hobby guy was brutally murdered by 2 hoes and 2 black pimps

Say What's Avatar
I bet those dumb ass hookers are on BP. Originally Posted by Mojojo
Finally...someone tries to get this thread back on track and off of race. This shit is scary. We should all be very careful when hobbying. You never know...until you know. By them it's too late.

Be safe!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
There is a reason that the prison system is filled with more blacks than any other race. Yeah it's called disproportionate sentencing laws that even Republicans now recognize is a problem. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) hardcore drugs (that I cannot name) kill more white people every year than anyone in this country. Whites use them disproportionately and blacks go to prison disproportionately for selling them (mostly to the black communities in which they live how ironic). So by and large whites essentially get off the hook for being strung out drug heads and they don't typically go to prison for it. The other issue is policing. Urban communities (dense) are policed in very different ways that rural white communities. Whites living 'out there' in rural areas commit crimes that never see the light of day because by default it's "rural" whereas the densely populated Urban areas get to experience this lovely policing we call stop and risk or racial profiling. Dam they even profiled a Harvard Law professor (Louis Gates) so in essence none of us no matter how successful can escape this institutional built in bias. Why? Because society views us as a monolith. You won't allow us to be individual Americans whereas you allow whites to be. For example if a white guy commits mass murder then you say it was his fault his fault alone but if a black commits the same crime it's an indictment on the whole community of blacks. My view is that hopefully God has a special place setup in hell for those in the majority with such racist views. I'm sure you can make an argument that a portion of it is systemic, but when you get to the point of being in "the system" you have already fell victim to the true culprit. Systemic? haha do you even know what that means? Instead of saying "systemic" try using Institutional racism" I think that aptly describes the problem and is actually fact based. ;-) Most of the black thugs get their very personality from rappers, they walk, talk, and act like them, of course they will be influenced by it. - Boy look-a-here let me tell you about your ignorant ass self. Nope most of the black thugs get their personality from the violent communities they grow up in. Communities forced on them through generational poverty because of (and this point is key)...because of institutional bias and racism. It's not like "we" chose this life. "We" were born and had to deal with this shit. It's that simple. If anything if thugs are emulating rappers that's a good thing because at least they're not emulating other thugs. Rappers would give them a sense of aspiration and wouldn't that be a good thing? haha dude you have no life experience to be debating me. You literally can't seem to think your way out of a brown paper bag. I agree on the media part, some people believe all black men are that way when that is absolutely not the case. Just like they would lead you to believe that all republicans are racist and don't care about the poor or minorities. no real issue with this comment. Are black people living under a system that has failed them? Yes, they have given you entertainment, government assistance, and liquor stores in place of education, discipline, and health. This literally makes no sense not sure I can even follow your disjointed logic on this one. Poverty is a huge factor but they have only given you ways to remain comfortable in poverty (section 8, obamacare, welfare, etc.....) You do realize more white people are welfare than blacks right. Sure as a concentrated % of population more blacks but in terms of raw numbers more whites need the welfare. Again you're showing your lack of education. rather than giving you the real tools to come out of poverty. and what exactly are those tools to come out of poverty? Fairness and equity maybe, and end to racism maybe? But to really admit that hip hop is not a factor or influence in the outbreak of "thugs" in the black community (a moniker that is highly tauted and has somehow been perceived as honorable in hip hop) is to reject reality. Nope it's to reject typical white stereotypes rooted in ignorance (such as yours on display) and in fear of a black planet. haha. It also allows you to evade accountability yet fulfilling another stereotype about blacks, that they blame everyone else for their own problems. - If blacks blame everyone else for their problems then whites live in a world where they don't believe any black problems exist. Its just way too easy for me to show you just how absurd your views are. Ohh and in case you didn't know I'm a black guy that grew up in a ghetto and came up past your middle class status. ijs. ;-) Just because it may not be very influencing to the black people on this post doesn't mean it hasn't influenced them as a whole. Take the one guy on this post for example, the one who says hip hop doesn't influence black people yet he has rappers as his avatar. - Absolutely and before my current avatar I had one depicting the warrior Achilles from the movie Troy. Rap music is a part of my culture but so is R&B, Soul, Jazz, Classic Piano, Pop-rock and the occasional country tune. Point is there are many forms of entertainment that influences us. Too bad you grew up and still live in a mental silo. Your personality type is nothing new to me I've dispatched many like you before. You're actually a weaker version of some very strong personalities I had to set straight.

