Trump's loss is a win for future voter suppression

  • Tiny
  • 01-19-2021, 05:38 PM
Oh my Lord. Something new on this board. A well reasoned argument. I agree with you on the gist of your argument that a well maintained voter registration list is a necessary requirement of a fair election. However Georgia’s laws are stricter than most. It’s one of only nine states with so-called “use it or lose it” laws that allow inactive voters to have their registrations canceled.

However just the fact that Brian Kemp failed to recuse himself from his duties as secretary of state. While running for the office whose election he was overseeing, is such a conflict of interest that anything his office did whether right or wrong gives credence to claims of voter suppression and voter fraud.

Republicans have been claiming voter fraud for decades now and have been tightening up election laws in ways that make it more and more difficult to vote. All the while there is no real evidence of any kind of systemic or wide spread voter fraud. No matter how hard they look.

That tells me that the actual reason for these new voter laws has nothing to do with actually securing the elections but rather with trying to suppress those voters they don't want to vote. And the fact that after 2 decades of tightening up voter laws Donald Trump and his acolytes are still claiming massive fraud even in the 2016 election that he won merely because he lost the popular vote. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yes, Trump was just not nearly as popular as his "acolytes" believed. If you kick out the 1876 election, which was a special case, no one before Trump had had ever won the electoral college and lost the popular vote by over 0.8%. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 2.10%, and in 2020 by a whopping 4.4%. He lucked out in 2016. And there's no way fraud could have made the difference in 2020.

I agree with you that there's no systemic and widespread fraud in our national elections. However, both parties do what they can to get an advantage, and in my opinion the Republicans are no worse than the Democrats. The courts strike down the more egregious efforts by both parties to game the system.

You probably already know this, but the Supreme Court determined "use it or lose it" laws are constitutional.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Yes, Trump was just not nearly as popular as his "acolytes" believed. If you kick out the 1876 election, which was a special case, no one before Trump had had ever won the electoral college and lost the popular vote by over 0.8%. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by 2.10%, and in 2020 by a whopping 4.4%. He lucked out in 2016. And there's no way fraud could have made the difference in 2020.

I agree with you that there's no systemic and widespread fraud in our national elections. However, both parties do what they can to get an advantage, and in my opinion the Republicans are no worse than the Democrats. The courts strike down the more egregious efforts by both parties to game the system.

You probably already know this, but the Supreme Court determined "use it or lose it" laws are constitutional. Originally Posted by Tiny

Just because a law is constitutional doesn't make it a good law. In my opinion it's disenfranchising and extremely partisan. You are right both parties try to game the system. I just think that republicans efforts are more egregious and more likely to disenfranchise voters than democrat efforts.
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2021, 09:42 AM
Dear Txdotguy - hardly - you are deluded by you LSM.

However - something you can cheer - nazi Pelosi and H.. announced today they are re-opening the 'Russia Collusion investigation.

nazi is quoted 'we will get to the bottom of it" - a slimy DPST H.. hoaxH.... bought and paid for is the reality.

Since nazi Pelosi now controls teh DOJ and FBI - she will get the answer her narrative of hatred of FACTS and Truth demand.

along with You

It is a new Day of marxism, repression, re-education camps. purges , stifling of any dissenting opinion than teh NYCrimes, and enactment of all the Socialist wet dream insane legislation the socialists have been pushing for years.

happy new Age - Txdot guy and ilk.

You won

Now - the reality will be different than you perceive - you will not be allowed in the nomenkaltura - you don't fit the quotas!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just because a law is constitutional doesn't make it a good law. In my opinion it's disenfranchising and extremely partisan. You are right both parties try to game the system. I just think that republicans efforts are more egregious and more likely to disenfranchise voters than democrat efforts. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

If you mean by disenfranchise, you require proof of who you are and an American citizen unless of course we are about to do away with that requirement. I'm betting that a good number of those 81 million that voted for Joe Biden because they disliked Trump, still believe that requirement is necessary.

If one thinks that all 81 million of those people that voted for Joe Biden want to see open borders and that "anybody on American soil" can vote in an election with no identification of who they are or whether they are a citizen, I think you are fooling yourself. I'll bet a good number of that 81 million will go right back to their more Conservative values now that Trump has been vanquished.

And when 20 million more people want in and we have done away with all laws restricting entry, there just might be another "change" in what a good number of those 81 million thought they were getting with the new Socialist Democrat party.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-20-2021, 10:48 AM
If you mean by disenfranchise, you require proof of who you are and an American citizen unless of course we are about to do away with that requirement. I'm betting that a good number of those 81 million that voted for Joe Biden because they disliked Trump, still believe that requirement is necessary. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You should have access to vote if you are an American should not have to jump through hoops to prove that you are.

There should not be targeted restrictions that aim a certain voting blocks.

Sadly, I believe that this election opens that door. States will now be embolden to enact targeted voter laws that disenfranchise voters the majority in certain states believe will vote blue.
txdot-guy's Avatar
You should have access to vote if you are an American should not have to jump through hoops to prove that you are.

There should not be targeted restrictions that aim a certain voting blocks.

Sadly, I believe that this election opens that door. States will now be embolden to enact targeted voter laws that disenfranchise voters the majority in certain states believe will vote blue. Originally Posted by WTF
I think you may be right. However democrats aren't claiming massive voter fraud and have not reasonable incentive to enact voter id laws.

I personally don't have a problem with voter id laws except for the fact that it's very hard to prove who you are in this country if you don't already have the correct paperwork. God help you if your identification papers are lost after a move or in a house fire.
  • oeb11
  • 01-20-2021, 02:28 PM
Democrats only claim fraud when their voter institutional fraud loses.

And - most states have laws allowing multiple forms of ID - even provisional ID to vote.

guess what - house fires caused by ant-Fa and other terrorists - don't necessarily destroy the right and ability of and capability of - non DPST/CCPers to Vote.

what a shame - that has to be fixed by biden and his crime cabal!

the jist of your point - txdot guy!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-20-2021, 02:55 PM
I think you may be right. However democrats aren't claiming massive voter fraud and have not reasonable incentive to enact voter id laws.

I personally don't have a problem with voter id laws except for the fact that it's very hard to prove who you are in this country if you don't already have the correct paperwork. God help you if your identification papers are lost after a move or in a house fire. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Democrats aren't claiming massive voter fraud because there is no such thing.

In Texas it is hell to get the new voter id for older folks.

There is no way my dad could have done it by himself.