Elephant In The Room

Funny I often ponder the power politics of sex

What if the female orgasm was required for conception?

What if the man's erection was simply a muscle?

What if a woman's excitation pheromones were required for the male orgasm?

What if women came as easily as men?

And why is it I like to eat pussy so much? I mean it tastes good and all, but I don't wake up in the middle of the night dreaming of a good burger...............

I imagine evolution theory will eventually tell us the answers, but they are related to why there is a sex trade
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Maybe there are just some things that men will never fully understand about women.

For example, when a well endowed woman bends over innocently and shows some cleavage, any normal man in visual range must sneak a surreptitious look at her breasts.

I think Jerry Seinfeld said it best when he commented on it and said that men placed in such a situation simply cannot not look.

. . . As he explained it, "It is something that happens on a molecular level". I still laugh at the profound level of insight in that observation.

Funny I often ponder the power politics of sex

What if the female orgasm was required for conception?

What if the man's erection was simply a muscle?

What if a woman's excitation pheromones were required for the male orgasm?

What if women came as easily as men?

And why is it I like to eat pussy so much? I mean it tastes good and all, but I don't wake up in the middle of the night dreaming of a good burger...............

I imagine evolution theory will eventually tell us the answers, but they are related to why there is a sex trade Originally Posted by oldster
so saying that... do you now have the answer to your question?
wait, what was the question? Some woman just bent over and well.................
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-25-2013, 02:57 PM
I wanted to post something earlier on this topic, but it’s been a hectic week. I think it deserves more than a one-liner so I waited until I had sufficient time. I don't think it is one of those situations that "guys just can't understand", it's more like "guys just don't want to understand".

This topic seems to come up over and over in different forms and guises. Ultimately it boils down to, “The ladies charge too much! Make them lower their prices.” And while the self-gratification side of me say, “Yea! Prices should be $30/hr, not $300”, the rational part of me can’t honestly say the prices are out of line.

First, this is about the freest free market around. Entry and exit from the supply side is pretty open. No exorbitant start-up costs to restrict entry, no trade unions that regulate prices, etc. Supply and demand are by far the biggest drivers of cost—with one big caveat below. DC, where I spend a lot of time, is a good example. When demand goes up (conventions, Congress in session attracting lots of lobbyists/business travelers) prices go up. Summers are slower and more discounts can be had. Women who do up their prices move themselves into a different customer strata, and if they overshoot they see business fall. They adjust or they leave. So a concerted attempt at collusion by clients (guys) is a statement that they don’t believe in capitalism.

The one big caveat that I do think ups the price somewhat artificially is the illegality. I used to travel to some cities near the Canadian border and prices on the US side were very consistently 40% to 60% higher for very comparably reviewed ladies. The only essential difference was the increased risk the ladies were factoring in. Decriminalize and prices will almost certainly drop significantly. Until then guys will pay a premium to compensate for the risk the ladies take.

Second, I fail to see the prices as exorbitant. An evening with a lovely young lady will run me $600-$800 depending upon the city, the lady, the length, etc. By comparison if I take a civie girlfriend to a nice restaurant, Broadway tickets, etc., I’m easily pushing close to the bottom end of that. I am not a big golfer, but on the occasion when I do I can spend a few hundred on green fees, cart, a few wagers, beers & a steak dinner afterwards (sadly for me there is hardly ever a net plus on golf wagers for me—I’m pretty bad at it). For me, I find the evening with a well selected escort is far more enjoyable than those others so I don’t begrudge myself for the expense and I certainly don’t begrudge the lady who had to put up with me.

Third, like some other professions, the customer contact hours are only part of the story. A lady who is going to spend a couple hours with me probably took another couple to prepare, and that’s not counting the fundamentals: web site maintenance, responding to e-mails, gym time to stay in the shape I admire, laundry for incall apartments, etc. I have done taxes for many ladies and when we look at their real invested time, and their real net profit after room cost, transportation, child care, clothes, etc., the good ones make in the vicinity of $25-$50 an hour. Good, but not the fallacious $300/hr guys fixate on. Quite honestly the good ones are worth every cent of $25-50/hour for the enjoyment they provide when I see them.

