Looking like a hooker in an upscale hotel

TexTushHog's Avatar
She greeted me wearing an almost see through white tube dress with nothing under it, you could see the outline of her nipples and the crack of her butt when she turned around. It was sexy looking yes I cant deny it, Originally Posted by Tyler1189
What I want to know is who the hell decided that trashy was synonymous with sexy? At least when I was younger, that wasn't the case. And in my mind, it's still not the case. To me, trashy is unattractive.
PODarkness's Avatar
Hmmmmm, I think, once upon a time, it was called decorum (and discretion, thanks MLDFW).

There is a difference between a couple of fine looking ladies doing the fugitives from a ZZ Top video thing on a lark to get the "stuffed shirts" and wives ("stuffed bras?") going, but the question was about a hobbyist showing up at a nice place and here comes Jabba-etta-the-Slut parading through.....

wild guess dept.: wtf's wrong with that picture?!? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
From the wild answer department: absolutely nothing, if that's something the hobbyist is into, and the provider is comfortable with.

After a bit more consideration of the issue in question, and the sometimes harsh answers posted...

The simple truth is, there's more than one kind of sexy, and not every kind is for everybody. It's as true for enhanced / natural, young / old, height / weight, aggressive / submissive, nationality, ink, metal, SC, SW, or HDH, and for that matter, gender, as it is for fashion, style, and conformity.

Endless variety, and something for everyone.

If discretion is an issue, be discrete. If it's not, who are we to call anyone slutty, trashy, cheap, inappropriate, or say they are lacking in self respect for the things they do, and the clothes they wear?
90% of the general public would say the same and more about any of us, just for posting on ECCIE. Don't you just hate judgmental people?
hwygnome's Avatar
Picture this....

You arrive at the designated hotel (let's use the four seasons for our purposes) ...

Now I tag along on many appts as the massage before the session. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
So that was you bringing in the table across the driveway from the parking lot and right into the front doors. Made me scratch my head when I saw that. Should have taken a picture of that.

Another suggestion that I'd like to give, (and which I do myself), is if you're not familiar with the hotel, look up their website and look at their photo gallery to get a sense of how the hotel entrance and lobby is situated. It makes it easier and gives you an idea of just where you're about to venture to. Originally Posted by MarieLynn of DFW
Just this last weekend I watched a gal(dressed ok but I knew what she was going in for) walk across the parking lot I was sitting in and go inside. I hopped out and walked in two minutes later and started to talk to a couple of people in the lobby. The gal walks back from one hallway and heads for the elevators. Unfortunately a pillar was blocking my view so I don't know if she went up(hehe) or walked out the back. I left shortly afterward. If I had hurried back from my errand I might have caught her on the way out and saved her from leaving so soon. But I stopped to eat with a chick.

I must say though that with so many hotels it can be hard to keep up with hotel layouts. Kind of like wally world store layouts.

Interesting post. One key assumption you make is that the lady(s) you're talking about have common sense and tact. Sadly, many do not hence the disregard for what image their appearance creates.

Sexy doesn't come from clothing...it comes from within. As someone referenced here, a pair of jeans and an oversize shirt can be sexy as hell, if it comes from the core of the person beneath the clothing.

To Dannie's point, I agree. But cleavage is in these days. I sometimes shake my head at the way women display their wares, and expect a gent not to look...in real life, especially business. (If a lady doesn't want someone staring at her chest, then maybe she should reconsider the plunging neckline top?

With all of that being said, WALDT and some gents go for the trashy look. It's all good between consenting adults.

Had this happen 1 time....

Got a room for an outcall only lady. Set it up so she could come in herself... She goes to the back of the hotel, and cannot get into the door. Calls me to come get her.

I go downstairs, Tiny girl, 6 inch heels, black dress, kitty hanging out at the bottom... Oh Hell.....

Never made a faster trip to a door and back in my life... Now I know the Walk of Shame... Worse than a opps moment at a strip club...