My whole point is that the problem starts with you, your community, and what you portray as acceptable to your youth. I'm not afraid to call you out on it because, unlike most people, I actually care and I like seeing blacks win, but in order to do so, you have to learn to play the game our way. However, that will never happen if you are not accountable for your part in the problem. It's not our fault that we have established a system that works for us, we built this country and turned it into one of the greatest nations to date, so yes, the system would favor us. The solution however would be to learn to assimilate and do what we do (eat healthy, workout, educate ourselves, find jobs and stay on them, start businesses, build communities, be financially responsible and teach others to do so, avoid criminal activity, etc....). haha dude you're middle class at best. you don't have the education and descent of American elites to have such views. It's very Utopian of you but I understand it. You're just not very well educated even if you claim to have a college degree. In fact I'd say that goes for anyone on this site who espouse such Utopian views of the elites. But I do find it amusing. I don't have to be black to know that there is a problem, I have enough life experience to talk on the matter. haha no you don't; watching TV and listening to biased news sources and hanging around a sampling of blacks doesn't give you the life experience. The way you talk with such limited knowledge along with high mindedness is proof positive you are still searching for your own life's answers. You buy hookers dude come back to reality with the rest of us. LOL I don't understand how you can believe others are racist but you're not racist to make such a comment. Please pick the microphone back up and help your brothers and sisters. Nope no need I stepped in grabbed the mic and spit that raw rap. Originally Posted by Recurve Jones
See my comments above in blue I would have responded earlier but a lovely provider alerted my attention back this thread and well I just can't avoid a good racial discussion. Holla back at your boi if you can
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Recurve. let me hip you to my brother from another mother. You need education and well I'm bout to give it you right here and right now. You're welcome:

Enjoy this is a doozy

Bobster36's Avatar
Why is it we cannot accept that AA men are deseving of disproportionate prison sentencing yet we CAN accept that men in general are not? 98% of death row is male and nobody has a problem believing that men are vastly disproportionately murderers. If men can be disproportionately sentenced without question, then why are we only fixated on alleged sentencing discrimination against AA men?


AA represent 13% of population and 40% of prison population - 3x the rate of the general population.


Women represent 6% of federal prison population and 50% of general population.

Disproportionate representation does not equal discrimination.

Maybe AA men deserve to be incarcerated in greater #'s just like men, in general do?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why is it we cannot accept that AA men are deseving of disproportionate prison sentencing yet we CAN accept that men in general are not? 98% of death row is male and nobody has a problem believing that men are vastly disproportionately murderers. If men can be disproportionately sentenced without question, then why are we only fixated on alleged sentencing discrimination against AA men?


AA represent 13% of population and 40% of prison population - 3x the rate of the general population.


Women represent 6% of federal prison population and 50% of general population.

Disproportionate representation does not equal discrimination.

Maybe AA men deserve to be incarcerated in greater #'s just like men, in general do? Originally Posted by Bobster36
same crime different sentence? No disrespect meant but sounds like you got a mind full of silly games like a baby mama. and no I don't have kids. lol
Those people look so familiar to me. I work really close to that hotel. This is creepy. They looked like kids too.
Those people look so familiar to me. I work really close to that hotel. This is creepy. They looked like kids too. Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
I just want to make sure i take those girls off my bucket list.
Anyone know what name they go by?
Salaciousquirrel's Avatar
Considering the gravity of the situation, I don't think they'll be free to provide for quite some time. I think your bucket list is safe (from these 2 at least).
Duthgar1976's Avatar
this is why i never pulled the trigger with a BP hoe. only hoes here on eccie........ i know its extremely rare and it isnt always a thing but no thanks i choose life.
Doug4343's Avatar
Here's some close ups of these murderers

FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
It could have been the girls' idea to just rob the poor guy and shit went South when he resisted
They knew he was loaded
They knew they were on camera going in
Robbery attempt turned deadly

Be careful out there.. flashing money at questionable characters only makes you a target