I have always wondered how many of the guys who want to “go on strike” whether they are part of a union or any other group that tries to get them higher wages. Or how they would feel if their company’s end user customers boycotted to lower their take-home pay.

And forth, the comparison between an evening with an escort and an evening with a civie picked up at the bar is very, very one-sided:
--The escort will likely be better looking
--The escort is less likely to have drunk too much
--The escort will almost certainly be better dressed
--Since we will have exchanged some e-mails/phone calls there’s a much higher likelihood the escort will be a more interesting dinner companion
--The escort will be a much better partner in bed
--The escort will not push to make a one-night fling into a long term relationship (unless we both decide it is where we want to take things)
--Overall I have found the ladies in this business to be more genuine, honest people than the general populous--and far better than the general class of ladies available for one-night trysts (there are of course exceptions on both sides)

For me, all those plusses far outweigh a slightly higher out-of pocket expense.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I wanted to post something earlier on this topic, but it’s been a hectic week. I think it deserves more than a one-liner so I waited until I had sufficient time. I don't think it is one of those situations that "guys just can't understand", it's more like "guys just don't want to understand".

This topic seems to come up over and over in different forms and guises. Ultimately it boils down to, “The ladies charge too much! Make them lower their prices.” And while the self-gratification side of me say, “Yea! Prices should be $30/hr, not $300”, the rational part of me can’t honestly say the prices are out of line.

First, this is about the freest free market around. Entry and exit from the supply side is pretty open. No exorbitant start-up costs to restrict entry, no trade unions that regulate prices, etc. Supply and demand are by far the biggest drivers of cost—with one big caveat below. DC, where I spend a lot of time, is a good example. When demand goes up (conventions, Congress in session attracting lots of lobbyists/business travelers) prices go up. Summers are slower and more discounts can be had. Women who do up their prices move themselves into a different customer strata, and if they overshoot they see business fall. They adjust or they leave. So a concerted attempt at collusion by clients (guys) is a statement that they don’t believe in capitalism.

The one big caveat that I do think ups the price somewhat artificially is the illegality. I used to travel to some cities near the Canadian border and prices on the US side were very consistently 40% to 60% higher for very comparably reviewed ladies. The only essential difference was the increased risk the ladies were factoring in. Decriminalize and prices will almost certainly drop significantly. Until then guys will pay a premium to compensate for the risk the ladies take.

Second, I fail to see the prices as exorbitant. An evening with a lovely young lady will run me $600-$800 depending upon the city, the lady, the length, etc. By comparison if I take a civie girlfriend to a nice restaurant, Broadway tickets, etc., I’m easily pushing close to the bottom end of that. I am not a big golfer, but on the occasion when I do I can spend a few hundred on green fees, cart, a few wagers, beers & a steak dinner afterwards (sadly for me there is hardly ever a net plus on golf wagers for me—I’m pretty bad at it). For me, I find the evening with a well selected escort is far more enjoyable than those others so I don’t begrudge myself for the expense and I certainly don’t begrudge the lady who had to put up with me.

Third, like some other professions, the customer contact hours are only part of the story. A lady who is going to spend a couple hours with me probably took another couple to prepare, and that’s not counting the fundamentals: web site maintenance, responding to e-mails, gym time to stay in the shape I admire, laundry for incall apartments, etc. I have done taxes for many ladies and when we look at their real invested time, and their real net profit after room cost, transportation, child care, clothes, etc., the good ones make in the vicinity of $25-$50 an hour. Good, but not the fallacious $300/hr guys fixate on. Quite honestly the good ones are worth every cent of $25-50/hour for the enjoyment they provide when I see them.

I have always wondered how many of the guys who want to “go on strike” whether they are part of a union or any other group that tries to get them higher wages. Or how they would feel if their company’s end user customers boycotted to lower their take-home pay.

