Hillary is starting look doubtful....

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Never mind. Move along, nothing to see here. The admiral woke up from his mid-afternoon nap and posted up some meandering shit. Check the 1 am to 5 am time-slot for the real gems. Originally Posted by timpage
You picking something out of your ass? I didn't know that they were called "gems".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, sorry....the biggest mess that was inherited in the history of the presidency has already been covered....happened in 2008. Originally Posted by timpage

Really? Are you saying that Obama inherited TWO losing wars, a revitalized Al Quaeda, six (it will be eight in 2016) of economic stagnation, and a corrupt, aggressive government? Is that what Obama inherited? In the unlikely event Hillary were to be elected that is what she is getting.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1055479317]EVA, here is a test....did you know that THE Hillary was in Kansas City this last weekend? If you didn't then that says something don't you think. It means something but not what you think. It means you follow her movements. Probably all types of movements. $206 to listen to this woman??? I saw some comments on her little talk; "I admire her confidence" and not I admire her COMPETENCE. Some woman said that Hillary and Bill earned their money and Romney inherited his money. I guess she never heard of the Kennedys or that fact that Romney made far more money than he inherited. Is Romney running again? A Kennedy? Has H. Clinton brought up earning VS. inheritance? Who gives a shit? I also guess that it is okay to make speeches (for very large sums) to the very people that the Clintons villified including Arab sheiks. That's good news for her. People you say should be against her are paying to see her. Another good sign for her is that you and your ilk keep her name recognition high without anything negative (to normal people)to add.[/QUOTE]

Now that the Fox "News" girls have abandoned you, any port in a storm, right?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
....so who do the democrats have left; Joe Biden or Elizabeth "Fauxcohontas" Warren?

Between declining polls numbers and rising negatives Hillary Clinton looks to fade before the first primary. Her book sales are down and she is out of the top ten so quickly while people like Rush Limbaugh get awards and stay in the top ten for months. Now a new book says that Hillary has more health problems than her brain, her heart has problems (we knew that already with the concern she had for the death of her friend in Benghazi).


Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

From the drudge report.

Page 195

According to a source close to Hillary, a thorough medical examination revealed that Hillary’s tendency to form clots was the least of her problems. She also suffered from a thyroid condition, which was common among women of her age, and her fainting spells indicated there was an underlying heart problem as well. A cardiac stress test indicated that her heart rhythm and heart valves were not normal. Put into layman’s language, her heart valves were not pumping in a steady way.
In layman's language this statement is called a bald face lie. The heart is a pump. Pumps have valves to prevent backflow and to keep the fluid moving in the correct direction. The valves do not pump.

After failing this most basic conversion from "tech speak" to layman's language their credibility is shot in a single instant.

When the author attempted to contact the Clintons’ cardiologist, Dr. Allan Schwartz, he refused to comment, Of course he refused to comment. He didn't want to be sued for breaking the "doctor, patient" relationship. And the author knew he would refuse. which made it impossible to determine the exact nature of Hillary’s medical status or its long-term significance. However, sources who dis- cussed Hillary’s medical condition with her were told that Hillary’s doctors considered performing valve-replacement surgery. They ultimately decided against it. Still, before they released Hillary from the hospital, they warned Bill Clinton: “She has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life.”

What will do Hillary in is she's a corporatist, when the country wants a populist.
Apparently MoJoJim has conveniently forgotten Shrubya's 2 unfunded wars he left behind along with the worst economy since the Great Depression.

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
Apparently BigKotex has conveniently forgotten the two wars Hillary Clinton voted for.

There ya go again, BigKotex.
That crap only works on traitors, like NyRINOer ... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Try again, banjo boy. The traitors are Confederates like you.

Now go back to posting in that dumbass music thread you continue to keep alive for no explicable reason.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
From the drudge report.

Page 195

According to a source close to Hillary, a thorough medical examination revealed that Hillary’s tendency to form clots was the least of her problems. She also suffered from a thyroid condition, which was common among women of her age, and her fainting spells indicated there was an underlying heart problem as well. A cardiac stress test indicated that her heart rhythm and heart valves were not normal. Put into layman’s language, her heart valves were not pumping in a steady way. In layman's language this statement is called a bald face lie. The heart is a pump. Pumps have valves to prevent backflow and to keep the fluid moving in the correct direction. The valves do not pump.
After failing this most basic conversion from "tech speak" to layman's language their credibility is shot in a single instant.

When the author attempted to contact the Clintons’ cardiologist, Dr. Allan Schwartz, he refused to comment, Of course he refused to comment. He didn't want to be sued for breaking the "doctor, patient" relationship. And the author knew he would refuse. which made it impossible to determine the exact nature of Hillary’s medical status or its long-term significance. However, sources who dis- cussed Hillary’s medical condition with her were told that Hillary’s doctors considered performing valve-replacement surgery. They ultimately decided against it. Still, before they released Hillary from the hospital, they warned Bill Clinton: “She has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life.”

Snick Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Actually I was referring to lack of caring for anyone except herself including her murdered friend in Libya, her lover Vince, and those poor women that Bill tried to rape or molest. She is like the Tin Woodsman (remember my graphic), she has no heart.
Actually I was referring to lack of caring for anyone except herself including her murdered friend in Libya, her lover Vince, and those poor women that Bill tried to rape or molest. She is like the Tin Woodsman (remember my graphic), she has no heart. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Oh, you didn't catch that did you?
Oh, you didn't catch that did you? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Excellent video - very interesting that Bill Clinton immediately knew that the "blame Benghazi on a video" story was weak.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hillary may be getting overexposed a little too early, and that represents the biggest risk for the Democrats, because they surely have better candidates in mind for the future. Hillary would win right now, but it is hard to say for sure in 2016. If the Republicans get a good candidate at the right time, they may yet win the Presidency and disappoint the overconfident posters on this imminently respectable SHMB.
LexusLover's Avatar
Excellent video - very interesting that Bill Clinton immediately knew that the "blame Benghazi on a video" story was weak. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
He "immediately knew" the Great Right-Wing Conspiracy didn't make up the story about his blow job in the Oral Office. He's a smart guy, but flawed.