CK's get togethers vs the events I have staged in the past....

I'm a bit tired of these comparisons and comments regarding the way I stage the events I do....

Actually, when it comes time to have a party/get together I have handled it in a fashion much safer for everyone then I believe CK does..... Your statement is confusing the posting of collection spots for the fundraiser with the actual parties and events I host.....

For example.....

a) CK draws consistent attention day in and out to the specific days he is hosting one of his parties....

I simply post that a get together is being planned and the date and time of the event is never posted on this site.

b) CK and supporters make a point in explanation that only active members with recent vouches are eligible to attend..... That the parties are staged for men to be able to meet the whores......

The ones I have staged are done so for the men.... they are designed for like minded individuals to get together and discuss things of mutual interest..... Whores are not given an invitation......Men are allowed to ask for permission to invite one and if approved do so but the number of whores in attendance is always limited.....

c) CK has confirmed that it is not unsual for business to get discussed at the parties and supports the concept.... He acknowledges that women and men might arrive separately and come to an arrangement and leave together.....

I am adamantly against ANY business being discussed at an event I organize. The man that asks to sponsor a women in attendance is responsible for her behavior and any hint of business being discussed results in him being told he needs to take her and leave. Women in attendance are required to arrive with the man sponsoring them and leave with the same man so that no hint of impropriety can be assumed.

That is relaxed and handled differently at the past Christmas Parties.

d) Many of CK's parties are themed and highly sexual in nature as discussed afterwards.....

I maintain a simple dress code and standard of behavior to dissuade any lewd actions..... Over the course of 5 years I only dealt with one issue.

So please explain to me again which one is a bigger target for unsolicited attention?

A collection of whores coached to dress provocatively soliciting business from johns, brought together in one location where the host is OK with business getting discussed, arrangements made and pairs leaving to do their deeds and review it for us later?


A group of like minded individuals getting together in a place where they might hang out at any time, with a small ration of women in attendance that are required to dress appropriately, come with a guy and are required to leave with a guy where any talk of business is prohibited?

Perhaps your knowledge does not contain the fact that CK was the host of the Houston Christmas party that was raided leading to a few arrests and faces splashed in the news and on TV a few years back.....

I've definitely organized far less events than CK but we've never seen a problem at any of them.......... It's a known fact that a couple of the guys that attended a few of them WERE local LE that happened to be friends of one of the guys..... As we were doing noting to be concerned with it was not a problem and they had similar interests as we did....

In regards to future events...... I think it's only a matter of time before another party makes headline news and the media blows up with pictures and stories......

How they are operated will most definitely play a factor in what goes down when it happens..... Originally Posted by Whispers
"Your statement is confusing the posting of collection spots for the fundraiser with the actual parties and events I host....."

No confusion intended whatsoever.
I was specifically addressing the "fundraiser" and the info you post on the wide open internet for anyone to see.
Highly detailed as to where,when and the exact ladies that would be there for anyone to observe.....
As others have pointed out in the past,you respond to simple statements with long winded meandering dances.
budman33's Avatar

Certainly Whispers gets full of himself on the board but he never came across like that to me at any of his parties. And the work he has done in the past for the Christmas fundraisers is rather awesome. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
agreed. Whispers and I only had a disagreement over the tax write off 'someone' certainly takes for all the above the board donations.

agreed. Whispers and I only had a disagreement over the tax write off 'someone' certainly takes for all the above the board donations.

Originally Posted by budman33
" write off 'someone' certainly takes for all the above the board donations."

And again,ALL the info concerning the "fundraiser" is right here on this site for anyone to see.........

The "get togethers" that ck1942 and Whispers put on are far different than the "fundraiser".
The "fundraiser" gives all the info right here,where anyone can see....
The other two have links to where a person has to go to and ostensibly pass some kind of screening or vouching.
The "fundraiser",not so much.......
" write off 'someone' certainly takes for all the above the board donations."

And again,ALL the info concerning the "fundraiser" is right here on this site for anyone to see.........

The "get togethers" that ck1942 and Whispers put on are far different than the "fundraiser".
The "fundraiser" gives all the info right here,where anyone can see....
The other two have links to where a person has to go to and ostensibly pass some kind of screening or vouching.
The "fundraiser",not so much....... Originally Posted by Observing
Curious minds wanna know,has SL attended any of these events?

gfejunkie's Avatar
the tax write off 'someone' certainly takes for all the above the board donations. Originally Posted by budman33
I find that... Interesting. I'm sure the IRS would as well.
I find that... Interesting. I'm sure the IRS would as well. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
"Interesting. I'm sure the IRS would as well."