And forth, the comparison between an evening with an escort and an evening with a civie picked up at the bar is very, very one-sided:
--The escort will likely be better looking
--The escort is less likely to have drunk too much
--The escort will almost certainly be better dressed
--Since we will have exchanged some e-mails/phone calls there’s a much higher likelihood the escort will be a more interesting dinner companion
--The escort will be a much better partner in bed
--The escort will not push to make a one-night fling into a long term relationship (unless we both decide it is where we want to take things)
--Overall I have found the ladies in this business to be more genuine, honest people than the general populous--and far better than the general class of ladies available for one-night trysts (there are of course exceptions on both sides)

For me, all those plusses far outweigh a slightly higher out-of pocket expense. Originally Posted by Old-T
And this, my friend, is a great example of why a lady such as myself, will always have the hobby crush/love for a gent such as yourself.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Let's face it. most men cant fuck 3 times a day for very long, and women would only pay for the best looking men, since they can get almost any loser to fuck them at any time they want if they give it away. So, they sense they have the advantage, and they can fuck at the drop of a hat if they so desire, so they have the commodity and they charge for it. Guys would if they could.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-29-2013, 05:59 PM
And this, my friend, is a great example of why a lady such as myself, will always have the hobby crush/love for a gent such as yourself. Originally Posted by M A X
Well now pretty young lady, from you I take that as a serious complement. Thank you.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, is this "a thang:brewing live?

. . . Some people should get a room and maybe even brush up on their spelling.

Well now pretty young lady, from you I take that as a serious complement. Thank you. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-29-2013, 07:13 PM
Okay, is this "a thang:brewing live?

. . . Some people should get a room and maybe even brush up on their spelling.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
The first part of that question shall go unanswered--that is between MAX and myself.

As two the cedund parte ov ur qustone, aye hav oftin admited that mi spellling is farw frum gud.
I wanted to post something earlier on this topic, but it’s been a hectic week. I think it deserves more than a one-liner so I waited until I had sufficient time. I don't think it is one of those situations that "guys just can't understand", it's more like "guys just don't want to understand".

This topic seems to come up over and over in different forms and guises. Ultimately it boils down to, “The ladies charge too much! Make them lower their prices.” And while the self-gratification side of me say, “Yea! Prices should be $30/hr, not $300”, the rational part of me can’t honestly say the prices are out of line.

First, this is about the freest free market around. Entry and exit from the supply side is pretty open. No exorbitant start-up costs to restrict entry, no trade unions that regulate prices, etc. Supply and demand are by far the biggest drivers of cost—with one big caveat below. DC, where I spend a lot of time, is a good example. When demand goes up (conventions, Congress in session attracting lots of lobbyists/business travelers) prices go up. Summers are slower and more discounts can be had. Women who do up their prices move themselves into a different customer strata, and if they overshoot they see business fall. They adjust or they leave. So a concerted attempt at collusion by clients (guys) is a statement that they don’t believe in capitalism.

The one big caveat that I do think ups the price somewhat artificially is the illegality. I used to travel to some cities near the Canadian border and prices on the US side were very consistently 40% to 60% higher for very comparably reviewed ladies. The only essential difference was the increased risk the ladies were factoring in. Decriminalize and prices will almost certainly drop significantly. Until then guys will pay a premium to compensate for the risk the ladies take.

Second, I fail to see the prices as exorbitant. An evening with a lovely young lady will run me $600-$800 depending upon the city, the lady, the length, etc. By comparison if I take a civie girlfriend to a nice restaurant, Broadway tickets, etc., I’m easily pushing close to the bottom end of that. I am not a big golfer, but on the occasion when I do I can spend a few hundred on green fees, cart, a few wagers, beers & a steak dinner afterwards (sadly for me there is hardly ever a net plus on golf wagers for me—I’m pretty bad at it). For me, I find the evening with a well selected escort is far more enjoyable than those others so I don’t begrudge myself for the expense and I certainly don’t begrudge the lady who had to put up with me.

Third, like some other professions, the customer contact hours are only part of the story. A lady who is going to spend a couple hours with me probably took another couple to prepare, and that’s not counting the fundamentals: web site maintenance, responding to e-mails, gym time to stay in the shape I admire, laundry for incall apartments, etc. I have done taxes for many ladies and when we look at their real invested time, and their real net profit after room cost, transportation, child care, clothes, etc., the good ones make in the vicinity of $25-$50 an hour. Good, but not the fallacious $300/hr guys fixate on. Quite honestly the good ones are worth every cent of $25-50/hour for the enjoyment they provide when I see them.

