Idiocy knows no bounds.

... What's not true? ... I already explained WHY the first bloke
"registered Republican" - to get into the Trump events.

And the second bloke? ... He was a big Biden/Kamala supporter
and, yes, took a gun and was trying to assassinate Trump.
He's admitted that. ... Please try to keep up.

#### Salty
... Where do you live, mate? ... See? ... I live now
in Pennsylvania - maybe 50k from the first bloke.
The neighbours of the first bloke tell a different
story of the family. ... And so what IF they donated
to Trump in 2016 - EVERYBODY wanted Trump in 2016.
The second shooter fellow even voted for Trump then.

Obviously the two shooters were NOT for Trump NOW
- but that's okay - as most others are STILL For Trump
(look at the polls)...

And so what if people were once "registered Republican"
or "registered Democrat"?? ... What does THAT have
to do with people tryin' to kill Trump??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Even his own supporters want him dead. The second shooter didn’t like Trumps handling of foriegn policy, it had nothing to do with democrats. It was purely that he believed Trump was a traitor (he isn’t wrong). The first shooter didn’t really give any real reason for his attempted assassination. Your claims regarding what his neighbors say is about as dubious as 95% of your other claims. Everyone on this site knows your relationship with fact or truth is casual at best and usually nonexistent.
... I've explained how I am aware of the neighbours' comments.
So that's that. ... You lads across the country know little
of the issue. ... No need for you to continue to show ignorance
of the proper facts, mate.

#### Salty