pyramider's Avatar
The McCarthys are cousins.
melannie_star's Avatar
Thug or not.. That is somebody's son, brother, friend, cousin, ect.. He is a human being who made a poor choice in that convenient store that day. Which is where it all began. Everybody has known or does know someone in their lives that make poor decisions. Does not mean they deserve to die. That is the most tasteless comment I have heard out of anyones mouth in a long time. It does not matter what ethnic backround or what have you.The kid was unarmed. Everyone has an opinion, but our opinions don't make a difference to the mother who just buried her son today.
I have a lot more to say, but will not let idiotic comments like that make me stoop so low. I will take a moment to compose myself..
dallasfan's Avatar
You don't know what 'I think' means?

When was beating or getting into a scuffle a cop with or without a weapon ever legal or okay? If they were both black or both white there would be no issue. Add to that the video of the robbery that showed what kind of a thug he is.
When did this stuff ever become tolerable?

Please share the link to the video that has assisted you with your "I think" observation. There are witnesses and there is no dash cam. Are you saying a police officer who is trained in some sort of self defense tactics had to shoot a 6'4 298lb young man 6 times because his body was a weapon. Do you know you'd probably be in jail right now for shooting an unarmed 298lb 6'4 man because you were simply afraid of taking an ass beating. And once again please post the link where you gathered your "I think" conclusion. Originally Posted by Diznutz
Chung Tran's Avatar
maybe we have a Fergosun about to brew here..

The victim was not a thug. AL Sharpton told me so! Originally Posted by Solemate62
OK, then.

That settles it!
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
As someone who is a CCW, I read a lot of gun mags and watch gun training tapes.

Brown being shot at 6 times means nothing. LEOs and CCWs are taught to shoot until the threat stops. It can be 1, 3, 6, or 12 shots, as in the 1986 Miami shootout. One of the BGs in that shootout was shot at 12 times before he quit shooting. His partner in crime was shot 6 times before he was killed. Before they were neutralized, and as they were wounded, they killed two FBI agents and wounded five more.

Brown being unarmed means nothing if he attempted to steal the LEO's firearm or if he did a bull rush towards the LEO. From 2000 to 2010, 51 of 511 LEOs were killed by their own firearm, or another officer's gun.

If Brown ran away with his hands up as described by his cohort, and did not rush the LEO, then it is not a self-defense issue and the LEO need to be punished. If Brown did rush the LEO, then the officer had every right to shoot until the threat was stopped.

We may dislike LEOs on the Forum for obvious reasons, but they are also humans, and they want to go home after their work is done, just like us.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
As someone who is a CCW, I read a lot of gun mags and watch gun training tapes.

Brown being shot at 6 times means nothing. LEOs and CCWs are taught to shoot until the threat stops. It can be 1, 3, 6, or 12 shots, as in the 1986 Miami shootout. One of the BGs in that shootout was shot at 12 times before he quit shooting. His partner in crime was shot 6 times before he was killed. Before they were neutralized, and as they were wounded, they killed two FBI agents and wounded five more.

Brown being unarmed means nothing if he attempted to steal the LEO's firearm or if he did a bull rush towards the LEO. From 2000 to 2010, 51 of 511 LEOs were killed by their own firearm, or another officer's gun.

If Brown ran away with his hands up as described by his cohort, and did not rush the LEO, then it is not a self-defense issue and the LEO need to be punished. If Brown did rush the LEO, then the officer had every right to shoot until the threat was stopped.

We may dislike LEOs on the Forum for obvious reasons, but they are also humans, and they want to go home after their work is done, just like us. Originally Posted by LargeBreastFan
I am also a CCW and you are 100% percent- again I am not going to pass judgement until we hear all the evidence.
TexTushHog's Avatar
no one is saying Brown deserved to be shot for stealing cigars and pushing the store owner.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If no one is saying that, they why is his unrelated conduct, that was unknown to the cop that killed him, even being brought up in this conversation?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Kind of funny how some racist clowns come out in threads like this...Wait to see what happens. Maybe the kid deserved it, maybe he didn't. Kind of silly for anyone who is not privy to what actually happened to be the judge and the jury. Only a few people know the truth, and one of them is dead.

