Reviews ?

RickForFun's Avatar
Many times I have seen lady post services on their web site that they do not offer. Look at the site and think I'd like to see her from the menu listed and then read the reviews and find out she is not giving that menu to anyone.

A mod that is gone now wanted all reviews to read like Forum letters. I have seen very good informative reviews turned down for credit because they did not read the way he wanted them and have seen reviews in other area with much less info receive credit. Give me the info without all the details.

It is hard enough to do all the reading and research I need to with the time I have. Don't give me a complete short story to read. I may read it but sure won't have time to do the book report.

Reviews are a pain, but we all need them. I guess I should do more, but more work means less play for me.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I will admit I will use the reviews for research on the guy as well as check references...I also take the time to get to "know" the person via their post and PM conversations and decide from there...I have mentioned this before for me personally the ones I see on recurring basis don't do reviews that often and I have learned to avoid gentlemen with too many reviews and personally after a certain number of reviews isn't that a turn off for you gentlemen? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Whats your "too many reviews" for a gentleman number?
As for the ladies reviews, I don't see there being too high of a number. For instance there is a particular lady in PHX with 435 reviews, but they date from back in 2001. (Personally I think its amazing that a lady has kept the same name and and a stellar reputation in this business for 10 yrs running.)
niceguy's Avatar
I never have and I never will post a detailed locker room type review.

The reviews I use to do on ASPD had creativity about them even if I do say so myself. (Some of those have survived on ERAPS).

I created the essence of a lady and her special non graphic qualities that to me are important. A man can say a great deal about a lady and the expected experience with her without using the graphic terms.

Yes it is more work, but to me worth the effort. If a lady rewards me with a fantastic experience than I will reward her by making the effort to paint a much more detailed idea of her rather than just her graphic skills.

Physical intimacy with a woman if one of the greatest things a man can experience in life.

If she know that you value her more than just a quick piece of A*S she is going to respond quite different, and no two of the ladies are ever the same. Each is different and unique in her own way.

I loved what you wrote! Ann of Asian Indie-Ann in Austin
Still Looking's Avatar
Do you know how many providers say "check my reviews to see what I offer".....

Also how much info do you ladies share when giving a reference? I know its more than "he's good "

A lot of ladies that the less questions a guy has to ask the better they feel ..... This is the advantagr of reviews..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Local Houston provider told me to check her reviews... The last six 1 hour appointments had 5 different prices. The three half hours had three different prices. Later I realized she had a web site which posted her prices.
There is no set number,however, if in a short time period there are numerous reviews or several posted on the same day...and than I will check out a few of the know my mind works in its on to varies from person to person..for me it is mainly about the connection and interaction so numerous things are taking into account..I agree to be doing this 10 years and still have the same name,reputation and great attitude is to be commended....
Whats your "too many reviews" for a gentleman number?
As for the ladies reviews, I don't see there being too high of a number. For instance there is a particular lady in PHX with 435 reviews, but they date from back in 2001. (Personally I think its amazing that a lady has kept the same name and and a stellar reputation in this business for 10 yrs running.) Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I've posted 2 or 3 reviews in one day before but that doesn't mean that I saw all those girls on the same day lol
Also how much info do you ladies share when giving a reference? I know its more than "he's good " Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
You would be surprised by the amount of ladies that ONLY say "he's good..." or some variation of that. In fact, the last four references I inquired about said just that... "He's great! Have fun sweetie!" Lol
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
My reviews vary. I don't review every lady I see. Some ladies ask for reviews, others ask not to be reviewed.

I have had some sessions where the intimacy and chemistry were so strong, that it was just too personal to write about. Most of the time, my experience with a lady so much better than her reviews indicate.

It's a really good feeling to know that a lady is that comfortable with me that she allows herself to feel something extra. When a lady gives her body to a guy, it's special. When she gives her emotion, it's intimately personal.
Reviews to me are really just a tool to help and inform potential clients on whether or not the provider is legit, her demeanor, if she has a pimp or not, is she hygienicaly sound, is she on drugs or not, accurracy of her pics, are her services consitant with her asking donation. What they do is important but I don't always need a detailed description of what went on in a reviewers session. I've read reviews where the provider performed CBJ and I 've read other reviews where that same provider performed BBBJ. So any session can be different. Iam most concerned about the saftey and integrity of the provider.
My reviews vary. I don't review every lady I see. Some ladies ask for reviews, others ask not to be reviewed.

I have had some sessions where the intimacy and chemistry were so strong, that it was just too personal to write about. Most of the time, my experience with a lady so much better than her reviews indicate.

It's a really good feeling to know that a lady is that comfortable with me that she allows herself to feel something extra. When a lady gives her body to a guy, it's special. When she gives her emotion, it's intimately personal. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
Test that theory, give her an empty envelope. Tell us about the chemistry now.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
^ lol acp

You would be surprised by the amount of ladies that ONLY say "he's good..." or some variation of that. In fact, the last four references I inquired about said just that... "He's great! Have fun sweetie!" Lol Originally Posted by LAVixian

I can believe that LAVixian but I'm sure you would like more than that
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-02-2011, 08:10 AM
Interesting discussion about a topic that has no right answer.

My personal tendency is to write reviews that focus on the lady's personality, because that is important to me and the hardest for me to discover in many other guys' reviews--but having said that the reviews I actually write are heaviliy influenced by the preferences of lady I'm writing about. Some want less graphic, few if any specifics. Others want a lot more details because it things it is helpful in their marketing. One even pushed me to make it graphic enough (while being completely honest) because she enjoyed getting herself off while reading the reviews about herself. I won't write untruths, but I will usually let my word pictures fit what she wants while still trying to include the information a guy needs to make an informed decision.

When I read reviews, if a guy is spending more time describing what a stud he is instead of informing me about HER, I essentially discount it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-02-2011, 08:15 AM
Test that theory, give her an empty envelope. Tell us about the chemistry now. Originally Posted by acp5762
Me thinks you missed the point. By a wide mark.

There are a lot of ladies who have a wide range of "extras" they will dole out as they choose, and some of the most valued ones to Am, myself, and others, have nothing to do with a longer list of acronyms. I don't ever forget it is a business, but to think it is always ONLY a business without a true piece of friendship sometimes developing is equally incorrect.
Reviews offer detail which can't easily be collected in discreet phone calls. If a lady asks me to write the review without the juicy details, that's what I write. When reading a review of an encounter, I try to remember the hobby is always YMMV.