From my perspective the quote from Romer is right on point, "the economics of the minimum wage are complicated and the potential economic results are far from obvious. She also said that there are better ways of achieving more targeted relief for the working poor and better ways to have policy that is an incentive for businesses to create jobs."
The problem with the righties on here is that they don't want a minimum wage, but they also are totally against doing anything in the way of targeted relief for the working poor. They seem to want a completely laizzes-faire society where it is OK to exploit others if it can be pulled off. Please correct me if I'm wrong and show us your brilliant ideas for having more equitable wages, especially for the working poor. Either that, or they seem to believe that the working poor deserve to be poor, often miserable and exploited and it is great that execs and owners get richer and richer in any way possible.
I merely think that the minimum wage ought to be high enough that if you work 40 hours a week at minimum wage you shouldn't make so little that you are considered below the poverty line. It is a red herring that the minimum wage is for teenagers to teach them how to work. Teenagers tend to go to school and work only part time. Many places have a lower wage that businesses can pay teenagers for a short period of time. I started working from age 12 by baby sitting, mowing lawns and selling lemonade and knew nothing about minimum wage, but worked my way above that quickly. I also think we should move the minimum wage up to that level in incremental steps and then index the minimum wage to inflation so we don't have to mess with this periodically. If there are other better ways to ensure those who work hard 40 hours a week have some dignity and self-sufficiency, then we ought to implement those as well. Now it is true that the the poverty line is significantly different in NYC from the Mississippi delta or Detroit, but I'm sure we can figure that out as well.
I think we should do this because we have a problem in the U.S. where stores like Walmart come in to small town America and put a lot of the local small businesses out of business and then hire fewer locals at worse wages which then means that many of them have to get public assistance and food stamps to make ends meet. In effect we are subsidizing the Walmarts to destroy functioning parts of our economy. Now I have started businesses (never one that pays minimum wages) and work in high tech, so I believe in creative destruction, but this is more like exploitive destruction.
I have been toying with some ideas where all business exemptions would be tied to the non-exec pay for their employees and the longevity and full time status of their jobs. If free enterprise, capitalism and business are so wonderful and innovative (and high wages and stable jobs are a good in society) then let's let's unleash some of that creativity and set the incentives so businesses can start to figure out how to achieve this (rather than incentives that are perverse for society and working people) and still make a good profit. I think probably most righties on here would agree we should not reward businesses for sending good jobs overseas and so I would hope they would agree that we should set incentives for businesses to raise wages and create stable full time jobs. Why not?
Oh, and until we do or those righties come up with some ideas of their own, I think we should raise the minimum wage to be a living wage.
Originally Posted by austxjr
Even though you support dick sucking faggots, you believe women should take the jobs that rightfully belong to men (see Fed Chairman), you probably support affirmative action and diversity, and you believe the government always has the answer, especially when it is liberal...
.in this limited instance you made a great post.
Regulating the economic portion of the economy is a legitimate government function, and even though fair minded conservatives would be right about laissez faire if it were in a system with honest, hard working, paternalistic white men (and a few of color) who love their wives and families and take care of them, we instead have many crooks and moral degenerates (I'm not talking about sex here, assholes) posing as businessmen in this country who cannot be trusted, so we need the traffic cops (limited government) to keep them in line.
People getting paid less than 15 dollars per hour without benefits are not being treated fairly and cannot support their family. If it means businesses that rely on cheap labor go out of business, tough shit, you exploitative mother fuckers.