Speeding Tickets

pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos would be the proper way to show your appreciation.
TinMan's Avatar
Did you flash the officer as Berkleigh suggested, or did you happen to get stopped by the gay policeman?
I believe the police man was straight. Perhaps he was having a bad day.
corona's Avatar
So, what ever happened?
Still working on it. Requested court date. Will request extension bc I literally have no time to get there right now. It's sad. This summer is killing me. Yall were right though. If I request and complete deferred adjudication or defensive driving then it won't ever be reported to DPS and I'm good. Slight over panic on my part. I'm silly.
Boltfan's Avatar
Deferred is awesome.
CG2014's Avatar
By the time you've paid an attorney, you could had used that $ to pay off the fine on the ticket or pay a small bond to get deferred adjudication or defensive driving and pay for the defensive driving class.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Ya he wasn't have any of my excuse. Which I can appreciate on some level but in this case I really need to fix it. I'm gonna call an attorney about it today. Tell them why I need it dismissed and see what they say.

Thanks everyone. Especially you and your sexy chachas Miss Berkleigh. Yum. Originally Posted by THN
You dont need an attorney for deffered adjudication. Call the court, number is on your ticket, ask for your options. Typically, you pay the ticket plus a little fee, and if 90 later you have no infractions, it doesnt go on your record.

I must have done this 20 times.
corona's Avatar
You dont need an attorney for deffered adjudication. Call the court, number is on your ticket, ask for your options. Typically, you pay the ticket plus a little fee, and if 90 later you have no infractions, it doesnt go on your record.

I must have done this 20 times. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
I received a ticket from a State trooper on the PGBT in Dallas county. I was elated to learn that Dallas county offers "1 day adjudication".

You go to the court (which is a clerk in a window in a hallway)
Present your violation, request deferred adjudication
Provide proof of insurance and photo ID
Pay the fine for the violation
If you do not get another violation in 1 day, it disappears.

The length of the deferment depends on the locale. This is why you have to call the court to find out your specific options. I was utterly shocked their deferment was 1 day.
CG2014's Avatar
1 day? If someone can't stay out of trouble for 1 day.... then they deserve everything that's coming to them.
Also, not trying to start anything with you, but if you were guilty and indeed were speeding - why not accept responsibility and pay the fine like ever other citizen who breaks the law. If you have a legit reason on why you were speeding I can understand, but if not it really tarnished our judicial system when people blatantly break the law and look for loopholes to escape from paying the fine that's America for ya! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Who the hell is taking responsibility for their actions and not fighting EVERY ticket they get? I have zero tickets on my record, but I've gotten three to five in the last year alone.

The answer to the question is:
1. Hire an attorney that specializes in traffic court. They have people there. They no the tricks, like scheduling your hearing on the cop's day off. This is the favorite and most effective method. Are YOU going to work on your day off?
2. Show up for court and hope the cop doesn't.
3. Request deferred and take the BS course.
tortpicker's Avatar
Deferred adjudication or take defensive driving. Just call the court and ask your options. I haven't had any lately but in the past I had plenty. They usually work with you...they just want your money.
  • DSK
  • 07-26-2016, 10:03 PM
How do you suggest getting out of them? I've read everything from requesting continuence after continuence indefinitely to contacting the officer who wrote you the ticket and ask him to dismiss it.

Anyone have any good ideas? I have to get this ticket dismissed. Like HAVE to. Originally Posted by THN
How in the heck are you going to contact the officer who wrote you a ticket?

Is there some directory so everyone can call the cops who wrote them tickets/or busted them for [prohibited topic] can get them to change their mind?

Buy a good radar detector!!!
Show your B( o )( o )B's !!!!

Works for me!
True Story!
The officer who pulled me over for speeding 92mph in my dealer car actually wanted my Plastic Surgeon's info so he could buy a pair for his wife

...and then I drove away with no ticket
Originally Posted by berkleigh
The only intelligent response in this thread, you're awesome girl!