Trumps Thinks American Soldiers Are Whores and Sells Them Like Pussy

LexusLover's Avatar
You're not getting it so Let me help you understand since I was never in slow classes.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I recognize that you weren't promoted to them even socially.

That bullshit works on your bimbo admirers, but not me!

Why are you so racist? They didn't address that in detention?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will OBEY THE ORDERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I first took this oath when I was 17 years old and several times since. That oath is still in affect. I see enemies on this site, domestic enemies that have participated in a coup against an elected president and the Americans who voted for him. Enemies that quote and support the real enemies of this country and western civilization. We call these enemies traitors and I don't use that word lightly like so many of these traitors. Expect to be punished. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Is this a threat we need to pass to mods So that you're banned or is this just anal confusion?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I recognize that you weren't promoted to them even socially.

That bullshit works on your bimbo admirers, but not me!

Why are you so racist? They didn't address that in detention? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm not a racist. Never have been never will be.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm not a racist. Never have been never will be. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Of course, you are! To the marrow! Own it, and be honest for a change!

I suppose now you're going to claim your are Black.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is this a threat we need to pass to mods .... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Who is "we" again? Your racist personality or your alter ego?
Jaxson66's Avatar
RB.... just remember about Little Captain Jax ....

Texas Local Government Code:

He got his one semester in ....!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Place chuckle head here
American Troops Are Now For Sale To The Highest Bidder! Make America Whore Again.

Imagine if the Black guy had done this. What a disgraceful coward this guy is. Sacrificing soliders for fucking cash and pimping them out to countries without any American interest at stake. Sacrificing their lives for foreign bullshit. This fucking dude has no respect for anything.

No one in this Bitch's family has ever served in over 150 yrs so this pussy ass fuck face has no idea of what honor and integrity means. All he knows is how to be a disgraceful fat cunt. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
America has a pretty elaborate Military. It costs a lot of money to equip Military Personnel. If other Countries want our Military assistance they should pay for it. We aren't fighting for our cause, we are fighting for theirs. It's high time America stopped getting involved in other countries conflicts and getting our people killed for free.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
America has a pretty elaborate Military. It costs a lot of money to equip Military Personnel. If other Countries want our Military assistance they should pay for it. We aren't fighting for our cause, we are fighting for theirs. It's high time America stopped getting involved in other countries conflicts and getting our people killed for free. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Lol killed for free? Or killed for a fee?

How about we stop selling Troops to a country so that they can save their own. I "guess" it's perfectly fine if you're going to die for an [B]American [/B]interest...if I was a soldier I'd rather die for free than being sold and dying for cash. It's a disgraceful act of Epic proportions. Saudi Arabia is not an Ally. They have zero respect for American lives in fact about as much respect as Trump has.

Go figure ;-)
HoeHummer's Avatar
Why not just get the fucks out of the Middle East and send your troops to Mexico, where the real threat against your people lies? More brown peoples there than in Iran.

Oh? Did yous forget about the murderers and rapists streaming into your country’s from Mexico?

Sure ya did.

The Mesicans didn’t.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why not just get the fucks out of the Middle East and send your troops to Mexico, where the real threat against your people lies? More brown peoples there than in Iran.

Oh? Did yous forget about the murderers and rapists streaming into your country’s from Mexico?

Sure ya did.

The Mesicans didn’t. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
So a fence along the Southern border is ok, YR?
LexusLover's Avatar
The assault on Trump isn't working again, so all the little HillariousNoMore Supporters are taking to the personal attacks on the Trump supporters .... like that's going to make any difference!!!!!!!!!!

They are all a bunch of cry-babies who whine about their failed attempts!!!
Lol killed for free? Or killed for a fee?

How about we stop selling Troops to a country so that they can save their own. I "guess" it's perfectly fine if you're going to die for an [B]American [/B]interest...if I was a soldier I'd rather die for free than being sold and dying for cash. It's a disgraceful act of Epic proportions. Saudi Arabia is not an Ally. They have zero respect for American lives in fact about as much respect as Trump has.

Go figure ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Presidents in the past including Obama have given other Countries our Military Personnel to help fight their wars and America has had to fit the bill. Even though Soldiers are given thanks for serving their country the reality is they really aren't fighting for our Freedom and Liberty they're fighting for Corporate and Political interests thousands of miles away from home. Have any idea what the Vietnam War cost America? The cost was about 100 Billion Dollars and 55,000 American Lives lost in Southeast Asia. Not to mention the countless lives lost due to catastrophic diseases decades later from Agent Orange exposure. Basically Trump is attempting to deter conflicts overseas by putting a price tag on our Military assistance.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
the reality is they really aren't fighting for our Freedom and Liberty they're fighting for Corporate and Political interests thousands of miles away from home Originally Posted by Levianon17
LexusLover's Avatar
If other Countries want our Military assistance they should pay for it. We aren't fighting for our cause, we are fighting for theirs. It's high time America stopped getting involved in other countries conflicts and getting our people killed for free. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Did you miss Trump's remarks on Friday in his lengthy interview?

He's making them pay for our military assistance, just like we have SOLD military equipment to them for decades .... all the way back to the Russians in WWII.

Additionally, please don't lose sight of the initial reasons the Europeans and Americans became involved in the "Middle East" in our life times (well ... some of our life times ... there are others who behave like they were born just a little a decade ago who have permission to post in here)!

The Fast-Food-I-Phone crowd have a difficult time grasping change! Also, if they oppose protected/closed borders it makes defending one's own country a monumental task with protocols and procedures that interfere with their concept of going and doing what they please and in the manner they please without questions or disruptions. They are spoiled.

I presume Ms. CB would find "mutilation" offensive if not "disruptive"~! That's just a guess.
LexusLover's Avatar
Place chuckle head here Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Your little bubblehead fits better, "Captain"!