Mexican President Celebrates ’40 Million’ Mexicans in the U.S.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Illegal taxpayers!

You understand that they pay into the system and get nothing out. Which is in direct contrast to wtf you said earlier.

He'll illegal taxpayers would solve our SS and Medicare shortfall with having to raise taxes! Originally Posted by WTF

amusing. solve the shortfall by allowing criminals to pay some social security taxes that they can't get back. brilliant!
It is not illegal to seek asylum in the US.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It is not illegal to seek asylum in the US. Originally Posted by royamcr

never claimed it was. you may recall this chart, yeah? the majority of these millions flooding in do not qualify. so what happens then, if they even bother to show up for hearings on their asylum claim, and many do not.

they get to stay in the US anyway? we let 'em flip burgers at Mickey D's for the rest of their lives? since you brought up ITIN's why don't all of them immediately get ITIN's by the Government? the Government isn't even bothering to do much of anything to process these people. they just go off into the US and vanish.

is Mexico outright worse than say Honduras? Guatemala? international law states that asylum seekers must request asylum at the first safe harbor they reach. the question of "better or worse" isn't really the question as it's clear Mexico does not want these people even while they are losing out on millions of their own workers who illegally enter the US to work.

i wonder if that socialist idiot prez of Mexico realizes that this massive loss of labor ensures his nation remains poor as dirt. not to mention the fact that Mexico's problems with nationalist/socialist control of their resources is the reason Mexico is poor in the first place and why these people want to leave.

still waiting for anyone to explain why South Korea has a higher GDP than Mexico the 14th largest nation on the planet with far more resources.
I'd say technology infrastructure in S Korea. S.Korea is a densely populated small country. Mexico is roughly 2x bigger in land mass than the US. SKorea focuses on high value technology product. Mexico is largely agricultural except when the US builds facilities for production there.
GDP per capita $9,962
GDP per capita $34,744
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'd say technology infrastructure in S Korea. S.Korea is a densely populated small country. Mexico is roughly 2x bigger in land mass than the US. SKorea focuses on high value technology product. Mexico is largely agricultural except when the US builds facilities for production there.
GDP per capita $9,962
GDP per capita $34,744 Originally Posted by royamcr

uhhh what?

"Mexico is roughly 2x bigger in land mass than the US."

this has to be a typo, right???

2 United States 3.8 million square miles 2013

13 Mexico 758,449 square miles 2013

you can double check my numbers and yours here ...

anyway, back to Mexico vs. South Korea. you are correct that technology is a huge factor in tiny little South Korea's vast difference in GDP. you could fit 20 South Korea's in Mexico yet by your GDP per capita numbers South Korea is 3.5 times per capita of Mexico.

Mexico does have resources beyond agriculture. they have mining resources and oil, to name a few.

all this just proves what i already posted, Mexico is it's own worst enemy and the culprit for about 100 years is its nationalist/socialist total mismanagement of it's vast size and resources. this is why it is dirt poor and 40 million prime laborers illegally enter the US to work minimum wage jobs which when you compare the conversion rate to the peso makes them well off by Mexican standards.

i have the perfect solution to the ILLEGAL immigration problem. the US should simply annex Mexico and make it a vassal state of the US. we can send US Troops not compromised by the Mexican cartels to stop their wars and eliminate the corrupt Mexican government which is two-faced in it's taking of bribes from the cartels while jabbering to the world and Mexican population that they are "committe4d" to stopping the cartels.

I haven't looked at the numbers but Mexicans typically aren't crossing the border. It is countries further south.

I know it probably isn't exactly right but I consider mining and oil agricultural also. Of course totally different industries but it still taking from the land/earth.

Ya the land area number I looked up quickly had a digit missing from the end. I didn't think it was right, it was in s/km.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I haven't looked at the numbers but Mexicans typically aren't crossing the border. It is countries further south.

I know it probably isn't exactly right but I consider mining and oil agricultural also. Of course totally different industries but it still taking from the land/earth.

Ya the land area number I looked up quickly had a digit missing from the end. I didn't think it was right, it was in s/km. Originally Posted by royamcr

of course Mexicans aren't coming over in large numbers as they once did. with The Labrador Retriever's numbers 40 MILLION are already here out of a total population of 126 million. how many more working age men do they have to bleed?

how many of their women haven't they shipped over? i'm sure they could muster about 20 million

Precious_b's Avatar
Kind of clever statement in opposition to Trump's they are sending us their drug dealers and rapists. Our construction industry and others would crater if illegal immigrants were actually stopped and sent back, think housing is inflated now. Mexico is one of our largest trading partners, sources of labor and supplier of oil to the fossil fuel machine. They have every right to be proud of the part they play.

