Musing on the (sometimes) incongruity of positive reviews

Luke Skywalker's Avatar
It's just easy to spot the orchestrated clusters of reviews by management (pimps) and their lil posses of hopeful pals (aka private social groups). The review patterns of those types aren't really that hard to spot. When a provider uses a sock puppet to do a self-review, those reviews are also pretty funny to read.

I'll stick to the no review policy. It has not hindered me a bit and I really don't mind being bashed for not doing them. It's all good. Originally Posted by SD2011
You have no PA access; How do you read the funny reviews you claim to read?
You have no PA access; How do you read the funny reviews you claim to read? Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
Un-wad your panties and re-read post #29.

NearHauteRed's Avatar
You have no PA access; How do you read the funny reviews you claim to read? Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
Same question I asked him and I think he answered it by saying he has seen providers who have been reviewed and created his review "formula", which does not really answer the question. It has to be one of these answers tho: 1) to ascertain actual info of the ROS in the reviews, he has a buddy who has PA and gives him his account info or shoots him a email with the reviews he would like to see. 2) he has a duplicate handle with PA 3) he does not really know, he is guessing and deducing by reading the comments underneath the reviews.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Are we defensive, aren't we?

That doesn't explains this: " those reviews are also pretty funny to read.". What did you find funny to read outside of ROS? Acronyms are funny perhaps? I'm curious if you actually found something funny outside of ROS ...

I find plenty of funny things to read in ROS. Outside? never did.

PS: If you got a buddy sending you ROS stuff, I'm sure the staff would like to discover who they are, for he is breaking the rules. In respect to the OP, I will refrain from discussing this any further.
Iaintliein's Avatar
There are as many reasons as people when it comes to choosing to review or not.

I think I got up to 13 on the old board but then lost taste for it when a few ladies told me about others using reviews as levers to get services or price breaks from providers. At the time I didn't want to be associated with that sort of thing. Besides, since I only see ladies with pages and pages of reviews already there isn't much point.
Are we defensive, aren't we?

That doesn't explains this: " those reviews are also pretty funny to read.". What did you find funny to read outside of ROS? Acronyms are funny perhaps? I'm curious if you actually found something funny outside of ROS ...

I find plenty of funny things to read in ROS. Outside? never did.

PS: If you got a buddy sending you ROS stuff, I'm sure the staff would like to discover who they are, for he is breaking the rules. In respect to the OP, I will refrain from discussing this any further. Originally Posted by lukeskywalker7667
LOL... that's a stretch! I must be hitting close to home for the managed/cluster reviewers social club eh?

Go look at some of the reviews and the follow-up posts, if some of that shit isn't funny, you've obviously invested too much into the review issue (perhaps from a bidness perspective?) and forgot how to read what's sitting right there in plain sight.

As far as some one sending me ROS, the mods are welcome to read any of my mail and see nothing like that ever happened. I'll give you an E for effort. ha!
There are as many reasons as people when it comes to choosing to review or not.

I think I got up to 13 on the old board but then lost taste for it when a few ladies told me about others using reviews as levers to get services or price breaks from providers. At the time I didn't want to be associated with that sort of thing. Besides, since I only see ladies with pages and pages of reviews already there isn't much point. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

That's the issue. Reviews are being used in ways I don't think the originators of eccie intended.
And what's funny is the key perpetrators of that crap are the ones who are trying to protect their little scam.

Hm, I always feel the need to respond to these threads...

So, earlier this year I chimed in with why I don't review, on a similar thread. I'll admit I was halfway thru a bottle of cab when I wrote it... So it was verbose, and therefore I feel no need to be redundant, about my reasons, here.

TinMan, I don't hobby frequently, and I come and go from the board, but there was a guy who posted why he thought we should review, on the aforementioned thread, and he actually had me changing my position on this. (I don't recall who it was, but I think his avatar was a military dress jacket with a bunch of bars and medals. Whoever that was, sir, you've impacted my opinion here.) When my life situation changes, I'll review again.

NHRed, I too thought you might be btony. You do show similarities, and I always get uncomfortable with someone who joins the board, posts so much you wonder if he does anything else with his time, is an immediate expert on everything, and doesn't review. You'll continue to take heat, especially if you get defensive about it, which you have.

[Sorry for the tangent OP - don't know if I'll read the other thread.]
Hey, Sir Lance...getting back to your original thread here: I don't think it's demeaning to the Provider at all to tell the guys here, by way of a REVIEW, that she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. I'm thinking she wants that kind of publicity; this is how she generates income, this is her line of work. Might seem to be a crude compliment to some but I've never had a Provider tell me we write "crude" things about them when it comes to their activities.

And you guys that post all kinds of "info" and don't NAME NAMES, are scavengers, period. One review of a girl may not be trusted but when you read a dozen or more and see a pattern of her time with us guys...THAT has more value for me than posts about doing your nails, how you can get busted, blah, blah, blah.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Prolongus: Yeah, but he question wasn't whether a review touting her abilities as a cocksucker might be unsettling to her (I've already had a PM from a provider musing on the person-vs.-object subject; there's a subject for another thread: Ladies, would you rather be known as a great cocksucker or a nice person), it was whether guys feel a little bit unsettled when touting the cocksucker after getting to know the person.
Sir Lance, I gotta admit, when I first read reviews on ASPD some of those descriptions of the playtime were... well, like one guy who wrote about skull-fucking a girl while she was choking, mascara running...and newbie me is thinking: "Gee, that wasn't very nice!"

