P411 Now Offers Screening for STDs: HIV/Herpes


I'm not a Chicken Little; though I hate to admit Humpty is right about anything, he is correct in stating that HIV is rare among non-drug-using heterosexuals. But "rare" doesn't mean "nonexistent", and I know for a fact that there are clients who see both male and female escorts (or both professional escorts and drug-addicted streetwalkers) and thereby risk introducing it into the escort population..... Originally Posted by AngelOK
Addiction is not limited to the streetwalkers. Many "escorts" have some chemical dependency issues as do many of their clients. HIV is not the only blood born disease than can kill you. Hep C is more common and I have heard about it in my local hobby scene.

When getting tested, get the whole set of tests. Just testing for HIV isn't meaningful enough. But do we really believe someone would take themselves out of the game? I don't. I have witnessed it.

I don't think a testing result "okay" system would ever happen, but it would be cool if it did. It might be cost prohibitive for some things. I have had the vaccinations for hep A & B so the antitbody test would show positive and would require a viral load test to show it was just the antibodies. I think those can be costly and I don't think insurance would pay for it a dozen times a year. hmmmmm.
oldmarine's Avatar
My initial reaction was that screening for STD's is a good idea but on further reflection I have changed my mind. A man or a woman could be clean today and infected tomorrow. Having test results in hand is no guarantee because one could contract an STD after having the blood drawn and long before the results are in.
Addiction is not limited to the streetwalkers. Many "escorts" have some chemical dependency issues as do many of their clients. Originally Posted by cpi3000
As the former owner of an escort service I certainly recognize this; however, IV drug use is statistically much higher among streetwalkers.
Mods:I think sufficient feedback has been given to cover this topic. Please close this thread.
  • anita
  • 10-26-2010, 09:26 AM
I would use it... but still trust my condoms,eyes and instinct more. No bbfs ever.
I love your common sense Anita!! ditto!
Safe is the best way to play
Sir Lancelot's Avatar
Thread closed at the request of the OP.