Trump Floats the Idea of Executing Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley

rmg_35's Avatar
Are you crazy? Miley actions are WAY past njp. That’s for a bar brawl or being 5 minutes late for PT. Miley’s flagrant, arrogant infractions qualifies him to be sentenced to death. He’d likely skate on that punishment due to his time in, but prison time is clearly called for. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Fucking bullshit, but I'm not surprised from somebody that continues to support an insurrectionist treasonist traitor and who has a profile pic from a bribe taking, ethics violating needs to be removed lying ass Supreme Court Justice who can't uphold the laws from his punk ass.
Do you remotely realize that Milley and all generals are political appointees.
A President nominates someone for general then the senate must approve.

Trump nominated Milley to General in 2018. He made a similar mistake with Jeff Sessions.

Trump was advised and set up in both instances. The Swamp at its finest.

Has anyone who ever was employed see people promoted for purely political reasons, some describe a person promoted for this reason as a “Ass Kisser”.
The person wasn’t a good choice but was promoted because they kissed the right/best ass.

Obama’s ass would have been a good choice by Milley.
Milley doing what he did to Trump was simply stab America in the back.

The President is the Commander and Chief not anyone in the military.

In my position employed. If I go behind the back against who I report to, guaranteed I be fired immediately.
winn dixie's Avatar
Another guy claiming to be a Marine. These people can’t stop lying. Originally Posted by bambino
I find this highly offensive bam. I do not appreciate being called a liar. I've posted for years about my service. You know I provide proof/ receipts of what I claim. You yourself witnessed two times. I still taste Iraq Kuwait Saudi and Israel sand. I will not have my service dis honored!
Staff... yes I had to post something to answer this falsehood.

On topic.... Milley was not gonna carry out a madman wishes. Or be made a scapegoat. Yet magas attach anything to discredit him. Bone spurs trumpf is a dishonor to the military.
What is done to someone in the military that goes behind the back of command to aid the enemy.
If you don’t realize, China is a enemy of America.
bambino's Avatar
I find this highly offensive bam. I do not appreciate being called a liar. I've posted for years about my service. You know I provide proof/ receipts of what I claim. You yourself witnessed two times. I still taste Iraq Kuwait Saudi and Israel sand. I will not have my service dis honored!
Staff... yes I had to post something to answer this falsehood.

On topic.... Milley was not gonna carry out a madman wishes. Or be made a scapegoat. Yet magas attach anything to discredit him. Bone spurs trumpf is a dishonor to the military. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Provide proof that you’re a Marine. You never provided that to me. You just told me you’re friends with a toe sucker. That’s about it.
Are you crazy? Miley actions are WAY past njp. That’s for a bar brawl or being 5 minutes late for PT. Miley’s flagrant, arrogant infractions qualifies him to be sentenced to death. He’d likely skate on that punishment due to his time in, but prison time is clearly called for. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I think your right njp is far too harsh.
I believe that Milly should have parachuted on to the white house lawn. Then shot that simpleton, then we could have awarded him another battle star for his jump wings!

I can just see the narrative for the award!
For vertically enveloping the orange turd and destroying him with one clean shot from his .32 officers dress pistol!
And not even wrinkling his greens in the stated action!
Thereby destroying one of Americas most dangerous and rediculious enemies! And putting America out of her collective misery!
We thank you General Mark Milly, he saw his duty with clarity and acted
Or something to that effect!
Wrong as usual. Made up lies and bullshit by insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump and repeat by the moronic far-right extremist conspiracy theory media. Amazing they keep fooling the ill-informed magas Originally Posted by rmg_35
... Hee Hee! ... Milley has ADMITTED
that he contacted China... His doing so, in
the act that he did - is a Treasonous act.

Reckon YOU must not have known that. ... How Sad.

This is WHY you need to pay better attention
to what we say here in the forum...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
You don’t have the faintest idea how it works in the service. Everything you said there is grounds for court martial. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You are 100% correct. He has no idea what he is talking about. I spoke to my brother in law a few years ago (who at the time was in a high level position in the Army) and he tells me other service members were appalled and just waiting for the hammer to drop
berryberry's Avatar
I still taste Iraq Kuwait Saudi and Israel sand.
On topic.... Milley was not gonna carry out a madman wishes. Or be made a scapegoat. Yet magas attach anything to discredit him. Bone spurs trumpf is a dishonor to the military. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I am not going to question your service. If you say you served, I have no reason to doubt you

That said, you are all wet on the rest of this simply because you are an admitted Trump hater

If you served, you know quite well what the penalty is for an officer, etc to commit treason. And yes, it is treason when a General subverts, or claims he would, direct orders from his civilian command, endangering the lives of every soldier, sailor, airman and marine.

It is treason when a General contacts a foreign enemy and agrees to warn them in advance if the US takes any action

If you served, you know this. Milley committed treason. Don't let your silly hatred of Trump cloud the facts here
winn dixie's Avatar
Milley is a patriot. I could reverse some posts and say you are an admitted maga and you hate everyone else. Easy.
This spin about milley is ludicrous.
Milley did his job. Sad bone spurs trumpf followers don't see that.
berryberry's Avatar
Milley is a patriot.

Milley did his job. Sad bone spurs trumpf followers don't see that. Originally Posted by winn dixie
If you believe that, then either you did not serve or you have forgotten the oath that all who served took. And you have forgotten the code of military justice
I love how MAGA all hates the military now.

tump gets bitchslapped by a few real men in uniform who aren't having his bullshit, then he whines to MAGA about how he's being treated "very unfairly".

They all march in lockstep with what daddy trump tells them to believe, and they even say all the same things about it. Like reading from a script. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.
rmg_35's Avatar
I love how MAGA all hates the military now.

tump gets bitchslapped by a few real men in uniform who aren't having his bullshit, then he whines to MAGA about how he's being treated "very unfairly".

They all march in lockstep with what daddy trump tells them to believe, and they even say all the same things about it. Like reading from a script. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic. Originally Posted by tommy156
It's because they are all brainwashed ill-informed imbeciles. tRump gives them permission to be the nastiest, hate-filled, homopobic basket of deplorables that they are. The lowest of the low.
Milley doing what he did to Trump was simply stab America in the back.

The President is the Commander and Chief not anyone in the military.

In my position employed. If I go behind the back against who I report to, guaranteed I be fired immediately. Originally Posted by Chase7
Trump may appoint the JCOS, but the JCOS works for us and swore an oath the the constitution, not to the appointing president.
Fuck your stab in the back, he was chosen because he was the best candidate for the job not because he was trumps buddy.
And obviously trump made the right choice, he performed superbly.
Obviously you like the orange turd demand complete fealty to trump, not to the constitution. Well it don't work like that. And Milly unlike you understands this.
I'm sure that Milly when he was just a shiney balled butter bar had no intention of helping anybody stage a coup let alone a POS like trump.
He did his duty to he american people, his real employer.
Not Donnie dickhead!
Why did Espers and others tell him to fuck off?
Because they did their duty to the American people too.
And these were staunch Republicans.
These Maga motherfuckers want to turn this country into one of the piece of shits little fiefdom corporations.
Where that asshole rules by dictat!
Sorry that's not happening, these people are the presidents appointees, not his employees!
Ultimately they work for the American people to uphold the constitution!
Milly did his duty to the American people admitted his mistake in Lafayette square, and turned out to be a fine choice for the job!
Fuck dickhead Donny and Maga in general!
Bunch a fuck Nazis!