Leggs...And A Pic!

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Mmmmmk. Thanckz...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I've seen your picture and... I'd be "mad" too.... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Also außer aufwachen und mich, die sonst haben Sie Handel Karten von
[So besides wakeup & myself who else do you have trading cards of]

Look at your showcase. Are you "dark" or photo shopped "light"? If I were a potential client, which should I expect? Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Aber Sie sind streng Penis
[but you're strictly dickly]
NMEufdaST8's Avatar
You want taint, book an appt.... Originally Posted by Kammye
HA! Well played, nice threAD...
HA! Well played, nice threAD... Originally Posted by NMEufdaST8
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Also außer aufwachen und mich, die sonst haben Sie Handel Karten von
[So besides wakeup & myself who else do you have trading cards of]

Aber Sie sind streng Penis
[but you're strictly dickly] Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
And have VERY high RW Physical Standards (unlike you) (or which ever is on this handle right now...) Heh.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Why do you care? Im black. We come in all different shades and full of honey drippin melanin hun. Depending on lighting i can be dark, light, purple. Either way i still slay.

P.S. So you took time out your night to hit my showcase to "see" how photoshopped my pics are? Girl lol. Originally Posted by Kammye

P.S. Only because I was bored at the moment and chose not to be a "fall in line kiss ass" like "normal". I spoke "my" Truth. Nite nite
Mmmmmk. Thanckz... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
No Thanck You, boo.
P.S. Only because I was bored at the moment and chose not to be a "fall in line kiss ass" like "normal". I spoke "my" Truth. Nite nite Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
And i spoke mine. Let me take my rainbow colored behind to bed as well. Nite doll.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 11-16-2016, 09:30 PM
Very chic and sexy Kammye! Well done!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
und Dank für die Aufbewahrung Ihres Schaufens up to date Kammye. Im Gegensatz zu einigen anderen offensichtlich inebriated und in der Notwendigkeit der Therapie zu töten ihre inneren Dämonen selbstbewussten Huren
[& thanks for keeping your showcase up to date Kammye. Unlike some other obviously inebriated & in need of therapy to kill their inner demons self conscious whores]

And have VERY high RW Physical Standards (unlike you) (or which ever is on this handle right now...) Heh. Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Physische Standards .... Sie kauften Ihren Körper aus einer dritten Welt Land Cracker Jacks kasten
[Physical standards.... You bought your body out of a third world country Cracker Jacks box]
Very chic and sexy Kammye! Well done! Originally Posted by Natalia Mori

Now you're pics are stunning dollface! Ty!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Muahz. Originally Posted by Kammye

Very nice. Legs 4 dayz. I immediately thought of Ciara. This seems to embody you:

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 11-16-2016, 09:40 PM
und Dank für die Aufbewahrung Ihres Schaufens up to date Kammye. Im Gegensatz zu einigen anderen offensichtlich inebriated und in der Notwendigkeit der Therapie zu töten ihre inneren Dämonen selbstbewussten Huren
[& thanks for keeping your showcase up to date Kammye. Unlike some other obviously inebriated & in need of therapy to kill their inner demons self conscious whores]
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

I've got to see this lady
Very nice. Legs 4 dayz. I immediately thought of Ciara. This seems to embody you:

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Oh wow, i love CiCi!!