SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Republican Senators Murkowski and Collins have recently said that they do not support a vote for a justice ahead of the election. Senators Gardner in Colorado and McSally in Arizona are facing uphill battles to retain their Republican seats in November. Romney in Utah might defy Trump because he does not like him.

Point is there is reason to believe that no vote to replace Ginsburg will take place before election day.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You can find a strong conservative without choosing a nutjob. The name that has already been floated falls exactly in line. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
They could put up Gandhi and he’d be painted as a Nazi serial rapist. At this very moment democrats have teams looking into shit Barrett scribbled on the playground in kindergarten. An unnamed source told Schiffhole her hopscotch board closely resembled a swastika. Doesn’t matter who they pick, democrats and media will do whatever possible to ruin their lives.

To bad they can’t clone Thomas, truly the nicest person you’d ever meet in your life. Out of nowhere, about 10 years ago, he and his wife parked their RV next to ours in a West Vagina state park. These are people who could afford whatever luxury accommodations they want, but would rather be amongst the rabble, which is incredibly cool. We had the pleasure burning dead cows, drinking cheap beer and talking about everything other than politics with them for the evening. Absolute salt of the earth couple.
LexusLover's Avatar
Republican Senators Murkowski and Collins have recently said that they do not support a vote for a justice ahead of the election. Senators Gardner in Colorado and McSally in Arizona are facing uphill battles to retain their Republican seats in November. Romney in Utah might defy Trump because he does not like him.

Point is there is reason to believe that no vote to replace Ginsburg will take place before election day. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Ballots are being mailed...ala Dumbocrats. If the Senate Majority Leader puts it up for a vote .... those on the fence will have to jump off based on the actual numbers on the ground. And each one of the fence sitters will have to decide whether one side or the other will get them re-elected. If that is their motivation!

As you found out the hard way .... 45 days is a LONG TIME!

And the days following a defeat for a Senator is a REALLY LONG TIME when the defeat was based on making the wrong decision when jumping off the fence.
ICU 812's Avatar
At this point, gloasting of any kind is egregiously out of order.

As John dunn wrote ack in the 1600s;

"Ask not fopr whome the bell tolls . . ."
LexusLover's Avatar


If pretending to respect the recently deceased is an effort to marginalize others (or keep them quiet), then the recently deceased according to her granddaughter set the stage for a continuing debate ....

... according to granddaughter the old lady's dying words were that she didn't want this President to nominate her replacement (a paraphrase) ... so ...

... having a discussion about the nomination is in order!

And clearly not disrepectful to the old lady.

Anything more or less is simply bullshit.
matchingmole's Avatar
Hypocrisy is the most common form of conservatism. Luckily it won't happen. Trump is going to get his ass beat, and now we know what one of the first orders of business will be for Biden when he takes office. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Hypocrisy is a common trait of progressives as well. Just look at how fast they changed their mind about "believe all women" once Biden was accused of the same things as Kavanaugh.

After what the Democrats did to Kavanaugh, the GOP owes them nothing.

They have all the votes they need to ram through a woman nominee. She won't be vulnerable to any phony sex assault allegations.

  • oeb11
  • 09-24-2020, 01:19 PM
not to mention the rigged 'Impeachment' hearings
And - nadler labelled the Portland violence - 'It's a myth"!!!!!
Tell that to mayor wheeler when he was teargassed by the his own rioters.
  • oeb11
  • 09-24-2020, 01:21 PM
Republican Senators Murkowski and Collins have recently said that they do not support a vote for a justice ahead of the election. Senators Gardner in Colorado and McSally in Arizona are facing uphill battles to retain their Republican seats in November. Romney in Utah might defy Trump because he does not like him.

Point is there is reason to believe that no vote to replace Ginsburg will take place before election day. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Point is - there is every reason McConnell has the votes.

and a vote will take place before the election.

and - biden is senile
harris is a devout marxist
and Those who believe in a fair, honest , and just DPST party - also belief Stalin and Mao never murdered a soul
Republican Senators Murkowski and Collins have recently said that they do not support a vote for a justice ahead of the election. Senators Gardner in Colorado and McSally in Arizona are facing uphill battles to retain their Republican seats in November. Romney in Utah might defy Trump because he does not like him.

Point is there is reason to believe that no vote to replace Ginsburg will take place before election day. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
As always....WRONG AGAIN SPEED!!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Point is there is reason to believe that no vote to replace Ginsburg will take place before election day. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

No polling data available?