How to Get Caught

LizardBrain's Avatar
Near miss. My burner phone got discovered by SO. I had prepared for this by 1) created several chats on the phone that supported a narrative that the phone was for being an informant 2) Stored contacts for law enforcement agencies. 3) I saved the provider's contacts with law enforcement titles which made the chat history look innocent.

I was sweating bullets, but the only thing I was accused of was not sharing the $150 that I earned on the quick visit with Agent Smith.
Geeky80's Avatar
This just happened today. Ever since I started "sleeping around", I've been getting STD checks once or twice a year. I used with a pre-paid mastercard, which sent me to a local quest diagnostics. Well, our local quest diagnostics closed last year, and there's not another place nearby that works with, so i decided to try the local health dept. They said it would be anonymous, and I didn't need insurance. I filled out my paperwork and read ALL the fine print and they seemed to care a lot about patient confidentiality. I asked the receptionist what if I had insurance but didn't want to use it because I didn't want my wife to notice. She gave me a spill about how the papers my wife sees won't be detailed enough for her to figure out what i'm here for. I told her I didn't want to take a chance, and that I had no insurance. She accepted that, and I had my first checkup, and that was back in January. I went back today for a checkup, and the receptionist asked me to confirm my name, address, phone, yada yada, and then asked if I still had blue cross insurance. I was like WO HOLD UP - I don't have insurance and I made that clear last time. She said they discovered I was on my wife's insurance after I was there last time, and done me the favor of associating it with my account. I told her this was not acceptable because I didn't want my wife to find out, and I wanted to cancel today's appointment. I could tell she didn't want to see me cancel my appointment, but she also had to do her job, so she asked if I would let her go talk to the clinic manager. I agreed, and after a few minutes, the clinic manager brought me in and told me they are required to search for insurance and use it in this circumstance. I told her it was ashamed they didn't ask me or even tell me beforehand or afterwards about this, and I felt like it was a major violation of my patient confidentiality. I asked her if the clinic accepted cash donations, but she said no. I even told her I found a $100 bill in the parking lot, but she wouldn't accept it. I canceled my appointment. I'm sure my wife has already noticed my first checkup on our insurance, which probably explains why the sex went from almost zero to absolute zero a few months ago.
This just happened today. Ever since I started "sleeping around", I've been getting STD checks once or twice a year. I used with a pre-paid mastercard, which sent me to a local quest diagnostics. Well, our local quest diagnostics closed last year, and there's not another place nearby that works with, so i decided to try the local health dept. They said it would be anonymous, and I didn't need insurance. I filled out my paperwork and read ALL the fine print and they seemed to care a lot about patient confidentiality. I asked the receptionist what if I had insurance but didn't want to use it because I didn't want my wife to notice. She gave me a spill about how the papers my wife sees won't be detailed enough for her to figure out what i'm here for. I told her I didn't want to take a chance, and that I had no insurance. She accepted that, and I had my first checkup, and that was back in January. I went back today for a checkup, and the receptionist asked me to confirm my name, address, phone, yada yada, and then asked if I still had blue cross insurance. I was like WO HOLD UP - I don't have insurance and I made that clear last time. She said they discovered I was on my wife's insurance after I was there last time, and done me the favor of associating it with my account. I told her this was not acceptable because I didn't want my wife to find out, and I wanted to cancel today's appointment. I could tell she didn't want to see me cancel my appointment, but she also had to do her job, so she asked if I would let her go talk to the clinic manager. I agreed, and after a few minutes, the clinic manager brought me in and told me they are required to search for insurance and use it in this circumstance. I told her it was ashamed they didn't ask me or even tell me beforehand or afterwards about this, and I felt like it was a major violation of my patient confidentiality. I asked her if the clinic accepted cash donations, but she said no. I even told her I found a $100 bill in the parking lot, but she wouldn't accept it. I canceled my appointment. I'm sure my wife has already noticed my first checkup on our insurance, which probably explains why the sex went from almost zero to absolute zero a few months ago. Originally Posted by Geeky80
That's why there's HIPPA laws. They violated it if you didn't give permission!
That's why there's HIPPA laws. They violated it if you didn't give permission! Originally Posted by Baconman
But they didn’t tell the wife. The wife getting the EOB from the insurance company may have tipped her, and she put two and two together. No HIPPA violation here. But, how does the free clinic know about his wife’s insurance?
Geeky80's Avatar
how does the free clinic know about his wife’s insurance? Originally Posted by Ruston
I would also like to know this, and I believe the method or at least the practice should be disclosed in the "fine print"! If I had known they were going to do this behind my back, I wouldn't have had my first checkup there. If nobody here has an answer, I might just call the clinic manager and ask.
tuckahoe's Avatar
There is just way too much information available out there. How did they even know for sure who his wife was? Most county health depts should be too busy to have time to do much research.
Can't trust hardly anyone these days, and NEVER trust anyone associated with government!!
The better regarded escorts may be some of the most trustworthy people today!!!