What I want to know is who the hell decided that trashy was synonymous with sexy? At least when I was younger, that wasn't the case. And in my mind, it's still not the case. To me, trashy is unattractive. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

It is one of the differences between an "escort" and a "hooker".

TTH, was one of the first to sign up on ASPD so he will remember better than I. When I registered on ASPD back in 2003, I think there were about 40 or 50 escorts that advertised on ASPD. Most of them were "escorts". They had honed their craft and raised their entire set of skills to merit the respect and admiration of the guys as well as their fees.

Sadly, those days are gone. We have many quality ladies here whom I would classify as an "escort" or even a "courtesan". Unfortunately, they are hidden gems because the the high availability of high speed Internet access has brought the gals from the street corner and the blue collar crowd to the review boards watering down what used to be an elite group of women catering to an elite group of men.

It is what it is.
There used to be a couple sites that were invite only, I have long since forgotten my login details to them and don't really even know if they are still around....they were a little more exclusive and consisted of the kind of 'escorts' and 'courtesans' cpi just described...

Anyone know if they are still around, are they still the same? Feel free to PM me with info if you have it. Thank you for your time
Midnight Live used to be one of my favorites, it was sold and they went public and I went here.
This is why I no longer have a need for a provider to have her face plastered all over the internet. Be just great if someone recognizes her when she comes to lobby to get me.

On the other hand, I have never met a lady in the lobby. We meet in the room. Only exception is when I check in with the lady.
Jaleh's Avatar
  • Jaleh
  • 09-06-2010, 02:04 PM
This is why I no longer have a need for a provider to have her face plastered all over the internet. Be just great if someone recognizes her when she comes to lobby to get me.

On the other hand, I have never met a lady in the lobby. We meet in the room. Only exception is when I check in with the lady. Originally Posted by tigercat
This has happened to me. #1 reason why its not up anymore...
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I'd turn and walk away. If the lady lacks the common sense to be discrete and subtle she's not gonna interest me in the least. Originally Posted by txcwby6
This is why I no longer have a need for a provider to have her face plastered all over the internet. Be just great if someone recognizes her when she comes to lobby to get me.

On the other hand, I have never met a lady in the lobby. We meet in the room. Only exception is when I check in with the lady. Originally Posted by tigercat

Can I get an AMEN!

Personally, I don't get want to get caught up in the present - what I do later on in life will not be haunted by what I do now.. this is the reason I do not show face. I'm only 21.. lots of life left to go. AND, becasue my tattoos are erased & I don't show my face - they'd never even know who to look for in the lobby.
Hayden Hightower's Avatar
LMAO, funny Kayla, I had a similar incident at the Four seasons. I was pulling into valet to see my client, (dressed in a flattering, but modest dress/heels combo) and noticed several people staring and pointing in my direction...I immediately became embarassed and paranoid...was my nipple showing? Did I drop condoms out of my purse? Then, I suddenly realized it wasn't me everyone was gawking at....In front of me was a lady, maybe mid to late 30s, wearing a red sequin tube top, a black leather miniskirt, fishnet stockings (with holes) and hooker heels.....The best part yet, she was attempting to dislodge her huge massage table out of the back seat of her van, and in doing so, drops her hooker bag, spilling dildos, condoms, and lube all over the driveway of the hotel.....Even better, this chick acts completely unfazed, as the valet guy picks up her toys, and the bellman assisits her in carrying the massage table through the lobby door. I was turning bright red just standing next to her and her table, while we waited on the elevator...I can only imagine what her client's reaction was!!!
HH that is a scream and you paint such a vivid picture. Once I was in Chicago at the Palmer. There were two attractive women in the bar, both waring conservative business suits, heels but not stripper high. I noticed that either one was wearing a blouse under the suit top, not that unusual l but still...I was not quite sure until one of them gave me a Sharron Stone moment. They were working the bar (long time before the internet) and were gone in less the half and hour.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
More on this point,

A woman who dresses appropriately and acts with appropriate discretion while and respects my discretion is going to be appreciated by me when it comes to gratuity and repeat business.