TAKE NOTICE - Hobbyist Creedo

LadiesFan's Avatar
The world is not black and white... it is many many shades of grey. I always show courtesy until someone proves to me that they are not worthy.

I'm curious about those of you who voted "agree". His question was absolute with zero room for the exception. Can you honestly say that no matter what, you would respect a woman? I could list numerous real life scenarios where I believe it would be impossible to have anything but contempt for a particular woman. Did you vote based on what you wanted the poll to mean: "Respect for the women that have made your lives more enjoyable and have shown no behavior that would warrant disrespect" or was it the polically correct vote? Originally Posted by Budman
Quote from TheDogger:
"I will respect women of all ages and in every circumstance."

Those that can agree to this, say so and be noticed.

Those that don't, well...we won't see you here.

Those that do sign and know you're only doing it to either get off the DNS or clear your conscience/image/reputation here in this community....don't bother we all know who you are. Ain't no secrets in this world of ours.

Dogger's threats intimidated me. I clicked agree. I must have fallen for it.

1. I guess I wanted to be noticed.
2. I didn't know what "WE WON'T SEE YOU HERE" meant, but it scared me.
3. He said he knows all the secrets here in this world.
4. I don't want to be an outcast.

I was just trying to impress the ladies....
if you are going to be this 'open' with it...you might as well replace the word 'women' with EVERYONE...man...woman...child ...terrorist...and so on.
Terrorists? Hell no lol no one respects them
This is akin to one of those childish trick questions such as "Do you Still beat your wife? Yes or No answer only please".

Clearly very little intellect went into it's construction. How old are you again?
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 11-24-2010, 10:22 AM
When I first clicked "View Poll Results", it showed the responders handles under each option letting me know who voted for what. I've never noticed that feature in previous polls. Originally Posted by Slotgoop
This sure brings a whole new light on things. Nice feature. Also, nice to see who's with me and who's against. Only one provider vote and we know which hard legs are total gentlemen. lol

I think it's a trick question and most of the answers lye or lie in our ability to understand what is asked.

I don't respect all ladies, all the time. I respect most ladies all the time and I respect all ladies most the time. But that doesn't apply to just ladies.
So, I answered the best way there was. If there was a maybe selection: Maybe I would of selected that answer.?
TheDogger's Avatar
Thanks everyone for spending the time posting on this thread as well as voting.

Current tally as of this writing:

National 29 for 5 against
Houston 37 for 31 against
Dallas 35 for 9 against
San Antonio 38 for 5 against
Austion 16 for 17 against

For a total of: 155 for 67 against.

Fascinating results. Much of the disparity comes from some of vigorous and vitriolic responses in the Houston and Austin forums lambasting even asking the question. This at first swayed the early results nearly 2-1 against but as the detractors slowly silenced, the “for’s” became much less intimidated.

Now to respond to some of the remarkable criticism.

“The poll is poorly written, divisive and trick.”
No, I am not a professional pollster but I did word it in the exact wording I thought would provide the greatest amount of conversation and discussion. I provided both the circumstances of the poll via a thread link (significant actions of a hobbyist in Houston) and specific perspectives required: “As a Hobbyist considering what is going on in Houston….” If that pisses you off. Sorry.

You betcha. Either you do or you don’t. You don’t…go ahead a vote and say so but your anger is terribly misplaced. This was to challenge us all into understanding whether we lead with our Respect Chins or not. If you do, which seems like the majority, you vote and stay quiet. Those that don’t agree tend to scream and holler like a guilty person does screaming their innocence. Quite telling.

Wha???? Its clearly stated, yes or no. Whatever. Define it yourself and vote. Dislike it, don’t understand it and leave. Take it easy….its just a poll on a hobby site.

“You’re a White Knight”
Again…wha? A White Knight is an excuser to a woman provider who is in the wrong. Clearly that is not the case here and no….I make no excuses for the guilty.

“Fuck off Dogger”
Nice one…thanks Budman.

“Self glorifying to get Extra’s from Providers”
Bullshit. I only see a few providers as it is. With all of them, the relationships started provider/client then friends now lovers. I believe in quality not quantity. Some of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met have been providers and they deserve our respect not our disdain as so many hobbyists believe is their place. Simply pisses me off. Society has got their status in the social chain completely upside down.

“Did it to defend women without regard to whether they deserve it or not.”
Everyone deserves some modicum of respect, period. Even the crack ho’s abusing their kids deserve respect by not condemning them by walking away allowing to continue but correcting the problem and protecting the kids through intervention through all the legal means built into our society and providing resources for the Mom to get the medical help she needs. That’s what makes us Americans.

