GOP sits on its hands...again

eyecu2's Avatar
show me an example of democrats governing.

we'll wait. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This is a post about the GOP- not a whataboutism for the democrats. I love how you-all decide to re-direct the conversation from the uncomfortable title of the "GOP Sits on it's hands"

I'll wait on that.

BTW- Steve Scalise has withdrawn from consideration. What say you about that?
eyecu2's Avatar
There are plenty of adults in the room . But unfortunately they are too afraid of what will happen to them if they choose to compromise. If the Republican center had the courage to work with Democrats we could have a real power sharing arrangement. I'm sure there are a number of things we could agree on if they weren't afraid of being primaried next election or worse, being called a rino and waiting for some nut to show up at their house with a gun to kill them or their family members.

Congress - Gabby Giffords - January 8, 2011 Shot in the head
Congress - Steve Scalise - June 14, 2017 Shot in the hip.
Senate - Rand Paul - November 3, 2017 Assaulted by his neighbor.
Vice President - Mike Pence - January 6th 2021 Rioters stormed the capitol and threatened hanging.
Congress - Paul Pelosi - October 28, 2022 Assaulted in his home with a hammer.
Congress - Angie Craig - February 9, 2023 - Assaulted in an elevator. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Primaried, RINO, Violence-...MAGA

This is the result of throwing gasoline on a pissed off constituency who has been gas lit since 2016.

The hard right, is extreme indeed.
  • Extremely pissed off-
  • Doesn't like change, "we done it like that forever".
  • Doesn't believe in climate change or new energy policies.
  • Likes women to be barefoot and pregnant-no choice/ Birth control
  • Hates babies after they are born - no daycare for you Baby!
  • Hates Snap Benefits- Hungry Merica is a good Merica.
  • Blames left for immigrants- PPl come here for the freebies. Damn lefties.
  • All the Fraud and non of the fun- DJT- cept his sweet tweets.
  • Electing a SOH is hard,-we need the DEMS to help us!! Fuck them Dems- communists, socialists, sanctuary city having MFr's!

There's plenty of crazies on both sides- we need to make sure that our elected reps. don't promote any of that type of shit and stop using inflammatory language to induce violence or Jan 6 types of situations. Government by anarchy doesn't work.
  • Tiny
  • 10-13-2023, 11:12 AM
There are plenty of adults in the room . But unfortunately they are too afraid of what will happen to them if they choose to compromise. If the Republican center had the courage to work with Democrats we could have a real power sharing arrangement. I'm sure there are a number of things we could agree on if they weren't afraid of being primaried next election or worse, being called a rino and waiting for some nut to show up at their house with a gun to kill them or their family members.

Congress - Gabby Giffords - January 8, 2011 Shot in the head
Congress - Steve Scalise - June 14, 2017 Shot in the hip.
Senate - Rand Paul - November 3, 2017 Assaulted by his neighbor.
Vice President - Mike Pence - January 6th 2021 Rioters stormed the capitol and threatened hanging.
Congress - Paul Pelosi - October 28, 2022 Assaulted in his home with a hammer.
Congress - Angie Craig - February 9, 2023 - Assaulted in an elevator. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I mostly agree with your first paragraph, although I'm not sure whether a functional House of Representatives is better than a dysfunctional House. The federal politicians often do more harm than good. Also I don't believe the risk of death factors into Republican politicians decisions. Like you say, the risk of being primaried is their big concern.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the list of injured politicians. Scalise's shooter was a Democrat. I don't believe the assaults on Rand Paul and Angie Craig had anything to do with politics. Rather their attackers were nutty. From the statistics I've seen, Democrats represent a higher % of convicted criminals than Republicans.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I mostly agree with your first paragraph, although I'm not sure whether a functional House of Representatives is better than a dysfunctional House. The federal politicians often do more harm than good. Also I don't believe the risk of death factors into Republican politicians decisions. Like you say, the risk of being primaried is their big concern. Originally Posted by Tiny
According to Mitt Romney's upcoming memoir he talks about the fear that some senators felt after January 6th for their and their families safety. Romney himself spends $5,000 a day since the riot to cover private security for his family.

It may not be the top concern for Senators and Congressmen but denying it's a factor is to deny the animosity that stems from some on the alt-left and the alt-right.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with the list of injured politicians. Scalise's shooter was a Democrat. I don't believe the assaults on Rand Paul and Angie Craig had anything to do with politics. Rather their attackers were nutty. From the statistics I've seen, Democrats represent a higher % of convicted criminals than Republicans. Originally Posted by Tiny
The point is that violence is escalating in our political climate. I think it's more on the right than the left but it's there all the same. If you look at the wiki page below it shows the last time a politician was killed or wounded in the US due to political violence, before Gabbie Giffords in 2011, was Robert Kennedy in 1968.

