Could you pass the US citizenship test?

That was pretty fucking easy, though I missed 3 anyway. Questions were a little sloppy.
Did you people even go to school, or if you did, were you stoned? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Gerald Ford did not become President because he was Speaker of the House. When VP Agnew resigned, President Nixon nominated him to be VP under the 25 5h. Amendment. He was approved by both houses os Congress. When Nixon resigned he became President. This has got to be the easiest test I ever took. If I cold not have aced this when I was in the fifth grade my teacher would not have promoted me to the sixth grade. Christ, people, read a book! Originally Posted by Abraham
Hence, the reason we homeschool.
Str8.2, I was in the 5th grade in 1955 before the NEA and dumbing down of the schools. (I really was taught this stuff in the 5th grade.)More power to you. Missing 1, 2 or even 3 of all of them I guess is not too bad. Any more than that though is shameful.
Ya I only missed a few and I'm 36. I think I learned it in social studies in the 6th grade though. I was surprised it was so easy. I heard that test was really hard.