But,as long as everything is up to snuff,no worries......

I have attended several of CK's events and they are pure and simple cocktail parties of friends with like interests. I have never seen any overt sex or any thing that doesn't go on at some other party of friends. The location is always withheld to only those attending the party. I just can't see holding a party in a strip club I enjoy talking with a bunch of the providers and a bunch of the guys that show up. How any conversation can be held with all of that noise not to mention the over priced drinks.
Whispers's Avatar
agreed. Whispers and I only had a disagreement over the tax write off 'someone' certainly takes for all the above the board donations. Originally Posted by budman33
You are not telling the entire story. Just a part designed to make something look nefarious when you have no real knowledge as to any issues of any kind.

How does one take a tax deduction for a pair of pants, shoes, shirt, underwear and a basketball given directly to an 11yo?

How would someone that adopted a family for Christmas and showed up at their house with Christmas dinner and presents for all of them take a deduction for that act of generosity?

You and I were usually at odds and you were not someone I or anyone else associated with the fundraiser knew. Providing someone I was at odds with the information as to the identity of the organization that COULD have been used to create an extremely embarrassing and awkward situation for them was not a risk I and the others who's opinions I value were willing to take.

If you recall, there was no real disagreement. I politely declined and explained the reasoning as to why the agency was only known to a few. I thanked you for the interest shown and suggested, as I did to everyone else that asked, that you give whatever you can to a cause you believed in and trusted. I did not in any way solicit you or try to sell you on the idea of giving after explaining it to you..

A lot of caution was taken from day one to insure that the Agency was never connected to or aware of this community and that included myself. With the exception of those two members, all donations made to the cause were anonymous.

I believe there were only 7 people, over the 5 years, that were concerned with receipts for their donations. Only 2 members in the 5 years were ever provided a receipt for their donation which were far larger than others. With each of those individuals they were fully aware of the organization and their contributions extremely generous. Their donations had to be made in a manner that could actually go through the Agency which was not the nature of the fundraiser in general

What those of you wanting to tarnish a good cause are failing to consider is that donations were made were NOT made to any organization but directly to the clients of the organization. All the monies and items collected were distributed directly to the kids involved and their family? I have always expressed my personal distrust for how funds donated to the agencies are utilized and this event was always designed to but clothing and gifts and food for the kids in need.

It's sad that some of you unable to effect what and how I choose to post take to attacking a cause that harms no one and helps many that would have no Christmas outside of the generosity of some here. Pretty pathetic.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-18-2015, 07:58 AM
I don’t know the details of the specific collection/contribution situations being discussed so my comments are more general. However a lot of times it seems individuals who are trying to do good, generous things wind up taking grief for the way they go about it.

A lot of the most impactful, truly generous local giving I have seen was done without receipts, without write-offs, and directly to people in need. Sometimes there was no formal “charity” organization set up so no formal deduction was necessary. But even when there was a specific charity structure often—far more often than people might suspect—it was because the people giving wanted to help but knew the receiving organization was likely not to accept help from them.

I know a number of ladies who run specials around Christmas to collect toys or clothes or food or cash for those in need. They will then take the collection to the Salvation Army, or a local shelter, etc. I suspect they contributions help a lot of people, but would be rejected if the card said, “Here is $5,000 from the local escorts and their clients”.

The real issue with these kinds of things is trust in the person collecting and acting as the intermediary. If you trust them, you trust them. If you don’t, you don’t. And if the write-off receipt is critical to you, there are many other avenues. I see no reason to bash someone for providing an avenue to help.
budman33's Avatar
I find that... Interesting. I'm sure the IRS would as well. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
why. they were legit donations with money from hobbyists so above the board jobs. I only questioned 'who' was taking the advantage of such a large legitimate writeoff.
budman33's Avatar
I don’t know the details of the specific collection/contribution situations being discussed so my comments are more general. However a lot of times it seems individuals who are trying to do good, generous things wind up taking grief for the way they go about it.

