrote your nonsensical bullshit islamn? Again?

You said you sided with the Muslims didn't you? Now you appear to either want to qualify or crawfish on your endorsement.
I love it when idiots like Wellendowed and Shamwow defend radical Islam; they expose their true anti-Americanism.....

You have to laugh at the sophomoric statement Shamwow posted:

"I support free speech 100%"............hahhahaha....

then he went on his rant against free speech....hahahah...fucking idiot......