Black Cop Driving F. Gray in Police Van in Baltimore Charged with 2nd Degree Murder!!

  • shanm
  • 05-02-2015, 06:43 PM
I invite you to do an experiment to see if you can do it. Lay on the floor. Hold your arms behind your back. Hold your legs together. Now try and drive your head into anything, and see if you can even generate enough force to give yourself a good goose egg. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Yes please!
We are now in "Bizzarro World".

Street thugs, punks, drug dealers, and thieves are now "revolutionaries"
The Bloods and Crips are now "peace keepers"
Al Sharpton is a "statesman".

A CNN reporter asked some young people what would happen now. They said the community would settle for nothing less than guilty verdicts, or what happenned the first few nights would only be a perquisite to what will happen after.

But this is what is really going to happen. Corporations and businesses will see Baltimore as a worthless cesspool, run by inept polititians who offer nothing but the rhetoric of pander.

Business will dry up, and the already blighted landscape of ghettos will grow. With no tax base, the city will start to run into even more financial trouble. Anybody with any sense will get out.

And then, in a few years, we will be reading about another big city bankruptcy.

You reap what you sow. Baltimore has planted the seed for a whole new crop of thugs, thieves, street bums, drug dealers, and addicts.

But what do you expect when you allow the animals run the zoo.

Your shithole of a city will become an even bigger shithole. Enjoy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Amen to that. The inmates are running the asylum in America. I predict Cops in America will stop policing the black neighborhoods. If they happen to see a crime in progress they'll turn the other way. If it isn't bad enough they put their life on the line one mishap and it's their careers and freedom as well.

Fact: His legs were working when he was placed in the van. This is confirmed from video footage. In essence, we were all there when he was arrested because we can all observe Gray moving his legs as he was being placed in the van.

Fact: When he was removed from the van, his legs were no longer working because his spine was severed.

There are two problems with the other detainee. First off, any prosecutor knows that criminals make lousy witnesses. Doesn't mean they won't use them, but their credibility is always questionable. After all, they have an incentive to lie.

Secondly, the other detainee was only in the van for the last part of the drive. The van made several stops before the other detainee was even picked up. The detainee cannot testify to what happened before he was put in the van.

He went into the van with an intact spine, and came out with a severed spine. There are really only two possibilities here. He did it to himself, or he was slammed into the metal divider due to being unrestrained. There is no Option C unless you would like to entertain the possibility of an alien abduction.

The idea that he could have severed his own spine by slamming his own head into the wall is ridiculous. Its laughable. I invite you to do an experiment to see if you can do it. Lay on the floor. Hold your arms behind your back. Hold your legs together. Now try and drive your head into anything, and see if you can even generate enough force to give yourself a good goose egg. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
With all due respect Sin, you are doing nothing more than an extrapolation of of what "you" consider to be "the facts", when in actuality all the facts are not on the table as of yet. Only the facts the media (and everyone else for matter including the Mayor and the prosecutor) wishes for us to hear or see are there, so they can cause division and progress their own agenda, that, of course, being money and power. There are many "so called facts" (most edited probably including the pictures, if the past is indicative of the present) yours, mine and the unknown. Give time for the unknown to come forth, so we can all make an intelligent decision. There are six officers who have not spoken, and with that comes more information. I do not believe they would all be liars, as they are pitted one against the other, which I am sure is being done.

It is a very sad day when thugs have rule over our government, just by burning, destroying, pilfering and pure and simple lawlessness.
We are now in "Bizzarro World".

Street thugs, punks, drug dealers, and thieves are now "revolutionaries"
The Bloods and Crips are now "peace keepers"
Al Sharpton is a "statesman".

A CNN reporter asked some young people what would happen now. They said the community would settle for nothing less than guilty verdicts, or what happenned the first few nights would only be a perquisite to what will happen after.

But this is what is really going to happen. Corporations and businesses will see Baltimore as a worthless cesspool, run by inept polititians who offer nothing but the rhetoric of pander.

Business will dry up, and the already blighted landscape of ghettos will grow. With no tax base, the city will start to run into even more financial trouble. Anybody with any sense will get out.

And then, in a few years, we will be reading about another big city bankruptcy.

You reap what you sow. Baltimore has planted the seed for a whole new crop of thugs, thieves, street bums, drug dealers, and addicts.

But what do you expect when you allow the animals run the zoo.

