Pm for rates

Some of you whores are letting stupid aggravations get in the way of making money.
Originally Posted by citizen44
There are too many Johns in Houston. Your theory does not apply at all. All a whore needs to do in Houston is post any kind of an ad. Johns will call and make the appointment. Most of the Johns in Houston aren't anal retentive like you are. Carry on.
I am with some of you on this. If I have to go ask for the rate then I question if I am receiving the same rate as everyone else. So, I just click past those ads. Same process for no photos. If I can't tell if she is good looking or not I will pass straight away, even before the no rates listed thing. So my evaluation process for ads is:

1.) photos
2.) menu
3.) rate
I am with some of you on this. If I have to go ask for the rate then I question if I am receiving the same rate as everyone else. So, I just click past those ads. Same process for no photos. If I can't tell if she is good looking or not I will pass straight away, even before the no rates listed thing. So my evaluation process for ads is:

1.) photos
2.) menu
3.) rate Originally Posted by gtoman
Your evaluation process should be "Reviews." 1, 2, and 3 are variable.