Outrageous Discrimination in NYC

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-31-2014, 06:21 AM
BJesus, how will we know when the score is even? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I will personally let you know. In the meantime, use these rules:
White man = bad
Non-white man = good
Black man = best choice
No country has a demographic with a majority of whites, and no country is ruled by whites.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I will personally let you know. In the meantime, use these rules:
White man = bad
Non-white man = good
Black man = best choice
No country has a demographic with a majority of whites, and no country is ruled by whites. Originally Posted by BJerk
That's how he can personally let us know, his rules exhibit racism.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-31-2014, 06:26 AM
That's how he can personally let us know, his rules exhibit racism. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Those who are members of aggrieved groups without power cannot commit the sin of racism.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!" - Napoleon Hill Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yes, one has to get past the excuses and work hard. But not everyone gets to win. If everyone could succeed, each hospital would have 5000 doctors and no janitors. Somebody gets the short end of the stick, and it is not always a lack of effort or will. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
You're buying into the excuse. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're buying into the excuse. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Maybe. But your whistling zipadeedoodah, 'whatever you can believe you can achieve'. It ain't so. There's 7 billion people, one person per year wins Wimbledon. Not everyone will see the ultimate fruit, the hard work needs to be the end game, not some pipe dream.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Until the government stops the racial profiling and allows people to be from the human race rather than from some check box on a government form, we will never see an end to discrimination.
Martin Luther King said it best when he stated that we should be judged by the content of our character rather than the color of our skin. Government check boxes only refer to skin color and not to character. It is time for the government to become colorless and stop their racist practices.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
My objective is that more minorities get into the Ivy League schools. Originally Posted by BJerk
My objective would be to destroy their influence, if not existence.

Those who are members of aggrieved groups without power cannot commit the sin of racism. Originally Posted by BJerk
A person can shit himself without wearing pants.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They made the numbers far worse, but we already know you people prefer them over us, because they are obsequious. Originally Posted by BJerk
What is this "you people" shit. Are you a racist? Never mind...I think we already have enough evidence to decide for ourselves. The evidence? Your words.

Remember Ross Perot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I will personally let you know. In the meantime, use these rules:
White man = bad
Non-white man = good
Black man = best choice
No country has a demographic with a majority of whites, and no country is ruled by whites. Originally Posted by BJerk
Exactly what Jesus would say, right, Phony Christian? And you are going to Heaven, but I'm not. You are truly deranged, BJesus.

I have an idea. Instead of demanding special perks and lower standards for yourselves, why not perform at a level high enough to prove that discrimination was stupid. Affirmative action only reinforces the idea that certain races lack the innate ability to perform at the same level as whites. Which is bullshit.

But be sure to ask Jesus to help you bring down the white race, BJesus. He will help you.

I will personally let you know. In the meantime, use these rules:
White man = bad
Non-white man = good
Black man = best choice
No country has a demographic with a majority of whites, and no country is ruled by whites. Originally Posted by BJerk
That is racist to the bone.

Those who are members of aggrieved groups without power cannot commit the sin of racism. Originally Posted by BJerk
You're doing a pretty good job of proving that statement wrong.

Once again, I voice my opinion that you are some white guy posting as a black progressive saying extremely stupid things in order to discredit the.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-31-2014, 08:37 PM
ExNyer, you are not being internally consistent. The last two statements are mutually exclusive. However, I admit I'm really COG. Hopefully, the mods will be too busy to ban us both.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Maybe. But your whistling zipadeedoodah, 'whatever you can believe you can achieve'. It ain't so. There's 7 billion people, one person per year wins Wimbledon. Not everyone will see the ultimate fruit, the hard work needs to be the end game, not some pipe dream. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

Well said. One of my pet peeves is the statement "You can do whatever you want to do, be whatever you want to be." Wonderful concept in a perfect world, but the world in which we live is far from perfect. To rise to the top in any field takes a combination of many factors -- talent, hard work, parents and family members, sometimes education, sometimes money, and certainly luck. Sometimes lack of talent can be overcome by working harder than others. Sometimes luck and ingenuity can overcome lack of formal education.

Getting back to the education topic, I pretty much agree with ExNYer on every count. My son went to a very competitive college (Rice) and ExNYer understands the realities of such schools very well.
ExNyer, you are not being internally consistent. The last two statements are mutually exclusive. However, I admit I'm really COG. Hopefully, the mods will be too busy to ban us both. Originally Posted by BJerk
No, they are not inconsistent.

My first statement indicated that what you wrote was racist - regardless of what race you actual are.

My second statement indicated that you may be a fraud - a white guy posing as a black radical saying the dumbest things in order to make blacks look bad.

No inconsistency there.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-01-2014, 07:48 PM
No, they are not inconsistent.

My first statement indicated that what you wrote was racist - regardless of what race you actual are.

My second statement indicated that you may be a fraud - a white guy posing as a black radical saying the dumbest things in order to make blacks look bad.

No inconsistency there. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I said the last two, not the first two. Go read them and you will see what I meant.
[ Originally Posted by BJerk View Post Those who are members of aggrieved groups without power cannot commit the sin of racism.]

ExNyer :"You're doing a pretty good job of proving that statement wrong.

Once again, I voice my opinion that you are some white guy posting as a black progressive saying extremely stupid things in order to discredit the."

I can't be both a black man and thereby proving a black man can commit racism and then be a white guy posing as black, comprende? I have to be the same color both times!!!
I said the last two, not the first two. Go read them and you will see what I meant.
[ Originally Posted by BJerk View Post Those who are members of aggrieved groups without power cannot commit the sin of racism.]

ExNyer :"You're doing a pretty good job of proving that statement wrong.

Once again, I voice my opinion that you are some white guy posting as a black progressive saying extremely stupid things in order to discredit the."

I can't be both a black man and thereby proving a black man can commit racism and then be a white guy posing as black, comprende? I have to be the same color both times!!! Originally Posted by BJerk

I can't be both a black man and thereby proving a black man can commit racism and then be a white guy posing as black, comprende? I have to be the same color both times!!! Originally Posted by BJerk
No, you don't. If you are some phony white guy, you can say anything you want to make yourself LOOK like a black radical.

Put another way, your comments indicate you are the dopiest black radical that ever lived. Or a white guy pretending to be one.
