Beautiful But Crazy - How Do You Deal With It?

Congrats on the clear and concise verbiage.
I'm proud of you proshino.

Now, please stay on the topic of hot bsc women. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Well Start issuing points and start banning people wierdo. Good Lord you people are a bunch of freaks. Toodlez tooldlez. Quit playing the pocket mod card. You are not that important on this site. You are just a race baiting annoyance. Originally Posted by mj850
Keep on going sir and see who is the one to face consequences. I'm imploring you to take a better path. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez.
  • mj850
  • 03-23-2019, 09:36 PM
Get a life Shine the wierdo. Nobody and I mean nobody cares about your stupid made up adventures. Except you 3 amigos. Keep giving yourselves 5 stars and liking your own posts.
Mods swoop down and handle this she,/male mj is a threat to the community.
  • mj850
  • 03-23-2019, 10:32 PM
LOL. Go ahead and ban me. All I did was tell the truth. My life does not revolve on this site. You sir are the threat with your continual race baiting and your ebonics speaksy. This is not your forum to constantly threaten people. I'm going to get some sleep now and if I see banned under my name when I wake up, so be it.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
It would appear that pro shiner’s imaginary pocket mod is not as tight with him as he would believe.
Better get to shining with a little more skill.
Quit acting all crazy, tell them they are beautiful
Seems all three of them are full of threats. I never see any others threatening people.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-24-2019, 07:54 AM
Seems all three of them are full of threats. I never see any others threatening people. Originally Posted by tbone2u
3 of them? can you elaborate, sir?
kerwil62's Avatar

Damn that ass is nice! I'd definitely smash!

Carry on......
VitaMan's Avatar
Clean up in aisle 5
It's not aisle 5.....It's aisle 3
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
3 of them? can you elaborate, sir? Originally Posted by pxmcc
If I were you I wouldn't ask such a question. Like do you really care what these people think of you? Think about it..if SC truly threatened anyone he would have gotten banned. The fact is they all conspired against SC with false accusations..they all made their case to the mods and I made mine. They lost end of story...and now they're mad.

Now as I was saying I personally think you should get as much facetime with a beauty before her crazy side comes out...but if you must choose then I guess its run.
I'm not mad at all sissy lips.
But I am waiting on you to address your so-called non-threat to me.
Man up if you are really a man and address it
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Food for thought...

I wouldn't bother talking to any mods and I will tell you why.

We all know the system is broken. How many times has WolfWhistle been "banned'? People have already figured out that they can break the rules as much as they want to and they can just make new handles, and there is nothing a mod can do. So what's the point of having a mod in your corner? Mods are people just like us and they don't give a shit about any of this bullshit and they can't do anything of real consequence anyway.

You can threaten people with points, bans and supreme directives and all that is going to do is make people dislike you even more. If people don't like you now, they won't like you when they get pointed or banned and since the system is broken, it's not going make a single flying fucking difference in how anyone treats you, they will just be back with more bitterness than before.

In my opinion, if people don't respect you, then you gotta stop relying on the mods and start figuring out why people don't give a shit about you. Respect has to be earned and you gotta figure out how to earn it. And if you can't do that, then you can respect yourself enough to just leave. I have taken many breaks myself.

There isn't a damn thing the mods can really do for anyone here. People are gonna do what they want.
If anyone truly cares about people liking them on a hooker board then that person has some serious issues. We buy pussy, internalize that shit. Nothing is swagger about paying for foooking human female companionship. Shine Da Great is the least bit concerned about if I'm "liked" here. My real world companions like me because they know me. Every now and then I need some pussy and can't get it any other way. Simple. If I have a thought I post it. Simple. It baffles me when people start with people don't like you here. Ummm okay. But hey this is a foooked up world we are living in so all I can do is buckle up and go for the ride. They say me and someone else here are the same person and he buy pussy way more than I could afford or would want to. I'm pretty secure in Shine Da Great and I love me and I don't foook with no one hence I'm good. Most of the guys here got other issues they need to correct and stop spending so much negative energy on someone that literally never thinks about them. #MOD TIES. Family. Love. Real G Shit. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez....
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Pmxcc at times appears to at least be well intentioned even if many of his topics are rather silly and redundant. SC and SP are just a couple of dipshit losers who live in a anonymous internet fantasy land looking for attention - nothing more and nothing less. The sooner you guys ignore those two clowns, the sooner they go away. They refer to themselves in 3rd person for god's sake just for more attention, and you guys fall for that shit hook, line and sinker.

Edit: I'll also add that pmx does not appear to want to be lumped in with those 2 other clowns which is why I assume he keeps asking for clarification. I have to give him some credit just for that alone.