John McCain agrees with what I been saying all along: Trump doesn't represent the GOP!!!

I B Hankering's Avatar
"The Kahns were silent when Bush, who started the war president.. They said nothing the way Obama handled the Mideast. Only 12 years later when Trump talk of restricting travel to our Country did they become outraged

Kahn moved from Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates, which is known as a hotbed for Muslim Brotherhood activity. Now, he runs a law firm based in New York City KM Khan Law Office, which focuses on bringing Muslim immigrants into America:

Khan’s own website for his own personal law firm KM Khan Law Office shows he represents clients in the business of buying visas to enter the United States. One of his specific areas of practice, according to the website, is “E2 Treaty Investors, EB5 Investments & Related Immigration Services.”

Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative. The firm also at one time employed Loretta Lynch"

My first thought: Imagine that. So the Khan's presence was a stage show. Let's question Hillary about this. I 'll bet her answers would be the most honest and would really clear the air, of her intentions. Maybe, kinda like Chris Wallace's questions? Originally Posted by Cherie
LexusLover's Avatar
Let's question Hillary about this. I 'll bet her answers would be the most honest and would really clear the air, of her intentions. Maybe, kinda like Chris Wallace's questions? Originally Posted by Cherie
This will be her response:

But look for a white outfit instead of the green one.
didn't mccain get a payoff from keating?

as he was the only republican amongst the keating five, nominal though he still is, he still had a spark of the knowledge of what was proper. he, then, was the only one who actually showed any remorse as the rest were typical shameless dimocrats

so I guess that, the remorse, is in his favor

not much else down through the years
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Fixed it for you junior birdman!!!!

Let me see .... the "Sarg" is giving lectures on ..... what?

Is there ANYONE posting in here who didn't know McCain was a "POW"?????

Based on your performance on and off the board .... you sound like may be you are the one who hasn't been "working for anything" .... Trump could probably buy you with the loose change he has in his pants pocket .....

Whether McCain served and how he served is not relevant to whether or not he speaks for the Republican Party ... Trump gave his opinion .... Trump doesn't speak for the Republican Party either ...... there will be folks voting for him who probably have never voted "Republican" before ... There will be Republicans who will not vote for him just like there will be Democrats who vote for HillaryNoMore.

FYI: HillaryNoMore is not the "spokesperson" for the Democrats either!

Neither is Bill ... Neither is Obaminable or Mushell!!!

Blow your nose, wipe the tears away, and splash some cold water on your mug! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The point you missed that is relevant is that he has served already and also made a great sacrifice. The party (both of them) are represented by their planks. Trump openly disagrees with several of them. McCain is one of the voices of the party platform. Trump much less so. Besides being a clown with orange makeup on. The chairman(person) is the official spokesperson for the parties. A couple of no-shows this year.
The fact you're arguing this is funny. The only reason trump ran as a republican is he didn't want to pay for another run at the white house. He got those smart (poorly educated) folks to foot the bill. And now you have buyers remorse because the chance to trade him in is long past.
What's really funny is that for somebody who claims to be so smart, you can't recognize the guy you defend is indefensible.
So blow your nose, dry your eyes, splash some water on your face, and kiss my ass.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So they had an "in-house" example. Did he lie? No.
Would trump's policy have kept him out? Yes.

So because he did their taxes that what? Taints him? No one cares if your rabid hate says so.

I know. It's the fact that this isn't one of those non-applicable anecdotal stories rodger likes to tell. Plus it all being true only leaves you the "he used to do her taxes" attack.

I feel good knowing you are losing life days to the stress of being helpless. Well, more than usual.
John McCain served proudly in Vietnam and was a POW- he's far more of a patriot than Trump will ever be- didn't Trump once say that McCain wasn't a hero because he got captured? What a low life POS coming from a man like Trump who never had to work for anything in his life- fucking cocksucker. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Dude, why are you so pissed off? Why don't you save all that aggressive energy until Clinton wins the election, cause she is really going to fuck this country up. Then you'll have a good reason gripe.

I B Hankering's Avatar

So they had an "in-house" example. Did he lie? No.
Would trump's policy have kept him out? Yes.

So because he did their taxes that what? Taints him? No one cares if your rabid hate says so.

I know. It's the fact that this isn't one of those non-applicable anecdotal stories rodger likes to tell. Plus it all being true only leaves you the "he used to do her taxes" attack.

I feel good knowing you are losing life days to the stress of being helpless. Well, more than usual.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It's enough to expose the web of entanglements to show that Kahn's motives are tainted by his web of associations with the Clintons, masterdickmuncher. Thoroughly vetting Kahn's customer base as Trump proposes would seriously cut into Kahn's profit margin, masterdickmuncher, and Kahn knows it.

Furthermore, masterdickmuncher, your shrill hyperbole and false outrage is pure hypocrisy when measured against hildebeest's calling Pam Smith a liar, you chickenshit SOB.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
A year ago, HillaryNoMore was 16 points ahead of Trump, and he was written off by the same media pounding on him with ONE ISSUE .....

... there is only one reason there will not be another major attack on U.S. soil between now and election day .....

