Famers Branch Officer Murder Indictment

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-02-2019, 12:59 PM
What's that old saying.. Better to be Judged by 12.. than carried by 6 Originally Posted by billyjames
He'll be judge by 12 and carried by 2 once he reaches general population in prison, this dirty cop is done.
The cop may be done in Law enforcement, but he is not going to prison.He probably could've done a couple of things different, like block the truck in with his Tahoe.. and maybe since he didn't, since he was already past him, probably just let him go on his merry way. That Dirtbag will do some other dumb shit another day..get him then. Either way, Being a cop these days is a shitty job..
Dallas is so fukd up in so many ways. They couldnt charge a cop for killing an innocent man in his own apartment. But they can hammer down on a cop killing a scumbag criminal.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ right^^ Because the LSM doesn't like he killed a bad guy ,,,,,
Bluesplyr's Avatar
i think we should have just put the driver who stole the vehicle in time out. the last thing any officer should attempt to do is his job and stop criminals. the thug was not the police officer, perhaps the person committing the "crime"!
We seem to like some admendments to the Constitution much more than other admendments. The 5th, 6th and 8th admendments seem to be at the bottom on the likeability scale.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-03-2019, 12:35 PM
^^ right^^ Because the LSM doesn't like he killed a bad guy ,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
We don't live in a third world country here, there is a justice system here, dirty pig decided to punish with death, he's nothing but a thug with a badge and a gun. He'll be someone's bitch in prison
We don't live in a third world country here, there is a justice system here, dirty pig decided to punish with death, he's nothing but a thug with a badge and a gun. He'll be someone's bitch in prison Originally Posted by BLM69
Man, you need to express yourself more.. Let your feelings out, stop keeping them bottled up
There is a Justice system here..it's called when you steal someone else's shit.. You deserve what you get!!
Would it have been different If it was the owner of the truck that came out to find this POS leaving in the truck?
There is a Justice system here..it's called when you steal someone else's shit.. You deserve what you get!!
Would it have been different If it was the owner of the truck that came out to find this POS leaving in the truck?
petitefunlady's Avatar
They completed the investigation AND he got indicted in 8 days?????

Something stinks!

Investigations and indictments takes months and months and months...
A trial can take 1 to 2 years!
  • Lahk
  • 07-03-2019, 03:29 PM
So does all theft warrant the death penalty or is this a special case?
Chung Tran's Avatar
They completed the investigation AND he got indicted in 8 days?????

Something stinks! Originally Posted by petitefunlady

when the episode is recorded from several angles, you don't need more than 8 days.

although it sounds fast, when you consider the Lord took 7 days to create the World.

There is a Justice system here..it's called when you steal someone else's shit.. You deserve what you get!!
Would it have been different If it was the owner of the truck that came out to find this POS leaving in the truck? Originally Posted by billyjames
that's the question I originally posed.. if someone is stealing your property, while on your property, you can shoot to kill, according to Texas Law, if I'm not mistaken. this was not the truck owner's land, but it was his vehicle, and the Cop is a public surrogate of sorts, defending on behalf of the truck owner.
rexdutchman's Avatar
My opinion is the dumbass Dallas DA over reacted because of the Heat from the "Amber" case . I don't remember how long before she was charged ? ( yes I know apples and oranges but that doesn't matter much anymore)
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 07-05-2019, 01:45 PM
There is a Justice system here..it's called when you steal someone else's shit.. You deserve what you get!!
Would it have been different If it was the owner of the truck that came out to find this POS leaving in the truck? Originally Posted by billyjames
He's a public servant, not the owner, his job is to bring the criminals in, not punish then as he sees fit. This isn't the wild wild west or a third world country where they cut heads off first, ask questions after.