One word to say to my POTUS, President Trump

NoTell's Avatar
I am surprised that I didn't get a HIGHJACK of a Thread!!!
VitaMan's Avatar
Never mind that he called Rosie a fat, little pig - it's the truth.

Don't pay attention to the barricades he puts next to propetry people don't sell to him - they deserve it.

We just need to wait until he visits England, to see what he tweets about the royal family.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-14-2017, 05:35 AM
England voted stupid too. It matters little what they say soon as they get out EU.
bojulay's Avatar
But watch for the stock bubble to burst.
You know it is coming, just a matter of when.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
But watch for the stock bubble to burst.
You know it is coming, just a matter of when. Originally Posted by bojulay
A good indication of "when" is the widespread appearance of rampaging bull imagery on the covers of national publications. That's my sell signal. That may be subject to distortion this investment cycle from the MSW twisting themselves knotty from trying to downplay the stock market gains since Trump's inauguration.

...and the buy signal is triggered when they start putting bear pictures on their covers.
bojulay's Avatar
A good indication of "when" is the widespread appearance of rampaging bull imagery on the covers of national publications. That's my sell signal. That may be subject to distortion this investment cycle from the MSW twisting themselves knotty from trying to downplay the stock market gains since Trump's inauguration.

...and the buy signal is triggered when they start putting bear pictures on their covers. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I just got a huge oil lease on some property, and I'm not doing anything with it as of now. Money in the bank. Gonna play the wait and see game for a while.
LittleSpike's Avatar
For those who say Obama was a "real" President, I agree, I'm just not
sure of what (Muslim, communist) country?

  • pxmcc
  • 12-03-2017, 05:50 AM
LexusLover's Avatar
"Impeachment"... Originally Posted by pxmcc
She lost. Not necessary.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-03-2017, 11:52 PM

ur boy needs to stfu. jus keeps diggin...
bigwill832's Avatar
Trump does need to shut the Hell up and stop commenting on every little thing that comes along. Even Obama finally learned that lesson at one point.
Fantastic Trump
Correlation doesn’t mean causation. Just my two cents. I give credit where credit is due and neither Trump or Obama deserve and credit or blame for how the market performs. People will just use whatever stats they can to validate their own viewpoint.