Mitch McConnell to states: Drop dead

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
As a Texan I shouldn’t have to bail out a steel factory in Kentucky owned by a Russian oligarch or the shareholders of Boeing. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Andrew Cuomo ripped Trump and Mitch a new asshole this morning. He told Mitch that Mitch is from a welfare state and that NY is owed money from the government because it bails poor states like Kentucky out all the time because they cant afford to keep up.
Oilrig's Avatar
Cuomo pointed out that New York is a net payer to the Federal Government in taxes, while Kentucky is a net receiver. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Federal dollars funding Obamacare is the difference. No GOP voted for it and on Nov 4 it's gone for good
Chung Tran's Avatar
Andrew Cuomo ripped Trump and Mitch a new asshole this morning. He told Mitch that Mitch is from a welfare state and that NY is owed money from the government because it bails poor states like Kentucky out all the time because they cant afford to keep up. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
the only thing Kentucky ever gave anyone is Black Lung.. take it back, in previous years they gave us the Kentucky Derby, with the big hat Southern Belles cheering on their $3 million Thoroughbreds.

but this year all we get is Horseshit from McConnell.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
As a Texan I shouldn’t have to bail out a steel factory in Kentucky owned by a Russian oligarch or the shareholders of Boeing. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
the only thing Kentucky ever gave anyone is Black Lung.. take it back, in previous years they gave us the Kentucky Derby, with the big hat Southern Belles cheering on their $3 million Thoroughbreds.

but this year all we get is Horseshit from McConnell. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I know several people (Texans) who are trying to get unemployment, and can not.. yet. our official unemployment rate is higher than stated, and will spike in another 6 months, when major layoffs start in the oil and gas sphere.

Cuomo nailed McConnel today, when he pointed out that Kentucky sucks from New York's tit regularly, that New York's economy provides for Kentucky year after year. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Cuomo said that " Kentucky sucks from New York's tit .." did he? okay .. and i know you are paraphrasing what he said. but that's not what Cuomo said ..

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y., accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's, R-Ky., of hypocrisy over his refusal to provide coronavirus aid to hard-hit states by pointing out that Kentucky takes billions in federal help each year, while New York sends more tax money to Washington than it gets back.

McConnell responded to bipartisan calls for Congress to provide coronavirus relief to state and local governments by rejecting what he called "blue state bailouts," even though he had no problem approving bailouts for massive corporations like airlines.

"I would certainly be in favor of allowing states to use the bankruptcy route," McConnell told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt this week. "It saves some cities, and there's no good reason for it not to be available. My guess is their first choice would be for the federal government to borrow money from future generations to send it down to them now so they don't have to do that. That's not something I'm going to be in favor of."

Cuomo, a Democrat, chastised the Republican leader during his Thursday news briefing.

"This is really one of the dumb ideas of all time," he said. "You will see a collapse of this national economy. So just dumb — vicious."

"How ugly a thought," Cuomo said. "I mean, just think of what he's saying: 'People died — 15,000 people died in New York, but they were predominantly Democrats so why should we help them?' For crying out loud, if there was ever a time for you to put aside your pettiness and partisanship."

Cuomo than highlighted McConnell's hypocrisy by pointing out that Kentucky is far more dependent on federal funding for its state budget than New York.

"His state, the state of Kentucky, takes out $138 billion more than they put in," Cuomo said. "New York puts in more money to the federal pot than it takes out . . . Senator McConnell, who's getting bailed out here? . . . Your state is getting bailed out — not my state."

now let's look at how federal taxation by State really works .. since Andy Cuomo and u have no clue.

Cuomo's statement rings true up front but he's intentionally misrepresenting how the system works to take a jab at Mitch.

so how does that work? let me help ya out here ... each State's federal tax base is it's population. we good here? it's important. notice there is no "State federal tax". the States do not directly pay the Federal Government. their citizens do. ya with me so far? good.

New York is not the only "net export" state nor is Kentucky the only "importer" to use these terms. the more appropriate terms are "least" and "most" dependent of Federal assistance.

so how does that work? well it's proportional of course. the larger state with larger tax bases pay more than smaller states. therefore the smaller states get more from the total tax pool because they have smaller tax bases for both Fed and state revenue. see how that works?

and Andy isn't saying NY does NOT get Federal assistance. he's taking pot shot at Mitch but he'd be stupid to claim that yeah? he knows better and he knows how and why some states put in more and yet get less in return. so where does NY actually rank in the right way to look at this?

25th. right in the middle. Interesting yeah?

Kentucky is 5th since you and Andy asked ..

where are the other two big boys population wise? Texas and Kalifornica? Texas is 34th Kali is 39th. So Andy is playing fast and loose with how the system works and why some smaller states do receive more aid that others like NY.

so there ya go. find me Andy's NY Gov email and i'll send him this post to make sure he understands it


One big point of difference among state economies is the tax burden of the average citizen. This number varies greatly. But what are the reasons behind why some states tax their residents more or less?

If a state can afford not to tax its residents at high rates, there are multiple explanations. One is that their economic policies are sound and the state economy is doing well. But another is that the state gets disproportionately more funding from the federal government than states with harsher tax codes.

Americans have looked at federal assistance programs with growing scrutiny. Under the current administration, the number of people dependent on government assistance has decreased. Regardless of overall trends, though, it is true that some states receive a far higher return on their federal income-tax contributions than others.

