Something is missing here

offshoredrilling's Avatar
??? 😂 Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
elghund's Avatar
Some in multiples!

I guess the moral to the story is that it's okay for putin to kill innocent civilians, including children, because the US is still getting some crude from Russia.

I understand. It makes sense now! Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Nah, not buying that “oil” baloney……..the end game is that Putin wants NATO disbanded, a return to the days of the Soviet Union style sphere of influence and the Western world destabilized.

Direct quotes from Biden's woeful SOTU:

Six days ago, Russia’s Vladimir Putin sought to shake the very foundations of the free world, thinking he could make it bend to his menacing ways. But he badly miscalculated.

He thought he could roll into Ukraine, and the world would roll over. Instead, he met with a wall of strength he never anticipated or imagined.

He met the Ukrainian people.

From President Zelensky to every Ukrainian, their fearlessness, their courage, their determination, literally inspires the world.
Yes, we, the United States of America, stand with the Ukrainian people.
We are giving more than $1 billion in direct assistance to Ukraine, and will continue to aid the Ukrainian people as they defend their country and help ease their suffering.

But let me be clear: Our forces are not engaged and will not engage in the conflict with Russian forces in Ukraine.
It takes a special kind of hypocrite to publicly thank the Ukrainian ambassador for her nation’s bravery — and stress in the next moment that we will do nothing to defend her country with our military.

I guess it takes a special kind of stoopid too....
Presj22's Avatar
Direct quotes from Biden's woeful SOTU:

It takes a special kind of hypocrite to publicly thank the Ukrainian ambassador for her nation’s bravery — and stress in the next moment that we will do nothing to defend her country with our military.

I guess it takes a special kind of stoopid too.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

Paulie, I hope you didn’t watch Biden live last night. I sure as Hell didn’t - I heard that anybody that watched it was under threat of Putin putting nerve gas in their underwear.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Direct quotes from Biden's woeful SOTU:

It takes a special kind of hypocrite to publicly thank the Ukrainian ambassador for her nation’s bravery — and stress in the next moment that we will do nothing to defend her country with our military.

I guess it takes a special kind of stoopid too.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
40 mile line and no air strike???? But may not be needed, mmmm but is solderers trashing their own weapons... mmmm never mind, bet being shot for a 40 mile long grave
bestie!! Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
In a cult of 6th grade school girls
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So, we'd trust the guy that fulfilled basically zero campaign promises, stole more money IN office than he did beforehand, and has at least 7 felonies including tampering and inciting a riot... to stop what Russia's been planning for years?

Denial's a hell of a drug. ) Originally Posted by Nubom70

what's more appalling .. that CNN told you that or that you believed it?
If Trump was still in power there would be no take over. Originally Posted by lilylivered
If trump was in power he would have called President Zelensky and said "I would like you to do us a favor though, give your country to putin to save him the embarrassment of invading your country".
Willie Wanker's Avatar
There no cause for concern. Our top military brass will shame Putin into submission.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If trump was in power he would have called President Zelensky and said "I would like you to do us a favor though, give your country to putin to save him the embarrassment of invading your country". Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher

if Trump was still president it wouldn't have happened because the US under Trump was a net energy exporter for the first time since the 1940's. Putin needed oil above at least $60 a barrel to afford such a massive operation. this is probably costing Russia about 1 billion a day.

what's the first thing Joey "woke" Biden does? he reduces production, cancels the keystone pipeline (which wouldn't make any short term difference but think about that for the next 30 years or so) and he lifts Trump's sanctions on Nord 2. brilliant!!

exactly what Putin needed to fuel up his war machine coffers with cash.

whether Biden knows it or not, he's Putin's bitch.
Presj22's Avatar
elg,the post quoted above is trolling.

Try to root out the difference. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Takes one…..tas nos …
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nah, not buying that “oil” baloney……..the end game is that Putin wants NATO disbanded, a return to the days of the Soviet Union style sphere of influence and the Western world destabilized.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund

correct. that's exactly what Putin wants. he's one of the last old school Soviets. this is Russia's last chance to reclaim their former "glory". as each generation comes along the old days of the USSR fade farther into the past, and those like Putin who crave it.

i hear some talking heads in the press say this wouldn't have happened if the US/NATO had formally agreed to bar Ukraine from NATO Membership. this would be stupid because now you have Putin dictating who can join NATO. next he'd be demanding nations like Poland leave NATO. you'd be letting him dismantle NATO piece meal. he's also flapping his russkie gums about not allowing Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

after WWII Eisenhower was in charge of NATO for awhile. he said in the late 40's that if the US still had troops in Europe in 10 years it would be a failure. he was right. direct US involvement in NATO should have ended long ago. even in the Cold War era Europe had long ago regained their economic footing. we should have pulled our troops and left the job to them.

Trump was right to call out NATO for being Euro slackers and not contributing enough and counting on good old USA to do it for them. if they want to pay the US for that fine. otherwise it's not really our concern anymore.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Takes one…..tas nos … Originally Posted by Presj22
Textbook irony.
Textbook irony. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Plastic Man's Avatar
Takes one…..tas nos … Originally Posted by Presj22
whys ...ya suddenly writin likes ...a retard?

...plastic man ...heards richard childress froms jimmie car racin be given thems yookranians one ...million bullets fer