Garland’s Special Counsel Gambit Confirms Hunter Investigation Was Always Shady

And after 5 years of specifically investigating Hunter Biden at trump's request, you'd think they'd have more than a single felony gun charge. But oh well, run it up the flagpole, boys. Lol 🍔
berryberry's Avatar
And after 5 years of specifically investigating Hunter Biden at trump's request, you'd think they'd have more than a single felony gun charge. But oh well, run it up the flagpole, boys. Lol 🍔 Originally Posted by tommy156
Guess you missed this - A Top Democrat in Congress ADMITS Hunter Biden committed multiple crimes
Yes, we all know he committed multiple crimes. Literally nobody is denying that. There's a felony gun charge and misdemeanor tax evasion. We all know and acknowledge that.

We're just saying if it took trump's hand-picked goon 5 years to come up with that, maybe it was a massive waste of time and taxpayer money. Shit, Judge Judy could've told you that much in a half hour with commercial breaks.
berryberry's Avatar
Yes, we all know he committed multiple crimes. Literally nobody is denying that. There's a felony gun charge and misdemeanor tax evasion. We all know and acknowledge that.

We're just saying if it took trump's hand-picked goon 5 years to come up with that, maybe it was a massive waste of time and taxpayer money. Shit, Judge Judy could've told you that much in a half hour with commercial breaks. Originally Posted by tommy156
It is laughable how you keep ignoring reality and how you keep reposting information that has been proven 100% false time and time again.

I guess that is all you have when the facts aren't on your side
trump's hand-picked goon had 5 years, with his little Cracker Jack box law degree, and his specific assignment to investigate Hunter Biden.

Good job, Mr. Weiss. Not as good as Judge Judy would have done, but she has a lot more experience.