Your shithole of a city will become an even bigger shithole. Enjoy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
From Jan 2013...
Fact: His legs were working when he was placed in the van. This is confirmed from video footage. In essence, we were all there when he was arrested because we can all observe Gray moving his legs as he was being placed in the van.

Fact: When he was removed from the van, his legs were no longer working because his spine was severed.

There are two problems with the other detainee. First off, any prosecutor knows that criminals make lousy witnesses. Doesn't mean they won't use them, but their credibility is always questionable. After all, they have an incentive to lie.

Secondly, the other detainee was only in the van for the last part of the drive. The van made several stops before the other detainee was even picked up. The detainee cannot testify to what happened before he was put in the van.

He went into the van with an intact spine, and came out with a severed spine. There are really only two possibilities here. He did it to himself, or he was slammed into the metal divider due to being unrestrained. There is no Option C unless you would like to entertain the possibility of an alien abduction.

The idea that he could have severed his own spine by slamming his own head into the wall is ridiculous. Its laughable. I invite you to do an experiment to see if you can do it. Lay on the floor. Hold your arms behind your back. Hold your legs together. Now try and drive your head into anything, and see if you can even generate enough force to give yourself a good goose egg. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Please post the autopsy report, you got all your info from... Thanks
Are you guys fucking serious? Show me which "fact" is incorrect?

Are you trying to pretend that his spine was already severed before he went into the van? If so, then I guess his legs magically worked on their own.

Are you trying to pretend that his neck severed itself?

So what exactly are you disputing? Anyone want to step up and video themselves trying to sever their own spine by propelling themselves forward while lying on your belly? I will put $1000 in my Paypal account and send it to any one of you who can even give yourself a mild concussion trying that. Do it and slap it up on Youtube. Show us how it is possible for Gray to sever is own spine. Put up or shut up.

In the absence of Gray doing it to himself, which is such a joke that I will be happy to pay up to anyone who can prove that it can be done, the ONLY remaining possibility (outside alien abduction of course) is that the movement of the van and the fact that Gray was unrestrained caused Gray's spinal injury. If someone else has an alternative, I'd love to hear it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As a psychic, I was able to contact Gray about his thoughts when in the van. From Beyond, here is what he said:

I'm tired of black people being disrespected. I figured the only way to teach Whitey a lesson was to bang my head on the partition over and over again until I lost the use of my legs, and severed my spine. I knew they would blame the white cops for my death, so it was great! Take that, Cracker!

Me: uh, Mr. Gray, three of the cops indicted were black, including the driver.

Mr. Gray: Dafuq? No man. Only white cops! I only meant to punish white cops! Shit! Hey, I gotta go, they got some hot dogs and marshmallows to roast over all the fire here. Damn. Black cops. Shit.
Are you guys fucking serious? Show me which "fact" is incorrect?

Are you trying to pretend that his spine was already severed before he went into the van? If so, then I guess his legs magically worked on their own.

Are you trying to pretend that his neck severed itself?

So what exactly are you disputing? Anyone want to step up and video themselves trying to sever their own spine by propelling themselves forward while lying on your belly? I will put $1000 in my Paypal account and send it to any one of you who can even give yourself a mild concussion trying that. Do it and slap it up on Youtube. Show us how it is possible for Gray to sever is own spine. Put up or shut up.

In the absence of Gray doing it to himself, which is such a joke that I will be happy to pay up to anyone who can prove that it can be done, the ONLY remaining possibility (outside alien abduction of course) is that the movement of the van and the fact that Gray was unrestrained caused Gray's spinal injury. If someone else has an alternative, I'd love to hear it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I am beginning to believe nothing we are being told are facts at all. I really doubt Gray accidently hurt himself in the van and I don't think the officer driving the van drove so erratic with specific intent to hurt him either. The circumstances associated with grays death are too debatable, none of it really makes any sense. There was a supposed witness the other arrestee being transported who made a statement then changed his mind. It's looking more and more like a psy-op just more bullshit to draw the races and police further apart. If you just look back at what has been taking place and how ridiculous the circumstances are with all these police incidences it's beginning to look obvious. In July of 2014 we heard about Eric Garner he was choked to death in NYC for selling Cigarettes illegally. Then a month later in Ferguson MO. Michael Brown gets shot over J-Walking. April 4th 2015 we have Walter Scott getting shot after running from a traffic stop and the stupid 73 year old reserve cop in Tulsa, Ok. who doesn't know his Taser from his sidearm, and now this bullshit. This is all orchestrated bullshit we are suppose to believe actually happened. I am not buying any of it anymore. After the Freddie Gray incident dies out there will be another one, and another one after that.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
The procecutor is supposed to serve the people.. Not an angry mob.