My observations on political violence and the resulting issues it causes are certainly anecdotal (ie I don't have proof of causation) but it certainly seems that violent rhetoric is much more common and much more extreme since the rise of the Tea Party in 2009 and Trump's tweets and hate rhetoric since 2015.
texassapper's Avatar
Congress - Gabby Giffords - January 8, 2011 Shot in the head (Assailant Jarod Loughner was certainly not Conservative -"Zane Gutierrez, a friend, later told The New York Times that Loughner's anger would also "well up at the sight of President George W. Bush, or in discussing what he considered to be the nefarious designs of government."

Congress - Steve Scalise - June 14, 2017 Shot in the hip. (The shooter James Hodgkinson was there to kill as many Republicans as he could. A Bernie-Bro who hated Trump)

Senate - Rand Paul - November 3, 2017 Assaulted by his neighbor. (His neighbor, Democrat Rene Boucher assaulted him. Paul claimed it was politically motivated "They claim that Boucher had threatened Donald Trump earlier and that he was "a vocal hater" of Trump and the GOP")

Vice President - Mike Pence - January 6th 2021 Rioters stormed the capitol and threatened hanging. (Pence was never assaulted.)

Congress - Paul Pelosi - October 28, 2022 Assaulted in his home with a hammer.(Pelosi is NOT a congressman. And his assailant David DePape was in the home by invitation. likely a **** fueled gay hookup gone wrong - so not political)

Congress - Angie Craig - February 9, 2023 - Assaulted in an elevator. (By a homeless **** abuser who claimed he wanted to use her bathroom)

SO the evidence of violence you have added is either perpetrated by Libtards or the mentally ill (But I repeat myself).

The only people who have to fear political violence in America these days are Conservatives.
texassapper's Avatar
The point is that violence is escalating in our political climate. I think it's more on the right than the left...
My observations on political violence and the resulting issues it causes are certainly anecdotal (ie I don't have proof of causation) but it certainly seems that violent rhetoric is much more common and much more extreme since the rise of the Tea Party in 2009 and Trump's tweets and hate rhetoric since 2015. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Spoken like a liberal... you don't want to let facts get in the way of your narrative.

You notice 2020 at all? You know I think there was some violence that summer...even an attack on the White House... but I guess you probably didn't read about it in whatever propaganda outlet you read.
  • Tiny
  • 10-13-2023, 03:40 PM
If you've been locked in a cave, Republicans nominated Jim Jordan for the speakership today.

Here's Liz's tweet,

Jim Jordan was involved in Trump's conspiracy to steal the election and seize power; he urged that Pence refuse to count lawful electoral votes. If Rs nominate Jordan to be Speaker, they will be abandoning the Constitution. They’ll lose the House majority and they’ll deserve to.

Do you think Liz is right, the bold text? If Jordan is actually elected Speaker, will Republicans be less likely to win the House majority in 2024?

I think she's onto something, although perhaps overly pessimistic.

McCarthy was a prolific fundraiser and did as good a job as could be done in presenting a positive image for the party to independents while still maintaining support of most of the Republican members.

Democrats will paint Jordan as a bitter divider. Jordan's like Adam Schiff. He pisses off more people than he appeals to. I'd like to see McCarthy come back in and win, but that's probably too much to hope for.
  • Tiny
  • 10-13-2023, 03:55 PM
According to Mitt Romney's upcoming memoir he talks about the fear that some senators felt after January 6th for their and their families safety. Romney himself spends $5,000 a day since the riot to cover private security for his family.

It may not be the top concern for Senators and Congressmen but denying it's a factor is to deny the animosity that stems from some on the alt-left and the alt-right.

The point is that violence is escalating in our political climate. I think it's more on the right than the left but it's there all the same. If you look at the wiki page below it shows the last time a politician was killed or wounded in the US due to political violence, before Gabbie Giffords in 2011, was Robert Kennedy in 1968.

My observations on political violence and the resulting issues it causes are certainly anecdotal (ie I don't have proof of causation) but it certainly seems that violent rhetoric is much more common and much more extreme since the rise of the Tea Party in 2009 and Trump's tweets and hate rhetoric since 2015. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Fair enough. I strongly disagree with the characterization of the Tea Party movement, as it was originally constituted in 2009, as being violent. It was all about financial responsibility. Here's the rant that started the movement btw,

Interesting lists in Wikipedia, thanks. With population growth, America has a whole lot more crazies today than in the 1800's. Consider that and the period from about 1800 to 1870 looks worse than today. Although yes, it looks like the craziness was minimal from then until the 1960's, and three wounded since 2017 seems like a lot.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
cheney is a bitter old hag. she hasn't been right on anything. she just wishes so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
According to Mitt Romney's upcoming memoir he talks about the fear that some senators felt after January 6th for their and their families safety. Romney himself spends $5,000 a day since the riot to cover private security for his family.

It may not be the top concern for Senators and Congressmen but denying it's a factor is to deny the animosity that stems from some on the alt-left and the alt-right.

