Secret hobbyist/PUBLIC provider Legal issues

That is absurd.

The information you have posted about me is inaccurate. The phone numbers I have not used in over five years. Some of the pictures are 13 years old, they were stolen from my TER profile, which I have not used in years. I think inaccurate information is misleading and harmful....

I doubt anyone really uses your site enough for it to suffer if you removed the providers who do not want to be there. If there are so few of us then it really shouldn't matter, should it? Originally Posted by Dannie
My guess is ''they'' want as many of us on there so guys that join can say hey they have ALOT to choose from, then they probably have to pay a fee to get some bullshit premium access..IMO this is a SCAM in the making and ladies our faces and reputations are attached to it. The more i think about this TOOL the more pissed off i become..
I don't understand why in this thread you are actually decent about the whole situation when you say
No need to freak out :-)

Simply send an email to and they will take it down.
Why won't you do it this time?
@Jenna: We didn't put you on any of our sites, so I didn't understand your reaction. You are on it now though :-)

@Dannie: We only have info that is available elsewhere. If in fact our site is the only one that lists your info and you have legal issues/problems because of that, then I'm willing to have it taken down but not if you just feel like having a fight with us.

@Max: You are starting a whole different discussion. I commented on whether or not there is anything legal that can be done against it.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
Jenna... Why would you waste the money you paid your attorney for this.

I agree with ShysterJon, you are all wasting time and (if you hire attorneys) money on this. They are protected as they are simply gathering info on the web and making it available in a similar manner. Before you guys start making up legal theory, here's what you need to do:

TRO (temporary restraining order): In order to get this you would have to prove that you are being irreparably harmed. How can you prove that (again, real harm not "principle") when they are taking your marketing material and making it more available?

Suing: Do you really think a jury is going to feel bad that your escort advertisements were used on another site?

It's a non-starter. Work with the site, contact LE if you want to see whom owns the site and tell them the site is using your images maliciously. Of course, directing LE to your ads may not have the effect you are hoping for in the long run. That's your process.

Have fun.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
@Jenna: We didn't put you on any of our sites, so I didn't understand your reaction. You are on it now though :-)

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

@Dannie: We only have info that is available elsewhere. If in fact our site is the only one that lists your info and you have legal issues/problems because of that, then I'm willing to have it taken down but not if you just feel like having a fight with us.

Pathological Lying

@Max: You are starting a whole different discussion. I commented on whether or not there is anything legal that can be done against it.

Manipulative and Conning Originally Posted by roxescorts
@ Roxescorts: That's your opinion. Yes you did, and I'm sure all concerned will believe you have the best advice we can use about what can be done, because you obviously want to be informative and helpful in our cause. Please add anything else you think might be worthy of our consideration and will show everyone what a helpful and sincere individual you are.
Just because something is posted in one place online does not mean it's out there for everyone with a web connection to take it from that one location and use it as they want. Especially not if they decide to make money from it yet not pay any money to the originator of the content.

There's no defense for stealing: whether it's text, photos, whatever. Doesn't matter if it's a girl stealing someone else's text or a website pretending to be an advertiser populating its site with stolen photos. Using anything created by someone else without their consent is stealing.

You are not doing the same thing Google does. If a website doesn't want to appear on Google, they can put code in their robots.txt file and have their site not appear. That's because while Google aggregates information, they do not steal. (That's for independent site operators to do.)

If someone asks you to remove their content from their website, then do so. Don't attempt to defend your indefensible position, just remove their info from your database.

Wow. Apparently Roxescorts enjoys this. That you are unable to attract ladies or hobbyists without deceptive methods, says a lot about you.

If 'really creepy' is the effect you are going for, you're doing a great job.
Sarcastro's Avatar
So I've read the terms of service for and they do not claim to own their user's content. So if you have a web site at (or some other site for which you own the content) that the parasite has been ripping off then send a take down notice to his host ISP: They have an office in Philadelphia and are subject to the DMCA. Where the servers are located is irrelevant.

1and1 outlines precisely how to submit a DMCA take down notice:

If enough ladies write enough take down demands then 1and1 may drop the parasite as a "repeat infringer". Much cheaper than a lawsuit.
As i stated in my first post "IF" it was the same site plagiarizing info from girls ( from another site I'm a member of) I never said it was the site mentioned..This issue came up a few weeks ago and MANY of the girls found our info on the site..A site we never joined..

As to the answer the other question, it's very important that you do not allow people to use your info and good name to promote their site...If they ask you to join and you do so, that's different..But if they are going to ALL the trouble stealing pictures and info it makes me question what motives the ''site'' has..

The thread sparked my increasing frustration with the situation..It really sets me on fire to think someone is using my info...

And ANY site doing that, do it the old fashion way people..Have the girls JOIN..That is the way to build a good reputable site IMO.

Sorry if i sounded bitchy, it really angers me

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Guest100610-2's Avatar
That is a good question.

First, I personally don't think there is anything wrong with what we do. We only use information that is available anyways. None of the information that we list can't be found by googling for few minutes. We are simply saving everybody time and energy to do that research on their own.

You could compare us to any other search engine that lists and ranks websites. Do any of the websites complain about Google 'stealing' their website info?

As a matter of fact, the whole site benefits the providers and only very few providers have a problem with it. We are not charging anybody anything, so whoever says that we are making money off of it is simply wrong.

I hope that explains it. Originally Posted by roxescorts

What about providers who are retired? There is one provider I know for a fact is retired yet her face and name and email and phone number is still listed on your website. She retired becasue someone in her family reconized her.. So how is that being safe and helping others?

Ive emailed you guys 13 times and still no reply to have my photos removed.
We are merely mirroring the reality and information that is available on the Internet.

We are not responsible for anybody's actions in the past. I would not recommend anybody to post personal information on the Internet because there is no way to take it off the Internet once it is out there.

Again, I see your point but we are not to be blamed for someone else's mistakes.
Sorry, but that's total crap roxescorts. You are responsible for your own actions. If you knowingly post photos, phone numbers, etc. about a retired provider, then you are being a shithead. Sure, perhaps she should have anticipated that some little shit would do this, but that doesn't mean you're not a little shit.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you to all those who have been very helpful in our cause to stop piracy and help the ladies out, here on ECCIE! We've come up with some great solutions, suggestions and even sparked some national and legal interest in our plight.

Pirates, Beware! We are closing in on you.

I also wanted to inform all the ladies that a right click feature has been implemented to better protect our pictures here on ECCIE. While not full proof, it will stop most of the pic pirates from taking what rightfully belongs only to us AND goes a long way to show that the staff here on ECCIE will work with us and are concerned for our needs. Thank you, St. Christopher.

I see no need to further discuss this issue, but if there are some positive suggestions, please PM me. Otherwise, I'll ask that the mods to close this thread.