Lol height weight ratio

I like the standard rule- SHE must weigh ‘less than me’.

However- a friendly observation over the course of my 6 decades- the best weight loss program ever invented has always been ‘divorce’. Never seen a woman gain weight after divorce. (Only after marriage)
Saw my ex in court and thought ‘Day-um! It works every time!’ She lost 30 pounds. That’s what happens when she gets her ass off my couch and off my dime. She learns to live on her budget. Quit breaking me with massive CC bills every month.
I now spend her CC money on ECCIE ladies. Better investment! At least I get something out of it.
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  • SeV
  • 02-19-2020, 11:18 PM
Weight alone isn't that great of an indicator. A gal that's very athletic & looks great can weigh more than you think.

And as mentioned, many lie about their weight throwing us off... like we dudes lie about our wallets. Originally Posted by Mike_Rach
And cock size, but who joins the hobby to search for the perfect cumtastic cock
Glad I live in the US then.

Y'all are totally missing the point. I'm not saying I am the optimal size or that it is wrong to think very thin girls are hot and your preference, so the insults are basically rather impolite and unwarranted.

My point is that girls lie so much about their weight that many of the girls who are size 2s and 4s that you think are 110, are about 125-135 if they are over 5'5" and have some muscle tone and they look great and lean and very slender. At 5'9" that same size is about 135-145. Add big tits and that is at least another 6 pounds.

I'm not here to tell guys what to like. I'm pointing out that chicks blatantly lie about their weights around here, big and small girls alike. Originally Posted by Michelle ma Belle
Amen to that!
Mrhazyman's Avatar
So many girls around here lie so blatantly about their weight, it gives the guys a skewed idea of what is what.

Plus, guys don't understand women's sizes. To me, if you don't shop in the Plus Size section, then you aren't a BBW. And some ladies who do shop there, might not really be BBWs either. Originally Posted by Michelle ma Belle
Lol! My wife is such a bad driver because I've been lying to her about two inches ever since we've met!

I dont think most guys care about actual sizes, (they vary by manufacturer anyway) we just look at the hot pics and call.