I simply created this poll as a reaction to the amazing amount of support and excusing of a horrendous action done by a hobbyist in Houston and then self glorified himself in the Co-Ed section, where the thread was subsequently moved to the Mens Forum, and then received and UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT of accolades and high fives for all his predation and molestation. His words not mine.


I did this poll not for women, I did it for MEN and for ECCIE saying:

“NO – This world and this entire site is not filled with complete animals and disrespectful women haters.”

Men that I know and respect not only want nothing to do with that but stand up and say “Fuck that…not in my backyard!”

And if that pisses you off…well, I don’t fucking care. The numbers say the same.
so your poll...was because of MP?
why not just post a Poll asking for a yes or no on MP thread and give it some more attention?
so the conclusion is men in atx and h-town are assholes?

whatever your motive was...this has nothing to do with 'respect'
austinkboy's Avatar
Wow... you are not a well man.

No, none of this "pisses me off". I actually found it rather interesting. Especially in that it is you that seems to be very pissed off that Austin doesn't agree with your view of the order of things. Why are you so upset? So I guess you are ranting that if we "disagree" with you, we are "complete animals and disrespectful women haters..." and your answer to a healthy discussion is "fuck that...not in my backyard!".

Right up to the end, I was expecting some funny, enlightening revelation that you were going to spring on us... couldn't even come up with a bad joke.

I do agree with you on one point... "UnFuckingBelievable".
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-28-2010, 02:43 PM
And if that pisses you off…well, I don’t fucking care. Originally Posted by TheDogger
Well, the opposite of hate isn't love, it's indifference. So, you finally got something right from a conceptual standpoint.

Now, I'm going make a big batch of stir-fry, sit down to watch the Bears-Eagles, and unbutton my pants as I stuff my face.

That's because I don't care that you don’t fucking care. See, it's easy to simplify one's life when you stick to the bare necessities.

Maybe next time you should make your post more of a direct referendum on Monkeypaw, specifically. Or more, to the point, personally challenge him to a duel to settle the matter and directly address the abominable evil he represents to you.

Unless, of course he's an internet troll, just a pathetic little wretch with no life, sitting in front of a keyboard intentionally posting provocative BS just to get the sort of response and attention you've been giving him. You might be playing into his hands and giving him oodles of positive reinforcement and more a reason to stick around instead of shutting up and moving on.

Chew on that one for while.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Respect is not something to give out all willynilly.Not everyone deserves respect no matter what sex they are it needs to be earned. The op later said it pertains how you live your day to day I believe that the way you treat people is only one of the many factors it takes to Earn respect.

I do think you should treat everyone civil atleast till their true assholeness shows
Seem like a suck ass post to me personally.....just damn right childish and of no use.

Now when you request a session with one of the ladies be sure to state in you comments .... "I'm the guy that posted the stupid ass post for you girls", "I'm the new definition for White Knighting".

dogger, universal respect for life is something different than respect for an individual. Universal truths are dangerous in that it doesn't demand accountability and therefore responsibility. Respect is not a right that can be demanded, it's a privilege that needs to be earned by ones actions. Originally Posted by austinkboy
Agree with Budman and especially with AustinBoy above quote, Respect is EARNED.

Also I think the OP need to remove his head from that smelly place called his asshole. Wake up dude, life is on the outside.
Fascinating results. Much of the disparity comes from some of vigorous and vitriolic responses in the Houston and Austin forums lambasting even asking the question. This at first swayed the early results nearly 2-1 against but as the detractors slowly silenced, the “for’s” became much less intimidated. Originally Posted by TheDogger
I don't see that the detractors have been silenced at all, at least not in this thread anyway.

You betcha. Either you do or you don’t. You don’t…go ahead a vote and say so but your anger is terribly misplaced. This was to challenge us all into understanding whether we lead with our Respect Chins or not.
Well, maybe it was, but that's not what the poll asked us.

Everyone deserves some modicum of respect, period. Even the crack ho’s abusing their kids deserve respect by not condemning them by walking away allowing to continue but correcting the problem and protecting the kids through intervention through all the legal means built into our society and providing resources for the Mom to get the medical help she needs. That’s what makes us Americans.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this. I wouldn't have any respect for a man who abuses his kids, nor would I have any respect for a woman who did the same. So I guess in your eyes, that means I don't respect women?
knotty man's Avatar
respect cannot be taken or demanded. it can only be earned or lost.i give everyone (men and women) the respect due any human being. that respect remains there until it is either raised to a higher level or lost . both are due to the persons conduct towards me as well as those i care about. so i guess my answer is both yes and no. i will give them (m and w) respect but only till the situation alters that. to give it as a blanket YES, is something i cant ,wont ,and believe i shouldnt do
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-28-2010, 04:40 PM
I'm not participating in this poll as I have:
  • no idea what you are asking for
  • better things to do that to see what 'inspired you' to start this poll in the first place...