Proof Jan 6th Was An Inside Job

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I am a man of little compassion for people who I believe do not deserve any. But for the sake of some of you with the stupid ass shit you write in this forum; I sincerely hope it is for your entertainment purposes only just to fuck with people and that you don't actually believe the moronic shit that you post.

Let me help some of you with some questions you should ask yourself before you post your silly shit:

1) Does this sound reasonable?
2) Does this sound reasonable?
3) Does this sound reasonable?

Okay. It's one question, but since some of you conspiracy theory bozos believe anything if it fits your retarded narrative, I thought I would ask the same question 3 times for it to sink in a bit to hopefully help with you with some much needed self-reflection.

So, for the OP, does your topic sound even remotely reasonable to you?
  • Tiny
  • 11-19-2023, 09:38 PM
More unfortunately, you engage them as if they can actually be reasoned with and worse as if there’s a possibility they can could actually be right. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
1) Does this sound reasonable?
2) Does this sound reasonable?
3) Does this sound reasonable? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
O ye of little faith.

Who would have thought that a flight attendant could fall from 33,000 feet with no parachute and survive.

Or that Adolf Hitler would be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Or that the Romans would have used urine as mouthwash

Or that Napoleon would almost lose his life to a horde of 3,000 bunnies

Or that Turkeys would be worshipped as deities

Or that a Roman emperor would make his horse a priest

I say unto thee, Doubting Blackman and Doubting Lucas, if such strange events could come to pass, then why couldn't rogue federal agents who believed Trump and Giuiliani's schtick incite a riot within the hallowed Capitol.

Seriously, I have friends who believe Trump won and Ray Epps was a federal agent. I eat lunch with them every week. A couple are very smart and very successful. Anyway I've learned to be somewhat diplomatic in expressing my views and rejecting theirs, and that carries over to this forum. Besides, I agree with them, just as I agree with you, on a number of issues.

And to be clear, I believe the probability that the deep state, working against Trump, engineered the temporary occupation of the Capitol on January 6 is less than the probability that you'd survive a 33,000 foot fall from an airplane without a parachute.
... Blimey! ... What's with all the insults?

... Hmmmm... Might it be because some o' you mates are
AFRAID to face the facts? ... Why not simply reserve
heavy comment until YOU see MORE footage revealed,
as you surely know more is coming.

... What could be more fair than that??

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
O ye of little faith.

Who would have thought that a flight attendant could fall from 33,000 feet with no parachute and survive.

Or that Adolf Hitler would be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Or that the Romans would have used urine as mouthwash

Or that Napoleon would almost lose his life to a horde of 3,000 bunnies

Or that Turkeys would be worshipped as deities

Or that a Roman emperor would make his horse a priest

I say unto thee, Doubting Blackman and Doubting Lucas, if such strange events could come to pass, then why couldn't rogue federal agents who believed Trump and Giuiliani's schtick incite a riot within the hallowed Capitol.

Seriously, I have friends who believe Trump won and Ray Epps was a federal agent. I eat lunch with them every week. A couple are very smart and very successful. Anyway I've learned to be somewhat diplomatic in expressing my views and rejecting theirs, and that carries over to this forum. Besides, I agree with them, just as I agree with you, on a number of issues.

And to be clear, I believe the probability that the deep state, working against Trump, engineered the temporary occupation of the Capitol on January 6 is less than the probability that you'd survive a 33,000 foot fall from an airplane without a parachute. Originally Posted by Tiny
dunno about mouthwash, romans used urine to clean their clothes.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Well, no Dilbert, that was a response to your post. Look at the motive. The main person who had a motive to instruct the FBI and other federal agencies to remove barriers, gaslight, and deny more security was Trump. I'd be very surprised if Trump did that though.

I think Texassapper has an intriguing idea, that federal law enforcement agents who believed the 2020 election was stolen, were involved and helped instigate the very-short occupation of the Capitol building. I believe that's very unlikely too, although possible.

The most likely theory is that this was a demonstration that got out of hand, perhaps in part because of true believers like some of the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers. If there were federal agents in the crowd, who had infiltrated the Proud Boys or Oathkeepers, they would have been gathering intelligence and building relationships, not instigating a riot inside the Capitol.