Our Government, unlike immigration, does take payroll taxes very seriously. The documentation carousel is a joke to the companies that hire "documented workers" who are paying income and social security taxes to which many do not recoup much of that benefit. The silver heads here should show a little gratitude when their social security check shows up and they can go buy some pussy.

Take out the racism, hammer companies that violate and make it easier for those that want to come and work and contribute to do so. Our country needs immigrants to sustain a growing work force and frankly they seem more vested in the American dream than naturalized Americans i try to hire who cannot pass a drug test or even show up. Originally Posted by Brot
People say that every type of pestilence and plague come up from south of the border. Wouldn't be any "drug dealers" if there wasn't such a demand for the product north. And no one makes a peep about all the $$$$ we send down there to fuel those drug wars, which we the consumers up north partake. And with gun violence causing everyone on the right to squeeze their guns tighter to their bosoms, take no responsibility enacting legislation to stem the tide of guns going south. But they don't care if the gun companies take that $$$$ to meet the corporate bottom line.

Americans need to stop lying to themselves and re-examine their viewpoints on why things are fucked up and take responsibility for what we did to screw things up south of the border. The long run, it is the cheapest thing to examine ourselves and actions and correct them.

It's the circle of life dear Waky! You're beloved savior is a great source of work for these folks!! Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood
Oh you had to go there

No they aren't, they get ITIN instead of SSN... It is beneficial for them to get this number so they can track their tax payments. When it comes to getting a green card they can prove they are a productive tax payer and this can accelerate their approval. Then they can get an SSN. Originally Posted by royamcr
Notice how he ignored your post? It was brought up to him in the past. Also, he ignores that there are employers that supply SSN numbers to undocumented workers. Should prosecute those that knowingly higher illegals to such a degree that immigration change will have another pressure point on Congress from business to find a working solution sooner.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
People say that every type of pestilence and plague come up from south of the border. Wouldn't be any "drug dealers" if there wasn't such a demand for the product north. And no one makes a peep about all the $$$$ we send down there to fuel those drug wars, which we the consumers up north partake. And with gun violence causing everyone on the right to squeeze their guns tighter to their bosoms, take no responsibility enacting legislation to stem the tide of guns going south. But they don't care if the gun companies take that $$$$ to meet the corporate bottom line.

Americans need to stop lying to themselves and re-examine their viewpoints on why things are fucked up and take responsibility for what we did to screw things up south of the border. The long run, it is the cheapest thing to examine ourselves and actions and correct them.

Oh you had to go there

Notice how he ignored your post? It was brought up to him in the past. Also, he ignores that there are employers that supply SSN numbers to undocumented workers. Should prosecute those that knowingly higher illegals to such a degree that immigration change will have another pressure point on Congress from business to find a working solution sooner. Originally Posted by Precious_b

i didn't ignore it, i just haven't gotten around to commenting on it yet. actually i have before. so if i decide i have more to say, i'll let the forum know.

thank you valued precious poster
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  • 01-15-2023, 06:53 AM
amusing. solve the shortfall by allowing criminals to pay some social security taxes that they can't get back. brilliant! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm glad you find it amusing that I exposed your lie about immigrants not paying taxes by like I pointed using the term "legally paying taxes".

Which had no basis in reality. I pointed out the reality of how immigrants actually do pay taxes.
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  • 01-15-2023, 07:02 AM
i didn't ignore it, i just haven't gotten around to commenting on it yet. actually i have before. so if i decide i have more to say, i'll let the forum know.

thank you valued precious poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You didn't ignore it, you just didn't address it!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump doesn't pay taxes and most right-wing loons in this forum love him. Why can't we show that same forgiveness for our illegal brothers and sisters? They need tax love too. Haha
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  • 01-15-2023, 09:54 AM
Trump hired those poor bastards to work at his resorts!

Waco cries about immigrants not paying taxes then when shown they actually do....he cries about them paying illegal taxes!

Then votes for the candidate who hires the most illegal immigrants of all.

You can not make this shit up.
VitaMan's Avatar
i didn't ignore it, i just haven't gotten around to commenting on it yet. actually i have before. so if i decide i have more to say, i'll let the forum know.

thank you valued precious poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

if you say so

but you are deciding if you have more to say ? Do you have enough time ?
Precious_b's Avatar
i didn't ignore it, i just haven't gotten around to commenting on it yet. actually i have before. so if i decide i have more to say, i'll let the forum know.

thank you valued precious poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The only comment you made is sticking to the word "legal."
That is moot to the subject since you foam at the mouth about illegal.

So, over a month and you can't come up with a pithy comeback since you can't deny *illegals* pay into SSN without hope of getting anything out of it.

No need to bother to reply UNLESS you got proof they LEGALLY get a return on it LOL!