Just how big is this difference? And to what extent does it change our perception of state and local tax rates around the country? WalletHub sought to answer those questions by comparing the 50 states in terms of three key metrics. Read on for our findings, commentary from a panel of experts, and a detailed explanation of our methodology.
1 Main Findings 2 Red vs. Blue States 3 Correlation Analysis
4 Ask the Experts 5 Methodology

Which States Pay the Most Federal Taxes?

Total Federal Taxes Paid by State

California has the largest population of any state, and those residents earn a relatively high average income. When you combine those two factors, it's no surprise that California residents pay more federal taxes than those of any other state.

Vermont pays the least. Total federal income taxes in Vermont are about $2.5 billion. That's due to the combination of having the second-smallest adult population of any state and a below-average per capita income.

Here are the top 10 states in terms of total federal income taxes paid:

Tax Burden as a Percent of Income

In general, the more income you make, the more taxes you'll pay; but other things affect your tax burden as well. How you make your income and what kind of deductions you claim also have an impact.

Naturally, the District of Columbia topped the list; but Mississippi was the only state where adult residents paid an average of less than 11% of income in federal taxes. The average percentage federal tax burden in Mississippi is 10.67%.

Looking at federal taxes paid as a percentage of income yields several of the same names that appeared on the list of taxes paid per capita, but there are also some differences:

Thank yous valued poster!

Thanks TWK. I knew Wang Chung was going to pull this old saw. Most of the states are in trouble because of years of corruption and mismanagement. Houston will soon be there if it already isn't.
Cuomo mentioned California, NY and Illinois. All Dem bastions.
Jaxson66's Avatar
McConnell’s Hometown Will Be Hit Hard Without Federal Bailout

When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell panned the idea of providing federal aid for states and cities this week, it was widely seen as a dig at the lax fiscal policies of the Democrat-led coastal metropolises that have been the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

The truth is, though, that at this point in the crisis, the finances of vast numbers of municipal governments, red and blue alike, are in dire straits all across the country. Including, it turns out, the two largest cities in McConnell’s home state of Kentucky.

Louisville, which McConnell calls home, and Lexington face massive budget deficits, with few options other than dipping into savings and cutting services and jobs, which will only add to the economic turmoil. Already, a fourth of Kentucky workers have lost their jobs in the last five weeks, according to U.S. Labor Department data.

Moscow Mitch could care less about the unemployed servers, retail workers, housekeepers, cops, firefighters, or mine workers. They aren’t shareholders or his favorite color. His only concern is appointing racist pig fucking judges and covering up the great leaders incompetence.
Moscow Mitch could care less about the unemployed servers, retail workers, housekeepers, cops, firefighters, or mine workers. They aren’t shareholders or his favorite color. His only concern is appointing racist pig fucking judges and covering up the great leaders incompetence. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Funny that your whole premise revolves around state and local governments and yet you extrapolate that to servers, retail workers, housekeepers and mine workers all not employed by state and local agencies which is specifically what McConnell was discussing.

My guess is their first choice would be for the federal government to borrow money from future generations to send it down to them now so they don’t have to do that [declare bankruptcy. That’s not something I’m going to be in favor of....
We all have governors regardless of party who would love to have free money. And that’s why I said yesterday we’re going to push the pause button here, because I think this whole business of additional assistance for state and local governments need to be thoroughly evaluated.
But I wouldn't expect you to be anywhere near truthful in what McConnell actually said considering you still continue to get your marching orders from the WAPO and even then mis-represent their pieces.
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2020, 07:37 AM
j666 reminds me of Biden - unable to accurately represent 'FACTS' .
What a shame to have One's life dictated by the WaPo editorial page.

Remember what Dean Wormer said to Bluto!!!
McConnell’s Hometown Will Be Hit Hard Without Federal Bailout
. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
just goes to show there is still a man with principle in the senate
Jaxson66's Avatar

Remember what Dean Wormer said to Bluto!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Yes I remember, do you remember what the character “Bloody Bill” of Lonesome Dove fame did to sodbusters. The citizens of Kentucky should follow suit.
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2020, 08:02 AM
Kentucky is not your wonderful Socialist states of NY, Kalifornia or Washington.

They are entitled to a different opinion

Something j66 seeks ardently to restrict to the WaPo propaganda.

Get some help - for Ur own sake!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Funny that your whole premise revolves around state and local governments and yet you extrapolate that to servers, retail workers, housekeepers and mine workers all not employed by state and local agencies which is specifically what McConnell was discussing.

Whats funny about a quarter of Kentuckians out of work in the last 5 weeks? They will be joined by the future state and local agencies unemployed if the state declares bankruptcy.
Not to worry the states Russian steel co. will be fine, eh

But I wouldn't expect you to be anywhere near truthful in what McConnell actually said considering you still continue to get your marching orders from the WAPO and even then mis-represent their pieces. Originally Posted by eccielover
I was going to post a Brietbart opinion, but I don’t dwell into conspiracy theories and outright ignorance and the 6 hours of opinions a day spewed out by Limbaugh and Handjob Hannity have become to monotonous. So I’ll continue to post opinions I agree with and you can continue to post the horse shit you agree with.
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2020, 08:27 AM
Why not just set up a landline direct to the WaPo propaganda (um, editorial) office?
Include the NYT and the CCP network as well - u will cover all the propaganda bases and never have to see a genuine "FACT' to shatter Ur narrative!

Get some Help - j66