Selling Virginity

I am a monster [blah blah blah] Originally Posted by yitzchak
Kampft nicht mit ungeheuern? I think you are more pretentious than you let on.
Kampft nicht mit ungeheuern? I think you are more pretentious than you let on. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
I guess I can be at times, but not most of the time.

Tell ya what munchkin, since you're the one claiming to know physics, why don't YOU explain those equations? If you can do that, I think it would also prove that you are a virgin, so you could take advantage of Lucky's offer and get a monopole shoved up your ass. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
Magnetic monopoles do not exist.

I would love to explain. If you really do know what it its, that is pretty cool.

We should first start with the greek letter psi, which looks like a pitch fork. The wave function, also called the matter wave, is represented by the greek letter psi.

The wave function is a vector with infinite dimensions in Hilbert space. You can also think of the wave function as a superposition of an infinite amount of wave functions, each being a component of the vector.

Simply put, the wave function describes all the dynamic properties of a quantum mechanical system.

|Ψ> is called the ket vector and represents the state of the wave function.

<Ψ| is called the bra vector and represents something acting on the state. It is also the complex conjugate of the ket vector.


This is the time-independent Schrödinger equation, where H is the hamiltonian operator, E is the total energy of the system and Ψ is, of course, the wave function. It is a second order differential equation that only works if Ψ is an eigen vector of the hermitian operator, with eigen value equal to E.

<Ψ|Ψ> ≡ 1

The above is an integral over all space in which the integrand is the square modulus of the wave function. The square modulus is also called the probability density. Simply put, it states that the probability that the wave particle or system exists somewhere in space must be unity.

|Ψ> = √(1/2)(|↑>+|↓>)

This simply states that the wave function is in a state composed of a linear combination of two states |↑> and |↓>, in which the probability of finding the particle in one state or the other upon observation is 50%. |↑> and |↓> can represent a spin up or spin down state respectively, which could correspond to ±(1/2)ℏ if it were a spin 1/2 particle in an external magnetic field.

H|Ψ> = (1/2)ħω|Ψ>

This means that the total energy E of the state |Ψ> is equal to (1/2)ħω.

The basic stuff I know okay. But anything outside of the one dimensional particle in a box problem or one dimensional quantum harmonic oscillator and I'm pretty clueless.
pyramider's Avatar
Things would be so much easier if you drove your into an abutment, or ate some lead.
Hmm... If I had a car to kill myself in, I'd be worth a little more than dogshit, and therefore I would probably have a few options better than suicide.

I'm not sure if I can afford a handgun right now, either. Something that dissuades me is that when you shoot yourself point blank with a pistol, your entire head will explode. It's pretty gruesome, and I wouldn't want anyone to find me like that.
I'm not sure if I can afford a handgun right now, either. Something that dissuades me is that when you shoot yourself point blank with a pistol, your entire head will explode. It's pretty gruesome, and I wouldn't want anyone to find me like that. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Dude what is the problem here? Find a railroad track or a high window, or piss off a pigg and tell him you have a gun. Must be fifty ways to leave your loser life. Don't try to shoot yourself, you're obviously not smart enough to pull it off.
Magnetic monopoles do not exist. Originally Posted by yitzchak
So says your "avatar", and it may be so - but black holes don't exist either. Thanks to time dilation nothing ever passes the event horizon, and in a time frame shorter than "infinity" an outside observer only ever sees a very, very, dark hole. Kind of like your mama's crack.

Even if a black hole existed, no you could not get information out of it. All you can determine is the state of an entangled particle when it passes the event horizon (which it won't unless you wait until Hitler gets out of Hell). If it did, you couldn't stop it from interacting with other particles and breaking entanglement, and whatever you knew about it would be as obsolete as Hillary Clinton. You can't even know the state of the particle, let alone use it to transmit any information about anything else.
I said that a paradox existed, because you could possibly, if an entangled particle crossed the event horizon, "pull" information out of a black hole by measuring the spin state of its entangled counterpart. I know that this paradox has already been resolved, but it still brings up an interesting topic.

I know that the information is not actually "pulled" out from a black hole, but I don't know enough about general relativity to give a good explanation as to why.

But, in the reference frame of the particle, it would surely cross the event horizon, even though an outside observer would not see it.
[QUOTE=Claire She Blows;1059305842]Maybe you should be auctioning off your virgin ass instead - that'll get your bills paid [/QUOT a Auctioning off virgin or all levels hookers trying to make living paying bills.No free time.
Once again, I think we've come down to a dick-measuring contest. Way faster than all of this nonsense.
I'm not sure if anyone is arguing in here, if that's what you're referring to. Buying his way into heaven is trying to convince me to commit suicide, and I am missing a good creative outlet.
I'm not sure if anyone is arguing in here, if that's what you're referring to. Buying his way into heaven is trying to convince me to commit suicide, and I am missing a good creative outlet. Originally Posted by yitzchak
I see a solution! Find a creative way to commit suicide. You could be the first in history to die by sticking a jellyfish in your ass, or whatever - I'm sure you can come up with better than that. Meanwhile, I have to agree with whoever complained a while ago that this site is dead. The most active thread in the main discussion forum of a site dedicated to buying and selling pussy is an argument between amateurs about theoretical physics. Something's rotten in Denmark.
I don't know what you're talking about.

You could have helped me get laid and lose my virginity, but instead, you helped me to commit suicide.

That's pretty cool. Thanks.
I still get boners when I just talk to girls. I need this more than you!!
pyramider's Avatar
I don't know what you're talking about.

You could have helped me get laid and lose my virginity, but instead, you helped me to commit suicide.

That's pretty cool. Thanks. Originally Posted by yitzchak

Too bad you have not done it.
Buddys Place's Avatar
I would pay as much as 50 bucks for a hot chicks cherry. No condom either, creampie finish only.....a condom would ruin everything.