'Incontrovertible Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Is About to Made Public'

I'm glad you have someone to blame.

The problem is that you are the one depending on what others say. You can't show where any of your information comes from. You're just some guy who says things he can't prove. You say the government and media narratives are highly questionable.

In what way? Give me some example. How do you know that? Where did you get that information? How do you know it's true? Since you can't answer all the questions I just asked (you know, questioning your information even though you told me not to question you) why would I believe your narratives you can't even offer any information on.

You tell me to accept what you say and to ignore information readily available and verifiable from multiple sources. You also tell me not to question what YOU say while refusing to supply the source of your information.

One thing you're right about. Since you aren't using your brain, you're just a parrot for the tin foil hat folks.

Bottom line is I can, and do, tell you where my info comes from. You can evaluate it for yourself. You can't tell me your source. You try to keep your info secret.

Don't question what I say. Question your Government first they are the ones controlling your life. you're not questioning anything. you're all caught up with what others say and regarding it as conspiracies because it doesn't coincide with Government and Media narratives which are highly questionable. Remember if you don't use your brain they'll use it for you. Originally Posted by Levianon17
well I guess the whole surviving population of Maui are conspiracy theorist because they know what happened and they don't think it was a natural disaster. Keep kissing your Governments ass. I'll guarantee you they won't return the favor. Originally Posted by Levianon17
... You DO have a good point, mate.

The PEOPLE of Maui don't believe ANYTHING being said
by the government and the fires that happened.

But let's give the situation some more time
before we start pointing fingers.

#### Salty
If they know what happened, why aren't they telling anyone else?
If they are all in on this, why aren't they sharing this information?

It is a blue state. Why haven't they told the NYT or WaPo?
Going to have to call bullshit on this.

Do you remember when you claimed Maui was 80% destroyed? It was actually 5% or less. You wouldn't say then where your information came from. And you aren't telling us now.
Who is claiming the fire was a natural disaster? That would be lightening, or lava, or some such.

Something not caused by man.

well I guess the whole surviving population of Maui are conspiracy theorist because they know what happened and they don't think it was a natural disaster. Keep kissing your Governments ass. I'll guarantee you they won't return the favor. Originally Posted by Levianon17
If they know what happened, why aren't they telling anyone else?
If they are all in on this, why aren't they sharing this information?

It is a blue state. Why haven't they told the NYT or WaPo?
Going to have to call bullshit on this.

Do you remember when you claimed Maui was 80% destroyed? It was actually 5% or less. You wouldn't say then where your information came from. And you aren't telling us now.
Who is claiming the fire was a natural disaster? That would be lightening, or lava, or some such.

Something not caused by man. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
Prove all that nonsense you just posted. 5% destroyed. The Main stream Media has you in a trance.
Prove all that nonsense you just posted. 5% destroyed. The Main stream Media has you in a trance. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You might want to quit while you are still behind because anyone perusing these threads can clearly see that tigbitties38 clearly has your number.
You might want to quit while you are still behind because anyone perusing these threads can clearly see that tigbitties38 clearly has your number. Originally Posted by golferguy55
The only number he has is the number of boosters he's had, lol.
The only number he has is the number of boosters he's had, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17

You might want to look again. The laughing you hear is people laughing at you and not with you. You post the same old repetitive BS that you pull from your tin foil hat wearing site and then deflect when it gets so easily debunked.
You might want to look again. The laughing you hear is people laughing at you and not with you. You post the same old repetitive BS that you pull from your tin foil hat wearing site and then deflect when it gets so easily debunked. Originally Posted by golferguy55
What did you debunk?
What did you debunk? Originally Posted by Levianon17

Your BS post about a DEW starting the fire was debunked as well as the % of land that was destroyed on Maui. Everyone here laughs when you post one of your conspiracy theories that you pull from that tin foil hat site that you get your BS from.
Your BS post about a DEW starting the fire was debunked as well as the % of land that was destroyed on Maui. Everyone here laughs when you post one of your conspiracy theories that you pull from that tin foil hat site that you get your BS from. Originally Posted by golferguy55
None of it was debunked. Just stupid opinions by leftist idiots that know nothing and trust this pathetic Government. Everything Biden has done is detrimental to people's lives. He gives Maui survivors a sorry for your losses 700.00 bullshit payment. Those people will be living in FEMA trailers for the next ten years. There's no telling what other destruction this misfit administration will cause next. Liberals think they can debunk what the truth really is by hiding behind media lies.
None of it was debunked. Just stupid opinions by leftist idiots that know nothing and trust this pathetic Government. Everything Biden has done is detrimental to people's lives. He gives Maui survivors a sorry for your losses 700.00 bullshit payment. Those people will be living in FEMA trailers for the next ten years. There's no telling what other destruction this misfit administration will cause next. Liberals think they can debunk what the truth really is by hiding behind media lies. Originally Posted by Levianon17

I see that as per your usual you deflect from what you previously posted about a DEW causing the fire as well as how much land was destroyed their. I am not surprised though since you get all of your information from that tin foil hat wearing site. BTW I heard that Sam's club is having a Labor Day sale on aluminum foil should you be running low.
I see that as per your usual you deflect from what you previously posted about a DEW causing the fire as well as how much land was destroyed their. I am not surprised though since you get all of your information from that tin foil hat wearing site. BTW I heard that Sam's club is having a Labor Day sale on aluminum foil should you be running low. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Can you prove it was natural?
You don't know squat, 700 is all they can do initially without congressional approval for more which takes time. 700 per person is for immediate needs, meds, food, etc. Not living expenses for long term.
Can you prove it was natural? Originally Posted by Levianon17

And yet you deflect again. Unlike you I will wait to see what they determine. But we do know your BS post of it being caused by a DEW has already been debunked. BTW I hear Costco is also having a sale on aluminum foil. Better go let your tin foil hat wearing buddies know.
You don't know squat, 700 is all they can do initially without congressional approval for more which takes time. 700 per person is for immediate needs, meds, food, etc. Not living expenses for long term. Originally Posted by royamcr
Oh give me a break.