... ISIS wants HillaryNoMore! Originally Posted by LexusLover
A page right out of trump's book.
He already knows that he's probably going to lose the election so he is already saying the elections will be rigged.

You have a 50/50 chance of being right on your prediction. If our intelligence services have done a good job you'll claim ISIS elected Clinton. Or they don't want to do a Hitler and attack on a front until they secure their base,
Or maybe since the majority of these attacks have come from US born citizens with no affiliation with each other or a middle eastern connection they might say fuck it and just do it. Or not.

In other words you're just guessing. And hoping there is one because you think it would help elect trump.
It wouldn't bother you for us to lose a city if it helped "your guy".
I'm guessing too but I don't want an attack regardless of who it helps.
LexusLover's Avatar
The point you missed that is relevant Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You should have just stopped right there ... and saved your energy and bandwidth!

You apparently don't realize it (or your just incapable) but having on a uniform or having worn a uniform "in my world" is not sufficiently significant to ignore certain truths and principles. That's probably because you "presume" certain things you wish to believe in order to establish yourself within your own mind as being more knowledgeable and intellectually superior to those to whom you address your ridiculous blue bullshit. In the words of your desired Queen ..

.. You are not Munchie!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Apparently, governor Abbott agrees with McCain. Drumpf doesn't speak for Texas.
@Munchmasterman, the quick reply did not work

No, but it definitely is called a "conflict of interest". Why should that be a factor? Conflicts of interest undermine trust. (Oh I forgot we're speaking of Hillary LOL) They make the public lose faith in the integrity of governmental decision-making processes. (Well, I suppose "the faith" has already been lost in our government, so heck, why should "We the People" care about such triviality).
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You should have just stopped right there ... and saved your energy and bandwidth!

You apparently don't realize it (or your just incapable) but having on a uniform or having worn a uniform "in my world" "Your world " would be taken away from you is not sufficiently significant in your extremely limited opinion to ignore certain truths and principles. You talk shit but never specifics That's probably because you "presume" certain things you wish to believe in order to establish yourself within your own mind as being more knowledgeable and intellectually You hate being proven wrong. I love proving assholes wrong. Ying and yang. superior to those to whom you address your ridiculous blue bullshit. In the words of your desired Queen ..
You have a habit of putting quotation marks around words that don't need them. That's something you do to look more intelligent. Another page from trump. The poorly educated might be impressed but all I
can see is a short douche-bag with both hands in the air crooking his fingers. .. You are not Munchie!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well babbled. And stupid as well. Too bad me being smart threatens you. You not being as smart as you think you are is what beats you every time.
Why would you think I think I am more knowledgeable and intellectually superior to you because I was in the military? No, to me it is part of my makeup. Something you lack. On top of that you're lazy.
Neither of us knows how the other's perspective. I don't know what it's like to not have been in the military and you have no fucking clue what motivates someone who has. And because you haven't you think it means nothing.

So maybe it's best if you shut the fuck up about something you literally have no clue what it means.
I listen, II don't lie. I can admit when I'm wrong, I've demonstrated with more than typed words from the safety of my parent's basement, as have many, my patriotism. To be told my service means nothing by a nobody tells me where your head is at.
Up your ass.

Remember. I forced you to change your font and color.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Look, no matter how you slice, dice or spin it, Drumpf stepped over a line he shouldn't have. And then doubled down on it.

Obviously he doesn't get it.

If his advisers didn't tell him that he was out of bounds and go STFU, then they should be fired.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sen. John McCain accused Donald Trump of defaming Khizr Khan and argued the Republican presidential candidate does not represent the GOP.

"While our Party has bestowed upon him the nomination, it is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us," McCain said in a statement Monday.

Can you so called conservatives see why Trump is making a mockery of our party? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Did it hurt? When you stomped on your dick? Here's what you wrote. John McCain said that Trump does not represent the GOP. Who said that he did philosophically? Trump is Trump. Now you are also saying that Hillary DOES represent the democratic party. Think of that, a screeching, lying, socialist, bitch DOES represent what the democratic party is all about.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
@Munchmasterman, the quick reply did not work

No, but it definitely is called a "conflict of interest". Why should that be a factor? Conflicts of interest undermine trust. (Oh I forgot we're speaking of Hillary LOL) They make the public lose faith in the integrity of governmental decision-making processes. (Well, I suppose "the faith" has already been lost in our government, so heck, why should "We the People" care about such triviality). Originally Posted by Cherie
How is relaying a true story a "conflict of interest"? I hope the public would be smart enough to discern between a shill and a true story. His son died. Trump's policy would have kept the father out of the US. I don't see this as a COI because all the information can be independently verified.

And if you want to play the COI card, doesn't you being a trump supporter remove your objectivity? You have a direct stake in this. Doesn't this cause the public to lose faith in the rnc when they try to suppress a true story with direct relevance to the candidate and the election?
Trump said he wouldn't let Muslims in. No one forced him to say that.
There is more than one family with the same circumstances (probably).

Moot point. Trump hit a line drive to the third baseman with the bases loaded.

So it bothers you he spoke up but not that trump attacked him for telling the truth. Trump isn't a big fan of due process. For others that is. He expected and got it in what, 3500 (or thee abouts) lawsuits