A carefully crafted oddity about the Centennial shooter


Though USA Today’s piece on Arapahoe High shooter Karl Pierson specifically addresses his motive to kill his debate coach and cites the influence one particular book had on him, the article fails to mention his well-known leftist ideological leanings. The media’s devious double standard at work by way of omission.

The closest the piece gets to discussing ideology is the brief mention of Pierson’s familiarity with the infamous 70s DIY bomb-making guide, The Anarchist Cookbook. And while ideology would seem to be a possible source for tension between Pierson and his debate coach, the topic is never even mentioned.

Pierson had read The Anarchist Cookbook, a notorious 1970s how-to manual for making explosives, and he had a grudge against Murphy, Redmond told NBC News.

"Speech and debate was his life, and the fact that he wasn't there crushed him a little bit and made him really tense and angry," said Joe Redmond.

Pierson and Murphy "did not get along, and whatever it was escalated to a death threat," he added.

Whether the source of this tension was personal, social, or ideological is never questioned. If the shooter’s political leanings even hinted at conservatism, would USA Today and other major news outlets have found the topic so irrelevant? National Review Online’s Charles C.W. Cooke thinks not:

For the most part, the media observe well the distinction between political and apolitical killings, and understand the different reactions they demand. Except, that is, when a shooting is carried out by someone suspected of being a conservative. Then, all discipline goes out the window; then, the act simply must have been caused by ideology; then, our television shows are filled with endless discussions of causes thrice removed, and we are subjected to earnest remonstrances about “rhetoric” and “climate” and, heaven forfend, “tone.”

Is ideology necessarily important in the case of the Arapahoe shooting? Probably not. Likely, as is true in so many of these tragedies, the mental health of the attacker is the real issue. The point is, the leftist media picks and chooses when ideology matters. It’s a simple equation: It only matters when it damages conservatism.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Though USA Today’s piece on Arapahoe High shooter Karl Pierson specifically addresses his motive to kill his debate coach and cites the influence one particular book had on him, the article fails to mention his well-known leftist ideological leanings. The media’s devious double standard at work by way of omission.

The closest the piece gets to discussing ideology is the brief mention of Pierson’s familiarity with the infamous 70s DIY bomb-making guide, The Anarchist Cookbook. And while ideology would seem to be a possible source for tension between Pierson and his debate coach, the topic is never even mentioned.

Pierson had read The Anarchist Cookbook, a notorious 1970s how-to manual for making explosives, and he had a grudge against Murphy, Redmond told NBC News.

"Speech and debate was his life, and the fact that he wasn't there crushed him a little bit and made him really tense and angry," said Joe Redmond.

Pierson and Murphy "did not get along, and whatever it was escalated to a death threat," he added.

Whether the source of this tension was personal, social, or ideological is never questioned. If the shooter’s political leanings even hinted at conservatism, would USA Today and other major news outlets have found the topic so irrelevant? National Review Online’s Charles C.W. Cooke thinks not:

For the most part, the media observe well the distinction between political and apolitical killings, and understand the different reactions they demand. Except, that is, when a shooting is carried out by someone suspected of being a conservative. Then, all discipline goes out the window; then, the act simply must have been caused by ideology; then, our television shows are filled with endless discussions of causes thrice removed, and we are subjected to earnest remonstrances about “rhetoric” and “climate” and, heaven forfend, “tone.”

Is ideology necessarily important in the case of the Arapahoe shooting? Probably not. Likely, as is true in so many of these tragedies, the mental health of the attacker is the real issue. The point is, the leftist media picks and chooses when ideology matters. It’s a simple equation: It only matters when it damages conservatism. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Lib-retard MSM ='s distortion.
Where else can you find two idiots or more who want to take a school shooting and make a political thing out of it?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Where else can you find two idiots or more who want to take a school shooting and make a political thing out of it? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Start with Odumbo, Biden, Feinstien, Pelosi, etc., and work yourself right down to your pathetic, Kool Aid sotted, lib-retarded ass, Ekim the Inbred Chimp -- and don't forget the lib-retarded, anti-2nd Amendment MSM clique.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Denver Post has been caught altering the responses of their interviewees. When asked about possible motivation fellow students volunteered that the shooter had well known socialist political leanings. The Post published that the political leanings were well known but left out the socialist part of the answer. Their defense? It would be wrong to take the word of some students over the opinion of the Post.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Drunk ? Stupid ? Well whatever. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
More lucid and informed that you can ever hope to be.
Start with Odumbo, Biden, Feinstien, Pelosi, etc., and work yourself right down to your pathetic, Kool Aid sotted, lib-retarded ass, Ekim the Inbred Chimp -- and don't forget the lib-retarded, anti-2nd Amendment MSM clique.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Why should I when I have kool aid besotted retards like you whirrly and JD.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why should I when I have kool aid besotted retards like you whirrly and JD. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Anyone care to diagram the grammatical errors in another of Ekim the Inbred Chimp's illiterate posts?
Anyone care to diagram the grammatical errors in another of Ekim the Inbred Chimp's illiterate posts? Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Crying for help once again? Poor In Bred Hank.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Crying for help once again Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You have much to cry about, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
You have much to cry about, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I got nothing to cry about In Bred Hankering the whining babbling cocksucker.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I got nothing to cry about In Bred Hankering the whining babbling cocksucker. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It's easy to see why your third grade English teacher cried every time she graded one of your assignments, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
It's easy to see why your third grade English teacher cried every time she graded one of your assignments, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Says the retard who can't comprehend English on a hooker board. You spent all your time staring at your third grade teachers junk.
I B Hankering's Avatar
1) Armed sheriff's deputy posted at the school quickly cornered shooter; thus, effectively ending the shooting spree in 80 seconds. 2) The shooter used Ol' Joe's shotgun suggestion. 3) The shooter was a socialist.

Says the retard who can't comprehend English on a hooker board.You spent all your time staring at your third grade teachers junk. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your third grade English teacher contemplated suicide just so he wouldn't have to deal with your illiterate ass in class for another day, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
1) Armed sheriff's deputy posted at the school quickly cornered shooter; thus, effectively ending the shooting spree in 80 seconds. 2) The shooter used O'l Joe's shotgun suggestion. 3) The shooter was a socialist.

Your third grade English teacher contemplated suicide just so he wouldn't have to deal with your illiterate ass in class for another day, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

After you spent three years in the third grade the teacher passed you just to get you out of his class.