Yup...I'm going there. We have periods.

Phrodo's Avatar
Okay...I'm going to talk about the lovely thing that all of us women get (or had) and that is our periods. Well, that does pose a problem considering what this business is. Taking 5 days to a week off can take a big toll on our budgets.

Some ladies are lucky to have periods that are like clock work. But many of us have periods that have a mind of our own. My period for example has a 5 day window that it can start. That makes it hard to book appts. I HATE to cancel appts because the period (I had to today) but at the same time, I have to book because if I went on "wait on my period limbo" It could take me out for up to 10 days a month. That is A LOT of days to lose in 1 month.

So this is what I'm thinking. Why not create a forum for ladies that are offering off week specials? I know that there is a lot guys who are NOT looking for full service. The upside of this forum is that is would give providers a area to place ad's and still keep the income coming it (I would be placing a ad today). And it gives a area that guys can go to who are looking for non full service. It would save him a lot of time not having to sort through all the other provider ad's.

So guys and gal's, what do you think of this idea. Do you think it would work?

I would love to hear feed back on this topic. It could be a win win thing for both hobbyist and providers.

Thanks and hugs.
Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick

La, la, la, la, la, with fingers in ears!!!
Let's call it the "red light special" forum... hehehhehe
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
La, la, la, la, la, with fingers in ears!!! Originally Posted by Phrodo


Well....enjoying singing babe.
Kleinkopf's Avatar
"Let it Flo, Let it Flo, Let it Flo."

"Red Wing Challenge: Have you got what it takes to take what I got?"
Kayleehotchick's Avatar

Now...the redwing thing is not for me.

L1 and L2 is more like it.
.........Since nobody reads past the first line anyway, they oughta lock ya'll PMS bitches up for a week a month until you're through with that shit makin everybody else miserable!!! ;o Originally Posted by phildo

bwah ha ha....

u so funny.

(i like fucked up humor)
I am for it from a health aspect. Perhaps it would stop providers from using cotton and who knows what else to provide while aunt flo is present. Ladies seriously it's reason why it flows out and it is not meant to stay inside the body
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 12-16-2011, 03:36 PM
I am for it from a health aspect. Perhaps it would stop providers from using cotton and who knows what else to provide while aunt flo is present. Ladies seriously it's reason why it flows out and it is not meant to stay inside the body Originally Posted by Thatdude
Actually, from a medical perspective, If the lady isn't trying to get pregnant, no need to have a period at all. There are some good studies that show reduced ovarian cancer rates for women who use birth control pills to avoid their periods.

Most doctors are happy to give a lady a prescription for a full month of birth control pills. They just delete the week of sugar pills, and the lady continues with regular pills. The lady either gets a much reduced / very light cycle, or none at all.

So, ladies that say you have unpredictable periods, or heavy periods, have you ever tried this? Seems like if you are a provider this would be a pretty good way to go.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Oh....I don't even want to get on the pill subject. I blow up like a dang cow on those babies.
Actually, from a medical perspective, If the lady isn't trying to get pregnant, no need to have a period at all. There are some good studies that show reduced ovarian cancer rates for women who use birth control pills to avoid their periods.

Most doctors are happy to give a lady a prescription for a full month of birth control pills. They just delete the week of sugar pills, and the lady continues with regular pills. The lady either gets a much reduced / very light cycle, or none at all.

So, ladies that say you have unpredictable periods, or heavy periods, have you ever tried this? Seems like if you are a provider this would be a pretty good way to go. Originally Posted by 69er

THE POINT OF MOTHER NATURE IS>... like DUDE said.. to come out. It's there to shed some harmful, build up bacteria and debris that women accumulate by the shedding of an egg that has ovulated. There are other various health risks associated with taking BC pills... such as High BP.. (which I have already and have to take meds for)... risks in creating PCOS.. (polycystic Ovarian Syndrom).... weight gain... water retention... and yes with already being anemic... I need to shed the access blood.. that I am able to create... so BC pills are out for me personally. The Depo shot actually made me bleed for THREE months straight... NON STOP.. even with a SECOND shot given to try to stop it... it still happened continuously. The only solution to that was to let it cycle on out.. and not get it again. Some ladies.. just have body issues that cannot handle med's like others. So, it is just basically a physiological thing that the body reacts to.

The point of it is... that the body is miraculous in all ways. There is no sure fire way to tell when a woman will start unless she suffers from cramps days before (which I don't, thank god)... suffers from mood changes (which I don't)... water retention and bloating... and other PMS symtoms. Some women are just lucky (or unlucky) enough to never know when mother nature is going to rear her ugly head until she shows.
I think that although we appreciate the input on how to "help" our monthly cycles, the fact that we have dealt with them for most of our lives kind of makes us more, "in the know" than most of you may think.

I have spoken with my doctor on several occasions and honestly, there is nothing that I can do that won't have side effects just as bad or worse than the cycle itself. So for the next ten or so years, I have to deal with it.

I think that Kaylee's intention with this thread was to offer a way for ladies who want to be Honest and continue to offer some type of service during cycle ,to advertise, without being obvious or suggestive. I am sure that there is a way to do that.

Kaylee if I am wrong, please forgive me.
Actually, from a medical perspective, If the lady isn't trying to get pregnant, no need to have a period at all. There are some good studies that show reduced ovarian cancer rates for women who use birth control pills to avoid their periods.

Most doctors are happy to give a lady a prescription for a full month of birth control pills. They just delete the week of sugar pills, and the lady continues with regular pills. The lady either gets a much reduced / very light cycle, or none at all.

So, ladies that say you have unpredictable periods, or heavy periods, have you ever tried this? Seems like if you are a provider this would be a pretty good way to go. Originally Posted by 69er
I see you missed my point. Let's try this again. Kaylee I am for another forum.
I sympathize with those who can't adjust mother nature with BC...

I loved depo shot until it was time for another shot - migraine hell. Getting off it the shot - period hell, like six months of it.

Then I was on low dose bc pills for long stretches of time for a very long time - and that helped with migraines tremendously.

If you can afford the seasonelle or your doctor allows you to back to back your bc pills for 3 months at a time - then I say do it. It's AWESOME. I just suggest not switching brands or the types of pills much - cuz they do tend to fuck shit up. (believe me, I know this man.)
I can't get the link to install but go to YouTube and search the show "Kids In The Hall" - Menstruation. Dave Foley has the funniest monologue over how he embraces all forms of Menstruation
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 12-16-2011, 09:16 PM
THE POINT OF MOTHER NATURE IS>... like DUDE said.. to come out. It's there to shed some harmful, build up bacteria and debris that women accumulate by the shedding of an egg that has ovulated. Originally Posted by Amber Rain
A very commonly held misconception by those not in the medical community. If nature has her way, a woman has her cycle for a very limited number of times, as she gets pregnant, and has lots of children. Mother nature ensures that woman go nine months without a period, while they are pregnant!

Yes many women cannot safely use birth control pills. But more could, but accept mans of the other myth's you've stated. But don't take my word for it, how about a doctor:


Note how many of the above myths are already in this thread.

As far as anemia being a reason to have a period? Blood loss is a leading cause of anemia. So saying having a period will help your anemia? I think you've misunderstood your doctor, or it is yet another myth you believe. One of the best solutions for anemia is making sure you have plenty of iron, B-12, and folate. There are other conditions which cause anemia, that are very serious, sickle-cell, cancer, etc. But saying you have to have a period because you have anemia, is mistaken.