I don't feel guilty at all reviewing a nice girl who happens to be a great fuck and suck...even the ones I've seen more than 7-8 times. Its not unsettling to me at all... The girls here, the ones I've seen anyway are nice to me. I'm sure they've read my reviews of them and not a one has said: "That was gross! I'm a nice girl!"
Holy Baby Jabeezus...The problem with reviews around here is that something in the water has turned literate, honest dudes into pussies. Guys who COULD share and be honest won't. So fuck ya'll. Keep gettin' some idiot enabler with ROS to send you PM's of reviews so you don't step in something nasty while you're barefoot and just leave it alone. And guys like Daty\O, Luke, TinMan, PMD who CAN write a review, kick ass.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
With all due respect to those of you who want to use this thread to discuss people who don't post reviews and their reasons for doing so, here's a thread specifically for you:
Georgy9803's Avatar
I don't review because I don't want the providers to know I'm high volume.
I do agree with some of the other comments that participation in discussion threads and esp, PMs, do exchange a lot of good info.
pmdelites's Avatar
Sir Lancehernot, i'll do my best to get this back on the original track :^)
I'd rather keep this thread focused on whether anyone feels something of a conflict of interest when writing some positive reviews. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
well, writing a review is, in a very slight way, like bragging in the locker room about letting other guys know what a great woman/sex provider SuperSally is.
but it is also, in a very slight way, just like Trip Advisor, Yelp, Twitter, Facebook, etc. where people are sharing what they experienced. [tho, sure would like to get Blowjob Advisor :^)]
it's sharing an experience, whether it be 100% true, 100% fiction, or somewhere in between.

do i get conflicted about writing a positive review?
In a word, NO.

i write them [when i do write them, i'm a lazy hobbyist when it comes to reviews] cos
a) i want some memories of the deliteful [or the less than deliteful] time i had. i have copies of reviews going back to 2004, maybe earlier. every once in a while, when i want to cheer my sexual self up, or want to masterbate, or want to remind myself what i shouldnt do in the future, i go read one or two or three.

b) i want to share about what is possible if you go visit SuperSally. not every guy will have the experience i did [unless they were there in my body!]. but reading a woman's reviews, one can get an idea of what she likes, what she doesnt, if she's punctual or late, if she wears sexy outfits or t-shirts and jeans. my review puts one more tidbit out there for others to read and evaluate.

c) like a few guys said, i'd like others to know about her so maybe she'll stick around so i can visit her again.
i posted recently that of all the women i've visited in the past 12+ years, 10-15 are still around.
and of those, only a few have been around more than 3 yrs.
so, even tho my reviews have not convinced providers to stick around, one can only do and hope.

do i get pissed cos a bunch of other guys visit her and i cant make an appt with her?
NO. she'll either want to schedule w/ me or she wont. not much i can do about it.

do i get pissed cos another guy visited and got much more than i received? or do i think WTF when another guy visited her and had a better time than i did?
NO. she'll do what she wants with whom she wants. not much i can do about it.

do i freeze up cos i dont want to write a less than glowing reviews?
NO, it was my experience and i'll share it if i want. no one can tell me it didnt happen. [note, i dont go about trashing a woman's reputations cos it was a bad time. i'll just state what happened].

a few words about what others wrote that went off the track.

it seems to me that if you hold views like any of these,
a) wanting to keep the good ones to yourself,
b) bristling/getting pissed at what others write about your reviews, or
c) fretting that some reviews are fake or satire
then you might not be a pretty secure and/or confident hobbyist.

and if you
a) cant "live" with sharing her,
b) worry about getting brickbrats tossed at you, or
c) are concerned about the "truth" in reviews,
then in my opinion, reviews arent your major concern.

it's kinda like the buddhist story about the monkey who holds on to the item in the cage because he wants it so much then gets hurt when he wont let it go.
just recognize it for what it is, then let go and move on to the next experience in your life.

or like the buddhist story about an older and younger monk walking thru the countryside. they see an old woman who is attempting to cross a stream but cant cos it is too wide and she is too frail. their monastery has an edict that monks are not supposed to touch much
lift women. the older monk goes over, lifts her up, carries her across the stream, sets her down and then continues walking w/ the other monk. about 15 minutes later, the younger monk says "why did you lift that woman and carry her across the stream? you know our edict about touching women?" the old monk says "are you still carrying her?"
again, just recognize it for what it is, then let go and move on to the next experience in your life.

like bored@home wrote...
enjoy your increments and treasure them for what they are. Originally Posted by bored@home
best to close w/ this...
I've been reviewing since the nineties, and have never experienced angst over my reviews or any comments in response to my reviews.
===> pmd: +1. i've been writing reviews since 2001. even when the woman came back at me for writing about my experience, i know i'm sharing my view of the world. and no one can say it's wrong or incorrect, cos they werent there!

Maybe it's because I realize this is just a silly hooker message board.
===> pmd: agreed, there are a hell of a lot more important things in this world to worry about and attempt to make better. Originally Posted by TinMan