Tex, where in the Constitution does the government have the authority to take money from me by force, so someone else can buy a Big Mac? It's not there. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's there in Article 1, Section 8.: Congress shall have the power to lay & collect taxes... and provide for the general welfare of the U.S. Originally Posted by papadee
Taxation Clause, Interstate Commerce Clause, Necessary and Proper Clause, General Welfare clause, Etc. Originally Posted by TexTushHogForget it guys. Unless there's a line in the Constitution that specifically states "The government can tax citizens and provide for the poor", people like Cuteoldguy are going to continue to rely on that same old claptrap.
Funny though, you'd think the cutoldguys of the world would actually be grateful that 48% of the income earning population pays no income taxes.