Anyone know why Trump to steal America's nuclear secrets?

Cendell M's Avatar
Hey hey lol you’re still cool in my book too boo
boardman's Avatar
5 years of this shit and the political opposition still can't pin anything criminal on Trump and anything from this raid that they might find, or might have planted, won't hold up as evidence.
If you don't have the intellectual honesty to admit that this was another politically motivated hit job
A la
Russia, Russia, Russia

Mike Flynn
Roger Stone
Steele Dossier
Impeachment I
Impeachment II, neither of which returned a conviction.
January 6 hearing....and on and on and on.

I don't know what to tell you

Just admit you hate the guy. I hated Obama and think he did more to divide our country than any president before or since but I'm not fapping to the idea of him being thrown in jail. Sweet Baby Tebow!
kerwil62's Avatar
I'm surprised this thread haven't been closed or moved to the Political Forum.....
boardman's Avatar
I'm surprised this thread haven't been closed or moved to the Political Forum..... Originally Posted by kerwil62

It's been brought up before. UC's response was something to the effect of there not being a rule against political posts in the sandbox.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-24-2022, 09:20 PM
I'm surprised this thread haven't been closed or moved to the Political Forum..... Originally Posted by kerwil62
hey ker. long time!

i got asked earlier why i don't do the political forum. my answer was food fights just aren't my thing.
TryWeakly's Avatar
so, any ideas?

grammo, i meant trump tried to steal.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
If he did, does it matter why?
And if he didn't, why worry about it?
  • pxmcc
  • 09-01-2022, 09:21 PM
If he did, does it matter why?
And if he didn't, why worry about it?
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
b/c of this:

"Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

if the feds seize Trump's devices, good chance they will find evidence of trump providing aid and comfort to our enemy i.e. putin. maybe they might find evidence of him hawking vlad his ample files of U.S. nuclear secrets. if so, that's treason, a capital offense.

the truth is trump gives zero fucks about this great country. he was ready to throw america under the bus for trump hotels moscow and ankara. dangle an 8 or 9 figure sum that putin could easily afford for some priceless docs, and it's a no brainer for trump. plus, he thinks he's too smart to get busted. #lolz..
  • pxmcc
  • 09-02-2022, 05:38 PM
so the inventory includes folders labeled top secret. but the actual documents themselves are nowhere to be found. what did trump do with the classified docs themselves?

memo to trump: make a photocopy of the top secret nuclear docs you plan to sell. don't give putin the originals, you fool..
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
It's been brought up before. UC's response was something to the effect of there not being a rule against political posts in the sandbox. Originally Posted by boardman
Also, it's easier for me to keep an eye on here.

Besides, the warehouse that has the cases of pointy darts I use is in Houston, and it's easy to forklift an entire skid load into the truck I have here, as I go though a lot of those pointy things.

Btw, getting back to the OP's 1st question...
Trump and nuke secrets...
Does Mr. T need radiation therapy? Just asking.

OK, back to your regular programing of bashing a politician.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Still waitin on those receipts of those TDS-derived claims... just sayin.
  • pxmcc
  • 09-20-2022, 07:42 AM
MisterMeat's Avatar
Truth Social? That’s like Kim Kardashian launching a social media site and calling it “No Implants Social”.
kerwil62's Avatar
i folmfao.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
MisterMeat's Avatar

And the house of cards begins to fall. Save those Trump Hotel coffee mugs. They might be worth something on eBay someday.