For some reason Trump haters seem to think in a new election everything will stay static except for those close states they lost in 2016, so all they have to do is flip a few thousand votes lol.
That's called wishful thinking.
In the real world, every new election starts from scratch and is dynamic, not a static copy of 4 years ago. Close states that went blue in 2016 (Minnesota, Nevada) are as susceptible to being flipped in 2020 as states that went narrowly red (Wisconsin, Michigan). Republicans are smart enough to know this.
But keep giving us your insights, speedy. We'll put you on a poll-watching pundit panel with Karl Rove.
Originally Posted by lustylad
You are right, for a change, in that Minnesota and Nevada (and Arizona, Florida, Colorado and some others)are also to be considered swing states. But there is a reasonability test that goes along with each state. California and NY will go blue in 2020. Most of the southern states and the mid-American states will go red. No doubt. Then there are states that will probably go one way or the other. Then there are a handful of swing states. I see no state that voted for Clinton in 2016 going for Trump in 2020. That includes Minnesota and Nevada. Certainly possible though. The X factor for Democrats is Hillary Clinton will not be the Democratic nominee, despite Austin Ellen's prediction.
As I keep saying, both Republicans and Democrats have reasons to feel optimistic at this time for their respective nominee for POTUS to be elected. You seem to keep forgetting that I was responding to a question as to why I thought Democrats have reason to be optimistic in 2020.