If you believe there's a deep state controlled by opponents of Trump, why on God's Green Earth would it create conditions that would potentially enabled Trump to remain in the presidency past January 20, 2021? Originally Posted by Tiny
its highly unlikely that these "rogue Fed agents" were trump supporters.

one of the red flags (its the biggest one) I mentioned is the former Capitol Police Chief. He has stated that he requested national guard to help support the capitol police and was denied. His force was understaffed to handle a very large crowd.

He reports to the Speaker of the House.

and whats more... he was not interviewed with the J6 commission.

that tells you something was up on that day.
texassapper's Avatar
1) Does this sound reasonable? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I'm going to assume you used the term reasonable to mean rational. Perhaps another way to ask the same question is: Are my conclusions logical given the facts?

Let's leave aside the motive for any of this happening for the moment. In other words, let's ignore why the Federal govt. (Feds) may have been involved in the events of J6 as an inciting agent. (When I say Feds, I generally mean its' security apparatus, dept. heads etc., the bureaucracy)

I think it is completely reasonable to arrive at the conclusion that the Feds essentially utilized a peaceful protest to create a situation they could call an insurrection for their own purposes. Do I know that for a fact? No. But there are enough open questions to make me believe that something more happened than what the official narrative details.

I guess the first question is WOULD the Feds act as agents provocateur? The answer to that is unequivocally, yes. In the Whitmer kidnaping plot 36% of the indicted were Federal resources. And if you know your history, the Ruby Ridge Fiasco and Waco massacre was similarly instigated by the ATF/FBI. So is it reasonable to assume that the Feds had some hand in directing or participating in J6? Absolutely.

Why would J6 be any different. BTW, the FBI agent in charge of the Whitmer case, was also head of the DC field office on J6... so he had experience in running those types of operations.

Lets talk about the J6 pipe bombs for a moment. The Feds released video of the person planting the bombs USING THEIR CELL PHONE! Most J6's were out of towners and were traced via cell records... but they can't find this particular person? LOL... I mean a kitchen timer w/ a one hour duration is going to trigger a pipe bomb 17 hours later? The FBI obviously thinks you are stupid..... The secret Service even swept the DNC location and didn't find the pipe bomb

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund requested the National Guard be placed on standby to support his forces 6 times prior to and during the day of J6. His direct boss, Nancy Pelosi denied those requests or outright ignored his calls. Do watch the whole interview as it is very enlightening.

Perhaps the best reporting being done on J6 is on Is it logical to assume that the Feds had NO agents on the ground on J6? By their own accounts, they lost track of how many they had... The whole Ray Epps tale is interesting... the Feds are putting people in jail that never even entered the Capitol but Ray Epps... meh after realizing how stupid they look they finally charged him... with disorderly conduct. LOL

Anyway, there is enough questionable activity from the days events and the follow up to appear to be a cover up that I could spend days pulling up articles about why it's reasonable to believe that the Feds either provoked, or participated in J6 to focus the publics attention off the election irregularities.

Just because a majority of people believe the official narrative doesn't make it so...

Now there is going to be more footage coming out that Politicians didn't want you to see... why not? You paid for it... what are you going to discover that they didn't want you to know?

Maybe you think none of this sounds reasonable because you still trust your government? You don't think they have the resources to pull it off? Or you think people would keep their mouths shut? heh... Tell it to Seth Rich. Did the DNC ever turn over those servers to the FBI fr analysis?

Seriously why WOULD you believe the governments version of events?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Just because a majority of people believe the official narrative doesn't make it so...

Now there is going to be more footage coming out that Politicians didn't want you to see... why not? You paid for it... what are you going to discover that they didn't want you to know?
Originally Posted by texassapper
That first statement is true. I remember immediately after the January 6 "protests" that a friend on facebook stated she wouldn't be surprised if it was actually anti-Trumpers who instigated the rioting. No proof, just opinion. And that holds true today.

I look forward to the full release of footage. Certainly some footage will show people peacefully walking the corridors of the Capitol. And other footage will show people breaking down doors and windows, overpowering police barricades, putting lives of individuals at risk, and committing felonies when inside the Capitol.
eyecu2's Avatar
I agree on ALL the footage. But- to think that FEDs were part of the crowd to insight ppl going into congress, or the stupid Shaman, or the dude with his feet on Nancy's desk, or that "good People" who came that day, got whipped into a frenzy of fuckery, that the normal mode of thinking was switched off and they became the Dems Manchurian candidates of ill-repute.