I have always wondered how many of the guys who want to “go on strike” whether they are part of a union or any other group that tries to get them higher wages. Or how they would feel if their company’s end user customers boycotted to lower their take-home pay.

And forth, the comparison between an evening with an escort and an evening with a civie picked up at the bar is very, very one-sided:
--The escort will likely be better looking
--The escort is less likely to have drunk too much
--The escort will almost certainly be better dressed
--Since we will have exchanged some e-mails/phone calls there’s a much higher likelihood the escort will be a more interesting dinner companion
--The escort will be a much better partner in bed
--The escort will not push to make a one-night fling into a long term relationship (unless we both decide it is where we want to take things)
--Overall I have found the ladies in this business to be more genuine, honest people than the general populous--and far better than the general class of ladies available for one-night trysts (there are of course exceptions on both sides)

For me, all those plusses far outweigh a slightly higher out-of pocket expense. Originally Posted by Old-T
Very well said my friend
Randall Creed's Avatar
Many good points made so far.

Paying for the pussy YOU WANT is what drives this business. There's nothing worse than fucking a girl that you DON'T want to fuck. I say this in relation to the girls that you're dreaming to see. While you're banging some undesirable, struggling to keep an erection, all you can think about is that one that you know you'll nut in after 5 pumps or less. Her body is so perfect, and you must have it.

When you're in grade school, making no money, and living with your parents, you have to live with the shitty fact that only the cool guys in school are fucking those hot cheerleader types. A great day for you back then was her asking to borrow a pencil from you or laughing at one of your 100 lame jokes or her booty accidentally hitting your hand one day and through no fault of your own you copped a feel. Her sweet smelling body spray ALONE made your dick harder than HULK's skin. The odds of you ever fucking her are in the BILLIONS.

Ahhhh, but fast forward to your adult life. You have a kick ass job, working for IBM, some oil company, mechanic, or you're some kind of computer tech or some shit. Whatever the hell you do, you MAKE YOUR OWN MONEY. At some point you discover ONLINE ESCORTING. You see a shitload of fine ass girls that remind you of those perfectly built, super fine cheerleader types that you jacked off Peter North sized loads to, longing for the day that you get between the luscious thighs of theirs.

The first time you're in a p4p situation, you may have doubts about this being the 'right way' to get some pussy, almost a sense of guilt, if you will. These feelings may persist....until you finally get up the nerve to call and set up something with the super hot, cheerleader body escort. Even when she arrives, you're still worried. When she starts treating you like a king, and yeah, she's SUPER FUCKING HOT, it all seems worth the price. In fact, it almost feels like a bargain. You're fucking a hot girl!!!! Her tight pussy, round ass, creamy thighs, sweet smelling body, pretty face, kissable mouth and fresh breath are all over you. You think back to those days that you thought you'd NEVER....EEEEEEVVVVVVER be able to fuck a girl this fine.

When you bust that first nut from fucking (at the time) the finest woman you've ever known, you don't give a damn about NOTHING else!!

Hell yeah it's worth it. Worth every penny. It's worth every penny to GET THE PUSSY YOU WANT.

If you were that 'cool guy' in school and fucked all the cheerleader body types a hundred times over and made uncool guys like me feel like shit...FUCK YOU, PUNK! I hope you get raped in the ass by a bear!!

Yeah, take that. I feel better now.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Many good points made so far.

Paying for the pussy YOU WANT is what drives this business. There's nothing worse than fucking a girl that you DON'T want to fuck. I say this in relation to the girls that you're dreaming to see. While you're banging some undesirable, struggling to keep an erection, all you can think about is that one that you know you'll nut in after 5 pumps or less. Her body is so perfect, and you must have it.

When you're in grade school, making no money, and living with your parents, you have to live with the shitty fact that only the cool guys in school are fucking those hot cheerleader types. A great day for you back then was her asking to borrow a pencil from you or laughing at one of your 100 lame jokes or her booty accidentally hitting your hand one day and through no fault of your own you copped a feel. Her sweet smelling body spray ALONE made your dick harder than HULK's skin. The odds of you ever fucking her are in the BILLIONS.