A lot of the most impactful, truly generous local giving I have seen was done without receipts, without write-offs, and directly to people in need. Sometimes there was no formal “charity” organization set up so no formal deduction was necessary. But even when there was a specific charity structure often—far more often than people might suspect—it was because the people giving wanted to help but knew the receiving organization was likely not to accept help from them.

I know a number of ladies who run specials around Christmas to collect toys or clothes or food or cash for those in need. They will then take the collection to the Salvation Army, or a local shelter, etc. I suspect they contributions help a lot of people, but would be rejected if the card said, “Here is $5,000 from the local escorts and their clients”.

The real issue with these kinds of things is trust in the person collecting and acting as the intermediary. If you trust them, you trust them. If you don’t, you don’t. And if the write-off receipt is critical to you, there are many other avenues. I see no reason to bash someone for providing an avenue to help. Originally Posted by Old-T

That sounds fantastic but deluded. People who donate usually and nearly always take the tax break for the simple reason of why giving it to the government. You already gave to the people that needed it with your donation. Saving on taxes for giving means you can give even more. Someone took that writeoff because its just common sense. I'm sorry i brought it up because it was years ago. I just don't participate in the whispers christmas donations fund anymore.

I still give...
Whispers's Avatar
That sounds fantastic but deluded. People who donate usually and nearly always take the tax break

You know that how? What personal experience do you have with it? With several hundred people having contributed over the 5 yrs only a handful showed any interest in getting a receipt.

Outside of that, having worked for non-profits for a few years we regularly received donations from people that never expected or wanted one.

for the simple reason of why giving it to the government. You already gave to the people that needed it with your donation. Saving on taxes for giving means you can give even more. Someone took that writeoff because its just common sense.

There was no agency that the money flowed through to the kids. You can't simply write off money you give to any cause these days..... Originally Posted by budman33

There are a lot of reasons why someone might not take every possible tax deduction they are eligible for.

For example......

Person A makes $120,000 a year in the form of a salary with paycheck stubs to show $10,000 a month in income. After all the possible deductions he can take including charitable contributions, he reduces his taxable income down to $58,000 as his Adjusted Gross Income.

Person B is Self Employed and makes $132,000 a year from commissions on Car sales in the automotive industry. After all the possible deductions he can take including charitable contributions, he reduces his taxable income down to $58,000 as his Adjusted Gross Income.

Both people have been in the same line of work for 5 years and are interested in buying a home. ..

In the case of Person A, when a Mortgage company goes to determine his income they use Gross income from his most recent month's paycheck stubs. So his income for qualification purposes is $10,000 a month and with basic ratios applied that a overseen by the govt he is allowed approximately $4500 of that $10,000 towards all installment, credit card and mortgage debt combined.

In the case of Person B, when a Mortgage company goes to determine his income they use Adjusted Gross Income from his last 2 years tax returns. So his income for qualification purposes is $4,833 a month and with basic ratios applied that a overseen by the govt he is allowed approximately $2,175 of towards all installment, credit card and mortgage debt combined.

So although both individuals technically make the same money, may have the same debt and pay the same taxes after deductions, Person B is greatly limited in his options when financing a home.

Many have to go back and amend returns, pay additional taxes plus penalties NOT TAKING deductions they are allowed simply to have a higher provable income.

Our Govt at work.....

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-18-2015, 11:43 AM
That sounds fantastic but deluded. People who donate usually and nearly always take the tax break for the simple reason of why giving it to the government. You already gave to the people that needed it with your donation. Saving on taxes for giving means you can give even more. Someone took that writeoff because its just common sense. I'm sorry i brought it up because it was years ago. I just don't participate in the whispers christmas donations fund anymore.

I still give... Originally Posted by budman33
I will respectfully disagree. When it is general charitable giving, I agree. But often it is intended to help a specific family or person, and going through a recognized charity often will not get it to where it is intended.

I had run a few collections for ladies injured and unable to work for a few months. A lady in DC used to run a toy collection for the families in two specific public housing buildings near her. This afternoon I am setting up an account to collect contributions for the funeral of a girl killed in a H&R. None of these will be deductible as far as I know. But they are all small donations also.

It really all comes down to trusting the middleman.
nuglet's Avatar
it just gets old, seeing ads on here for the self promoting parties. Some care, some don't. I say stop advertising unless you are a provider..
The Mods have frequently closed any mention of CK's parties on ECCIE. Again I say his socials have been just cocktail parties with no pandering. What does a beer cost at a strip joint? Is there a cover charge?