What a Country! ... Thanks to Dems

These people protesting don’t even know what they’re protesting. The only metric of right and wrong they have is who has the darker skin tone. It doesn’t matter that they’d be thrown off buildings or stood up against a wall by the very people they purport to be in favor of. They’re handed a sign degrading the whiter side of a conflict and march around like the morons they are. Originally Posted by CreatedInSpace

Al least she admits it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... I'll ask the question yet-again:

WHEN are the Democrat Leaders gonna condemn the chants
of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America"??

Do the Democrats side with Israel or not?
Crikey! ... What a Country!... Not even sure if the Dems
side with America... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Why don’t you draft a letter, Salty, and I’ll see what I can do.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Summer of Love, Palestine edition...
Fiery, but mostly Peaceful Protests.
Rinse and repeat

Yet some wonder if they even care what they are protesting about? Just so long as it's during a Presidential election cycle...
eccieuser9500's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I Think Bernie Sanders is right. America needs to stop being Israel's ATM. If America was being attacked Israel wouldn't lift a finger to help us. There will never be World Peace as long as Israel exists.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So you’re calling for “death to Israel” Levi? That’ll get you kicked out of the red cap club.
So you’re calling for “death to Israel” Levi? That’ll get you kicked out of the red cap club. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I never said Death to Israel, but are you implying that Israel depends on American money for their very existence?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I never said Death to Israel, but are you implying that Israel depends on American money for their very existence? Originally Posted by Levianon17
What did I write that implied that? Pulling it right out of thin air, for a change.

You just said world peace wasn’t possible as long as Israel exists. Those were your words.

What else could you have meant, Levi?

Salty’s thread is about blaming democrats. You must disagree then…
What did I write that implied that? Pulling it right out of thin air, for a change.

You just said world peace wasn’t possible as long as Israel exists. Those were your words.

What else could you have meant, Levi?

Salty’s thread is about blaming democrats. You must disagree then… Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, All I was implying is America needs to stop funding Israel. If that means Israel can't sustain itself then so be it. A little strip of land with eight million inhabitants isn't worth billions of American dollars. There's no point in it.
No matter how shitty this shit show gets, it’s not the fault of the Democratic Party, it’s not the fault of the GOP, it’s not the fault of the MSM. It’s clearly and COMPLETELY on the shoulders of “we the people.” This is our movie and sadly, most of us are in the audience watching as opposed to behind the stage Assisting the production.

Representative democracy is a participation gig. Voting is not participating. Holding the winners of the vote accountable in between elections is participating. Voting in simply the price of admission.

By the words of the framers, we are destined to fail at this particular juncture, they only gave us one caveat. “A well informed and educated electorate” obviously, we have not held up our end of the deal.
eyecu2's Avatar
I always thought my generation of the ‘60’s was about the sorriest bunch to come along, but the latest crop of malcontents is giving me second thoughts.

I was watching CNN today, and it dawned on me. Many of the “protesters” belonging to the various minority status groups would be stoned in Gaza.

It is amazing that the most prosperous and the freest Country on the Planet has the most malcontents. Originally Posted by Jackie S
agreed. Some ppl just bitch to bitch. Need to get their 15 mins, and act like they are meaningful- but this anti-american chanting results in two things. First- if you don't like being here- you are free to leave. And second- if you are on a visa status and say that shit- You're Leaving- Period.

No need to wait for a further invitation. You don't get to badmouth a place that we are "allowing you" to be visiting.

You're visit is now done. - US Citizens can continue to be an asshole if you like, but your fellow man can also be one and punch you in the mouth if you piss them off. Sorry- but thems the way things work.
eyecu2's Avatar
No, All I was implying is America needs to stop funding Israel. If that means Israel can't sustain itself then so be it. A little strip of land with eight million inhabitants isn't worth billions of American dollars. There's no point in it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Probably never happen. We look at them as the only "Sane harbor" from the middle east. Can Israel sustain itself with the current level of hate around them-? NOPE. They are tough mudders, and part of living as an Israeli means serving your country. I think we need that mentality here to. It's easy to get all huffy and act tough but when you serve- it's a whole other meaning.

The fact that they were breached in OCT and they are bombing the Palestinians back into rubble, isn't right either. They need to just stop with the attacks, and take back the entire GAZA strip. Sorry Palestine but you're idiots in the back office just gave a reason to relinquish your owners rights to that piece of beach.

It beats bombing them daily for 6 months. - but it would also likely lead to WWIII over there. Damned if you do--but you cannot live with a bullseye on your back as the Israeli's have since allowing GAZA to exist. Fucked up- but these ppl are so closely related, you probably could do DNA tests and find out that some of them are aunties and uncles of each other.

What I don't like is that our current administration doesn't incentivize the stoppage, to both sides. THe world is watching the least effective negotiation of peace in the middle east and there seems to be no sign of sitting down to have a meeting of the minds. Blinken can suck a dick- as could Mike Pompeo.

Truthfully- Popeo was better at this than Blinken on his worst day.

What I don't like is that our current administration doesn't incentivize the stoppage, to both sides. THe world is watching the least effective negotiation of peace in the middle east and there seems to be no sign of sitting down to have a meeting of the minds. Blinken can suck a dick- as could Mike Pompeo.

Truthfully- Popeo was better at this than Blinken on his worst day. Originally Posted by eyecu2
... Oh, I agree, Eye... And Trump would be sayin' that
"America stands with Israel!" ... But would have BOTH sides
at the bargaining table.

#### Salty
What happened on Oct 7 was Caligula level barbarism on a grand scale. These college kids, especially the girls, have no idea who and what they’re defending. White people and brown people is all they see. They’d be in therapy for 20 years if they even witnessed the atrocities that happened that day. If I were an Israeli I’d support carpet bombing Gaza into oblivion.