Ahhhh, but fast forward to your adult life. You have a kick ass job, working for IBM, some oil company, mechanic, or you're some kind of computer tech or some shit. Whatever the hell you do, you MAKE YOUR OWN MONEY. At some point you discover ONLINE ESCORTING. You see a shitload of fine ass girls that remind you of those perfectly built, super fine cheerleader types that you jacked off Peter North sized loads to, longing for the day that you get between the luscious thighs of theirs.

The first time you're in a p4p situation, you may have doubts about this being the 'right way' to get some pussy, almost a sense of guilt, if you will. These feelings may persist....until you finally get up the nerve to call and set up something with the super hot, cheerleader body escort. Even when she arrives, you're still worried. When she starts treating you like a king, and yeah, she's SUPER FUCKING HOT, it all seems worth the price. In fact, it almost feels like a bargain. You're fucking a hot girl!!!! Her tight pussy, round ass, creamy thighs, sweet smelling body, pretty face, kissable mouth and fresh breath are all over you. You think back to those days that you thought you'd NEVER....EEEEEEVVVVVVER be able to fuck a girl this fine.

When you bust that first nut from fucking (at the time) the finest woman you've ever known, you don't give a damn about NOTHING else!!

Hell yeah it's worth it. Worth every penny. It's worth every penny to GET THE PUSSY YOU WANT.

If you were that 'cool guy' in school and fucked all the cheerleader body types a hundred times over and made uncool guys like me feel like shit...FUCK YOU, PUNK! I hope you get raped in the ass by a bear!!

Yeah, take that. I feel better now. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

You write rather well, but I do take umbrage to your attitude concerning certain statements made here, and hope that you will simply clarify. First of all, due to location of body parts, it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to "cop a feel" accidentally, no matter how much a guy justifies something like that was not his fault. It's intentional and unwanted sexual assault.

Second, were you really angry at the guys who got "cheerleader" pussy or angry because you didn't? Why would you, "jokingly" or otherwise, admit you wish harm on guys who got what you wanted? I find this disturbing on so many levels.......

I guess women should be grateful to have men in the hobby who respect us at least enough to choose P4P, rather than the alternative action so many others have chosen......
loveitdou's Avatar
You are Way Over Thinking this-it's simply supply & demand.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Accidental feels CAN and HAS happened. If I'm picking up a box, for example, and she backs into me, into my hand, and my hand is at ass level while I'm holding the box, the force of her booty pressing into my hand triggers the sensory nerves of my hand, which then realizes that something soft, yet firm is putting pressure on it, causing it (my hand) to have a flashback of a similar feeling sensation...SUCH AS grabbing the ass of a fine woman. Thus, an accidental feel has been copped.

Odds are both parties will apologize. Both parties would most like also realize that a situation arose where a feel was copped. In this instance the woman tends to not be offended because it was genuinely accidental, and probably thinks to herself, "Oh, he got himself a lil' feel. No biggie. The guy will probably have a similar thought process, but with a beneficiary sense and a slight grin.

Of course, outright feels have happened, too. Sometimes you just have to reach out and grab the ass. I've seen and been on the best and worst of this situation. Some girls, understanding of how FINE they are and are sympathetic to the guys' plight, doesn't mind him copping an innocent feel, as long as the circumstances are good ( i.e. only you two are in a given area, it's not put on display, nobody saw it, or maybe you and her were behind a counter and no one SEES you getting a handful of that ass, because she doesn't want everyone to see it and then think THEY TOO can get a feel, or if the guy didn't get too nasty with it, such as trying to finger her pussy). Sometimes they don't mind because a little 'reassurance' that they're hot and desirable is a good thing. They may offer a slight verbal 'protest', but the tone of their voice may say otherwise (i.e. they may say, 'better stop', but do it in sexy, half smile, I didn't mean it kind of way).

I've seen other times where feels have gotten a guy slapped ALL UPSIDE the head, and have even led to fights. Same girl (sometimes). Bad timing. Now here comes her boyfriend or crazy cousin.

Wanting guys to get raped in the ass by a bear was not meant to be taken seriously, though it did suck when they got all the pussy in school. Fuck 'em for THAT, though. For real.