Thats just a bunch of bozo theory at best, and absolute denial and projectionism at the least. But as said, -I'd like to see the videos and ensure that they are valid, time stamped etc., to ensure we are talking about actions on the same day and locations. Hell with AI, deep fakes and more are really easy to do, and they look semi-realistic.

remember that guy who super-imposed Trumps face on Colin Firths' body in the movie "Kingsmen", and then all the other news orgs names on the ppl who he shot in the one movie scene?

Not saying that was realistic, but if you have that able to be done back 3 yrs ago, where is that tech now-a-days?

But as far as there being PROOF of Jan 6th, and ghost busses. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzero proof, & Honestly- just a ruse written by a conspiracy nutjob, and parroted here for the joy of the conservative rank n file.
texassapper's Avatar
Lookie Lookie.... when you start pulling on the thread, we all know where this is gonna go..

Rep. Loudermilk CONFIRMS undercover Metro Police Officer Urging J6 Crowd to advance on the Capitol.

He is named and shamed too... which means we can find out who put him there and what for... Officer Nicholas Tomasula (sp).

Does this count as another Conspiracy theory that has become fact?

So yeah, McCain.... it appears that what I asserted was completely REASONABLE... and this is just the first name we have

Which begs the question.... why did they have to set this up? What were they trying to hide? hint: The stolen election...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Lookie Lookie.... when you start pulling on the thread, we all know where this is gonna go..

Rep. Loudermilk CONFIRMS undercover Metro Police Officer Urging J6 Crowd to advance on the Capitol.

He is named and shamed too... which means we can find out who put him there and what for... Officer Nicholas Tomasula (sp).

Does this count as another Conspiracy theory that has become fact?

So yeah, McCain.... it appears that what I asserted was completely REASONABLE... and this is just the first name we have

Which begs the question.... why did they have to set this up? What were they trying to hide? hint: The stolen election...

Originally Posted by texassapper
it was done to short circuit the challenge process of the electors. the congressional leadership did not want the challenge process to take place.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
^^^ Yeah, I don't forget the audience in this forum. After reading the OP's rebuttal to my post, I would have to RTM myself for the insults if I wanted to continue with this nonsense.

Like the old saying goes, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". In this case, you can't teach an old trick to not believe bullshit just because they found it on some far-right nut job site on the internet.

Oh well, I guess time will tell some of you guys what really happened even though it has been many years and time has already told the rest of us. LOL
texassapper's Avatar
I would have to RTM myself for the insults if I wanted to continue with this nonsense... I guess time will tell some of you guys what really happened even though it has been many years and time has already told the rest of us. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yeah, it's difficult to realize you've been bamboozled by your government. I felt the same way about the whole Iraq and Astan thing. Good friends, good men and classmates lost for no fcuking reason other than to line the pockets of rich men. It's a hard pill to swallow... but once you see it, you can't not see it.
ICU 812's Avatar
In the aftermath of the Jan 6th events, I developed the same disquieting feeling that I had following the assenations of JFK, RFK and MLK back in the 1960s. The commn thought for me was ahd is, that whatever we are hearing (from all perspectivesA) it is not an accurate pasture of what went down.

I was a kid in the 7th Grade when JFK was killed. Even at that age, I could tell that the Warren Commision Report was not what happened. B oth the RFK and MLK assignations have the same mercy cloud around them.

With the Jan 6th events, it seems to me that, to paraphrase Shakespear, the left protests too much. Given the riots of 2020 that followed, to call the Jan 6th thing an "insurrection" and jailing anyone whose face can be recognized in videos is just too much. Not while the rest of the Nation burned by the ahnds of "peaceful" progressives and prominent progressives openly raised money to bail out rioters.

Whatever the "truth" is, we will n ot get the full picture . . .not in my lifetime anyway. I am not a conspiracy guy, not an Obama birther, not a space alien in the Pentagon's freezer guy . . .

And yet, I can accept the theory of a false flag or inside job on Jan 6th (pending "proof" we will never get) more believable than any theory that the 9/11 attack was. And there are folks who swear that 9/11 was somehow not as preented to us live on TV.
The biggest lie in your entire post ICU is paragraph 4 sentence 2. Either you’re a liar or you have no clue who you are.