The point is that violence is escalating in our political climate. I think it's more on the right than the left but it's there all the same. If you look at the wiki page below it shows the last time a politician was killed or wounded in the US due to political violence, before Gabbie Giffords in 2011, was Robert Kennedy in 1968.

My observations on political violence and the resulting issues it causes are certainly anecdotal (ie I don't have proof of causation) but it certainly seems that violent rhetoric is much more common and much more extreme since the rise of the Tea Party in 2009 and Trump's tweets and hate rhetoric since 2015. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

considering mittsy rinoromney is worth 300 M i rather doubt that was a real burden to him

and what was he paying for his personal security before jan 6th? rich people always have security

and thedailykos is about as unbiased with their puff piece on willard mitt rinoromney is like saying FOX News isn't biased

but nice try anyway

cheney is a bitter old hag. she hasn't been right on anything. she just wishes so. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

lizzie "borden" cheney is the neocon warmonger rino her daddy dickhead cheney always wanted to be

... Blimey! ... "Lizzie Borden" took a pitch axe
and gave her political career 40 whacks.

... When she thought she'd win with pride
She surely LOST - a political LANDSLIDE! ...

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
After a series of setbacks, Republicans ended the week no closer to electing a new speaker as deep internal divisions have left the conference struggling to govern and the House in a state of paralysis.

The chaos within House GOP ranks intensified dramatically over the past several days as the conference has tried and so far failed to find a viable successor to Kevin McCarthy following his unprecedented ouster at the hands of a small faction of hardline conservatives.

Rep. Jim Jordan is the new GOP speaker nominee following Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s exit from the race. But the Ohio Republican faces the same kind of grim vote math that doomed Scalise’s speaker bid as Jordan lacks the 217 votes needed to win the gavel in a full House floor vote.

I'm predicting another week of getting nothing done in the GOP majority. Fucking Sean "handjob" Hannity, college dropout, pleads for the GOP to get a speaker soon as the world is watching and it's doing untold damage to the party.

You know it's pretty pathetic when Sean hannity starts begging - he has no other issues to talk about. Funny though that all the "Fake News" platforms are not rubbing the GOPs failure in on air. It seems they are content with just watching the mayhem and dysfunction thats happening.

Pass the popcorn.

When is McCarthy going to be reinstated is what I want to know? Nobody else in that group has the votes.

It seems awfully absurd that eight people can hold this country hostage. Way to go freedom caucus - proving the dysfunction of the party has become the one thing they're good at.
texassapper's Avatar
It seems awfully absurd that eight people can hold this country hostage. Originally Posted by eyecu2
You can just say that you don't understand the Constitution... its easier.
Precious_b's Avatar
This is a FEATURE, not a BUG.

Boo hoo, the government can't pass any new laws making Americans criminals, it can't send MORE money to Ukraine, it can't get get a budget passed... whoops it hasn't done that properly in over a decade either. Originally Posted by texassapper
Oh. So the repubs position is to cut their nose to spite their face? What a wonderful policy to operate a government.

Republicans in Congress are the gang that can't shoot straight. Sad how far the GOP has fallen. Not a single adult in the room. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No joke. It is embarrassing to see them in a situation of their own doing. If they'd just muzzle their radical wing of mouth barfing members, things could be chugging along. But the party of family values and backing the blue chooses to follow people that give handys in theatres and condone the over throw of our goverment.

Republicans can't govern. Just a bunch of dummies. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
This has to be read using Red Foxxs voice. Originally Posted by texassapper

There are plenty of adults in the room . But unfortunately they are too afraid of what will happen to them if they choose to compromise. If the Republican center had the courage to work with Democrats we could have a real power sharing arrangement. I'm sure there are a number of things we could agree on if they weren't afraid of being primaried next election or worse, being called a rino and waiting for some nut to show up at their house with a gun to kill them or their family members.

Congress - Gabby Giffords - January 8, 2011 Shot in the head
Congress - Steve Scalise - June 14, 2017 Shot in the hip.
Senate - Rand Paul - November 3, 2017 Assaulted by his neighbor.
Vice President - Mike Pence - January 6th 2021 Rioters stormed the capitol and threatened hanging.
Congress - Paul Pelosi - October 28, 2022 Assaulted in his home with a hammer.
Congress - Angie Craig - February 9, 2023 - Assaulted in an elevator. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You forgot to say Pence was at the blessing of his boss

i'm shocked. you really believe this nonsense? are you really saying all that was because those "evil republicans" won't compromise?

nonsense. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
As of today, this country hasn't seen proof of it.

show me an example of democrats governing.

we'll wait. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Your idea of governing is not what the majority of the voting public is.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
As of today, this country hasn't seen proof of it.

you are right! for once. the republicans should never compromise with the "demonrat socialist party"


Your idea of governing is not what the majority of the voting public is. Originally Posted by Precious_b

still waiting for you to show any example of "democrats governing"