But what scares me the most is the push from Obama and Sharpton and their calls for a National Police Force.

Can you say Gestapo?
The procecutor is supposed to serve the people.. Not an angry mob.

But what scares me the most is the push from Obama and Sharpton and their calls for a National Police Force.

Can you say Gestapo? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You might be onto something. Watch this clip.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are you guys fucking serious? Show me which "fact" is incorrect?

Are you trying to pretend that his spine was already severed before he went into the van? If so, then I guess his legs magically worked on their own.

Are you trying to pretend that his neck severed itself?

So what exactly are you disputing? Anyone want to step up and video themselves trying to sever their own spine by propelling themselves forward while lying on your belly? I will put $1000 in my Paypal account and send it to any one of you who can even give yourself a mild concussion trying that. Do it and slap it up on Youtube. Show us how it is possible for Gray to sever is own spine. Put up or shut up.

In the absence of Gray doing it to himself, which is such a joke that I will be happy to pay up to anyone who can prove that it can be done, the ONLY remaining possibility (outside alien abduction of course) is that the movement of the van and the fact that Gray was unrestrained caused Gray's spinal injury. If someone else has an alternative, I'd love to hear it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I have not seen the video and I was not there but I do know that you can suffer a spinal injury and your legs will still work. You can have broken vertebra and still function though with a great deal of pain. However, if you are medicated with drugs then you may not notice the pain that much. I had an friend who was an EMT and he, plus two others, had to physically restrain a man on PCP. The man had been hit by a car and had a broken shoulder. They had to fall back and regroup because he was throwing them out of the ambulance. They eventually gathered some seat belts and a hypo of sedative. They got him to the hospital sedated and wrapped up in seat belts.

Like I said, I was not there but we need to wait for all the reports to be generated.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am beginning to believe nothing we are being told are facts at all. I really doubt Gray accidently hurt himself in the van and I don't think the officer driving the van drove so erratic with specific intent to hurt him either. The circumstances associated with grays death are too debatable, none of it really makes any sense. There was a supposed witness the other arrestee being transported who made a statement then changed his mind. It's looking more and more like a psy-op just more bullshit to draw the races and police further apart. If you just look back at what has been taking place and how ridiculous the circumstances are with all these police incidences it's beginning to look obvious. In July of 2014 we heard about Eric Garner he was choked to death in NYC for selling Cigarettes illegally. Then a month later in Ferguson MO. Michael Brown gets shot over J-Walking. April 4th 2015 we have Walter Scott getting shot after running from a traffic stop and the stupid 73 year old reserve cop in Tulsa, Ok. who doesn't know his Taser from his sidearm, and now this bullshit. This is all orchestrated bullshit we are suppose to believe actually happened. I am not buying any of it anymore. After the Freddie Gray incident dies out there will be another one, and another one after that.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
At the same time these things happened, the police in this country shot and killed more white people than black people.
Three of the six cops were black, one was a black woman, the police chief is black, and a black policeman was driving the damn van, perhaps slinging Freddie Gray to his death.
It is still whitey's fault!!!!! Right??? It is still a white controlled system even though Baltimore has a black mayor, and the Attorney General of the United States is also black, as is the President? Originally Posted by DSK
This is a link to a report that Freddie Gray may have caused his own injuries. Apparently he wasn't the only one in the van. The other arrestee being transported wasn't injured by any erratic driving by the police officer, and stated Freddie Gray was intentionally trying to harm himself. This sounds more believable than a police officer driving a transport van in such a manner that his occupant was thrown about the inside so violently that he would sustain life threatening injuries.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You'll believe anything that lets you sleep better at night.
At the same time these things happened, the police in this country shot and killed more white people than black people. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You've previously shown yourself to have a tenuous grasp on many things. We can now include math among those. With a population of over 5 times as many whites as blacks, of course that is going to be the case. You've proven nothing and made yourself look like a goddamn fool in the process. Shouldn't you be on an island somewhere, looking under some shrubs for a plane?
The procecutor is supposed to serve the people.. Not an angry mob.

But what scares me the most is the push from Obama and Sharpton and their calls for a National Police Force.

Can you say Gestapo? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I can. Gestapo.