Who the fuck knows what really happened? To act like you do is ridiculous unless you witnessed the actual unfortunate event take place.

A young man is dead, (thug or not.) and the officer who shot him is going to be vilified for years once he is eventually identified, whether he was justified or not in killing the kid.

Just a fucked up story all the way around to me no matter what the outcome is.
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
The McCarthys are cousins. Originally Posted by pyramider
That was my point. Just because they are cousins don't mean they are equally as hot. Just because MLK and Jesse/Al et al are supposed to be civil rights leaders doesn't mean they are equally as revered or effective.

I am disappointed at how much attention this case is getting from the White House at this point. This is a local police matter that hasn't completely played itself out. I think Obama sees this as an opportunity to rally black people together as we get close to another mid term election. Plus, of all the civil rights leaders to have a direct line to Obama, why does it have to be shady Al Sharpton. He's got his pluses but he's mostly minuses at this stage of his career.
Chung Tran's Avatar
If no one is saying that, they why is his unrelated conduct, that was unknown to the cop that killed him, even being brought up in this conversation? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
because Brown's actions at the convenience store 20 minutes before the shooting, is relevant to the possibility that he may have rushed the Officer, or acted aggressively, i.e., tried to take his gun.. if the video showed him purchasing a pack of skittles, and thanking the store owner, no one would bring it up..

Kind of funny how some racist clowns come out in threads like this
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
yeah? who are the racist clowns? I haven't seen any..

I am disappointed at how much attention this case is getting from the White House at this point. This is a local police matter that hasn't completely played itself out. I think Obama sees this as an opportunity to rally black people together as we get close to another mid term election. Plus, of all the civil rights leaders to have a direct line to Obama, why does it have to be shady Al Sharpton. He's got his pluses but he's mostly minuses at this stage of his career. Originally Posted by blackmaleindallas
In my view, the sad thing about this whole series of events is that while a national discussion should advance the quality of race relations in the U.S., the opposite has been the case.

Too many pundits and race-grievance mongers are all too eager to display every conceivable manifestation of malcontent, no matter the facts. The Al Sharptons of the world are simply in the business of being perpetually offended.

I'm afraid there never will be a determination of facts that satisfies a solid majority of observers. Maybe the officer responded with justifiable force after being approached aggressively by a very large, menacing man, or maybe he didn't. In any event, I suspect this is going to be a difficult prosecution, if in fact there is one.

And the streets could explode in new bursts of anger if the officer is not prosecuted or is acquitted, or even if he is convicted of something short of murder. In the Rodney King case of the early 1990s, the violent riots in L.A. occurred after the officers were acquitted, not immediately after the beating by the four cops.

Obviously, a lot of progress has been made since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but it seems in the recent past that race relations have been getting worse, not better.

And some of the so-called "champions" of racial harmony (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al.) often act as though they wouldn't have it any other way.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Kind of funny how some racist clowns come out in threads like this...Wait to see what happens. Maybe the kid deserved it, maybe he didn't. Kind of silly for anyone who is not privy to what actually happened to be the judge and the jury. Only a few people know the truth, and one of them is dead.

Who the fuck knows what really happened? To act like you do is ridiculous unless you witnessed the actual unfortunate event take place.

A young man is dead, (thug or not.) and the officer who shot him is going to be vilified for years once he is eventually identified, whether he was justified or not in killing the kid.

Just a fucked up story all the way around to me no matter what the outcome is. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
FYI you do know the officer has been identified?
Chung Tran's Avatar
FYI you do know the officer has been identified? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I think he's too busy identifying unnamed racists here, than figuring out the facts of this incident..
For those that say Mike assaulted the officer first and that justifies the killing, where is the proof that altercation took place. I haven't seen pictures or videos of any scuffle. Again the incident is unfortunate and to call him a thug is ludicrous. His record was clean as a whistle this comes from the Stlouis prosecutors office ijs